Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2216: Stand up

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The earth splitting art is a taboo art of the palace family, which the ancestors left behind.

Since the fall of the ancestors, no one has been able to fully cultivate it. The current homeowner's talent is excellent, but it is just barely cultivated to the first level.

Even so, he fully urged the first level of the Earth Splitting Divine Skills, and he needed to pay enough.

On weekdays, the master of the palace family will not perform the magic of splitting the ground at all.

But at this time, he had no choice but to do so.


Watching the cave collapse and the boulders explode, a grin smile appeared on the face of the palace's head.

"This time, I see how you escape?"

"Homeowner, presumably the kid must be dead. The power of the Earth Splitter is so powerful that he can't resist it. Besides, he is breaking through the unity, interrupted by the homeowner, and he will be hit hard." The elder said with a smile.

The master of the Gong family nodded and said in a deep voice: "Give me the boulder, and live to see the dead and the dead."

His hatred for Chen Chen is too deep.

Gong Yu, his only son, died in the hands of Fang Chen, and he wished to frustrate Fang Chen.

Moreover, he had to see Fang Chen's body with his own eyes to be sure that he was dead.

"Yes, the owner."

The elders in the united state began to clean up the boulders and search for Fang Chen's body under the order of the owner.


Suddenly, a calm wind appeared in the calm void.

Immediately afterwards, the color of the world changed, and the sound of shaking occurred within the boulder.


After the shock, the violent to the ultimate power suddenly emerged from the boulder.

"not good."

The elders in the united state of the Gong family shouted badly and retreated one after another.

However, it was too late and the wild forces wrapped them all and flew directly.

A miserable cry came, and several weak elders in a unified state, all in awkwardness, were obviously hit hard.

"what happened?"

The head of the Gong family was stunned, and his dark eyes immediately stared at the shaking boulder.


The violent to extreme power swept through, and the boulder instantly turned into powder.

A figure burst out of it, rising from the sky, the breath was strong to the extreme.


Immediately, he stayed in the air for only a second, and landed heavily on the ground, dusty, and the earth sank a little.

"You are not dead?"

This time, it was the turn of the Gongjia head who was surprised. He could not imagine that he suffered a full blow from his ground splitting divine art, the impact unity was destroyed, and he could still stand in front of him alive.

"Is it because of the natural pattern of natural order?"

Fang Chen feels that there is plenty of power in his body, and within the sea of ​​qi, there is a glimpse of the spring, and he diligently flows out of the original power.

"Is this the God Spring?"

Fang Chen murmured, his face full of smiles.

Originally in the final stage of condensing the Shenquan, some problems suddenly appeared, but because of the beautiful assists of the Gong family heads, they directly let them condense the Shenquan.

Every martial warrior in the united realm will have a divine spring within Qihai.

The Divine Spring is the source of the Martial Power. The Divine Spring is broken, and the power disappears.

Condensed out of the Shenquan, it means that Fang Chen officially entered the unity.

"It feels a little different."

Fang Chen was a little surprised that the magic spring transformed by the natural pattern of the gods was very different from the ordinary spring.

According to the records in the book, after the ordinary martial arts warrior stepped into the united realm, the condensed **** spring was about the size of a thumb and the color was dark.

And the Shenquan in his qi sea, full of fists laughing, black with some purple.

The larger the Divine Spring, the stronger the power.

After a short period of surprise, Fang Chen knew that all these were the benefits brought to him by the natural pattern of God.

"It is worthy of the natural pattern of natural order."

Fang Chen clenched his fists, ecstatic in his heart.

The celestial order of natural order can become the legendary existence of chaotic void, which must have its truth.

Not only is it helpful to the warrior when in the divine realm, even when stepping into the united realm, it is also very helpful.

Just when Fang Chen thought about it, a discordant voice interrupted his thinking.

Fang Chen raised his head slightly and looked at the palace owner with a smile.

Seen by Fang Chen's eyes, the palace owner felt a trace of fright in his heart.

"Why should I be afraid of him? He's afraid that I'm too late. Just broke into the unity state, the state is still unstable, and the battle is quick and fast.

The master of the Gong family thought to himself, his body was agitated, ready to shoot.

"I said……"

Fang Chen paused a little, and continued: "I want to destroy your palace and bury it for Qingqing."

"Huh, whispering words, just like your rubbish, and want to destroy our palace? It's ridiculous." The elder sneered directly.

The elders in the other unity are also staring at Fang Chen with anger, hoping to suppress them now.

"Is it a rant, you will know in a moment." Fang Chenfeng said lightly.

The scene eight months ago flashed back in his mind.

His eyes were sharper and more aggressive.

"Boy, let you escape eight months ago, you will definitely die today."

The master of the palace said coldly.

"is it?"

Fang Chen shook his head and sneered, as if looking at the clown, looking at the palace owner.

"Eight months ago, what did I cultivate?" Fang Chen asked.

"God Realm."

Fang Chen pointed to his body and said, "Now, eight months later, I have stepped into the unity. Although you want to destroy in the middle, my life is tough and I finally succeeded."

"I was able to deal with you when I was in Divine Realm. After I stepped into the united realm, how much the fighting power has improved, I don't even know myself." Fang Chen grinned: "However, I will soon know. "

Up to now, there is nothing to say.

"Go together and kill him."

The elder elder snorted, led other elders in one unity, surrounded Fang Chen's regiments, and also exhibited the palace's unique ability.

"too weak."

Seeing the attack from the crowd, Fang Chen shook his head gently.

If you switch to eight months ago, you may dodge. Now, however, it is not necessary at all.


With just one punch, he directly smashed the head of the elder, and the elders of the other unity of the unity retreated back one after another.


More than a dozen punches were blown in a row, and punched to the flesh.

Almost in a thunderbolt, these dozens of punches bombarded dozens of elders in one unity.


Wherever the fist passes, the miserable cries endlessly.

Bang Bang Bang!

More than a dozen elders in one state, all fell to the ground.

At this time, Fang Chen's dark eyes looked at the palace head again, and he didn't even have time to react.

"You are going to die."

The owner of the Gong family said, gnashing his teeth.

"I will kill all the elders of the palace under your eyelids. How can you bear me?" Fang Chen spread his hand.

"Fracture of the Earth."

The master of the Gong family was furious, and the sky screamed again, and he once again exhibited the magic of splitting the ground.


The earth trembles and shows signs of cracking. Soon those cracks converged under Fang Chen's feet.

The violent force came out of the earth and wanted to invade Fang Chen's body.

"I said that the day when I stepped into the unity was the day of the destruction of your palace." Fang Chen said: "Now, I will complete my promise."

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Chen's foot stomped, jumped forward, and came to the front of the palace.


It was another punch, which hit the main house of the palace fiercely.

The latter's ground splitting magic was directly broken by it, and his body flew out.

"How can it be?"

The head of the Gong family couldn't believe that Fang Chen's strength would rise to this level.

"Earth crack, the earth cracks."

The master of the Gong family did not believe in evil, and roared with a death blow.

Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword and exhibited the invisible sword technique.

The magical spring in the Qihai surging, the endless power, penetrated into the Xingyin sword.

Suddenly, a transparent sword light, quietly shot out, pierced the void, and shot straight into the chest of the palace owner.

"Do not……"

The house owner of the palace extended his palm and wanted to speak, but could not make a sound.

His body is leaning back, he desperately wants to stabilize his body, but he can't do it.

He never dreamed that the guy who was fleeing under his own hands eight months ago actually beheaded himself today.

"Knife ... less, no, let go, yours!"

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