Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2217: You are not qualified

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Absorbing the **** pattern of the natural order, it is destined to Fang Chen's life, it must not be ordinary.

From now on, from the beginning of unity, he has embarked on an unprecedented path. As for whether there will be anyone coming later, it depends on his ability.

"It's just a devil in the sword. If he dares to appear now, I will cut off his head with a sword and avenge the master."

Fang Chen snorted coldly.

Fang Chen at this moment embodies an incomparable domineering.

After stepping into the unity, his strength skyrocketed, and he was able to sweep the warrior of the universe **** level.

Therefore, he has no fear of anyone and has an invincible heart.

He glanced at the head of the Gong family, then put away his Xu Mijie, and slowly left the cold forest.

Fang Chen has always been very committed. He said that if he wants to wash the house of the blood and avenge his youth, then he must do it.

"Eight months."

After walking out of the cold forest, Fang Chen murmured to himself.


Sword God Sect, the main peak.

The demon in the sword's face was very gloomy, and just received a summons from the palace owner before he died.

"Gang Yu's idiot, Fang Chen came to Dao Shenzong territory, he didn't tell me, but wanted to make a contribution himself?"

The curse in the knife cursed, "Now, not only is this idiot dead, but even the house owner has been killed."

In fact, after receiving the news, Dao Zhong Mo was still shocked.

Even if he is, when facing the head of the palace, he dare not say that he can be killed 100%, Fang Chen actually did it.

The only explanation is that he broke into the unity.

"I really want to know how strong the fighting power of the owner of the natural order **** pattern is after entering the unity?"

Said the devil in the knife.

After thinking for a moment, Dao Zhong Mo turned around and left the main peak, summoned some elders in a united state, and went to the border town.

"Although your strength has skyrocketed and killed the palace master, this is the territory of the Sword God Sect, and it is my devil's territory.

Mohan said in his sword that he wanted to kill Fang Chen after entering the magic city.

But now it seems that Fang Chen's threat is getting bigger and bigger, and he must be beheaded in the territory of Dao Shenzong.


Frontier town.

Fang Chen dragged the Xingyin sword and walked on the street step by step.

His body exudes a terrifying breath, all the warriors have evaded wherever he passed.

Soon, he came to the palace house.

Stopped and looked up. On the golden plaque above the luxurious mansion, the word Gong was written.

Seeing these two words, Fang Chen grinned.

"Since then, at Wu Gongjia."

Although Fang Chen's voice was small, everyone present was a cosmic **** and heard it in an instant.

There was an uproar in the entire border town.

"Is this guy crazy? Dare to provoke the Gong family?"

"Look at it, the strong man who came out of the palace and family united is his death."

"Look, what is he doing?"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Suddenly, everyone found that Fang Chen slowly raised the sword in his hand, the whole body was agitated, and he suddenly slashed the sword in the middle of the palace mansion.


A deafening voice came from the palace.

The dazzling light burst out of the star hidden sword. When the Xingyin sword was split in the palace's mansion, it seemed to cut tofu. With a click, the palace's mansion was divided into two.

Suddenly, a miserable cry came from the palace house.

At the same time, the sound of breaking the sky came.

Over the palace house, many children of the palace house looked at Fang Chen with glaring eyes.

"Who dares to come to the palace to make trouble?"

The one headed is the ultimate warrior of the **** pattern realm. The owner and the elder of the unity realm are no longer. He temporarily presides over the overall situation.

"The Gong family, there is no need to exist."

Fang Chen said lightly.

"Come on, do you know what you're talking about? Believe it or not, my palace killed you in minutes?"

The warrior of the **** pattern headed by the head screamed.

Fang Chen shook his head, his face full of ridicule.

call out!

Xingyin sword hacked out again, and with a bang, some blood mist appeared in the void. The Sacred Realm Warrior who spoke before died directly.

"God, did he actually kill the palace family?"

Everyone in the border town was shocked.

The children of the Gong family in the air were also staring at Fang Chen in shock.

"I said, there is no need for the Gong family."

Seemingly not wanting to waste time, Fang Chen walked towards the embarrassed palace family step by step.

Invisible swordsmanship, the fourth move.

call out!

The unimaginable offensive force bombarded the palace.

Suddenly, the entire palace house became a sea of ​​fire, and the sword spirit raged, and all the people of the palace house were instantly annihilated.

Even if there is no warrior in one unit, how can he resist Fang Chen's attack?

Deafening voices are never heard.

There was a great shock throughout the border town.

The energy fluctuations in the air spread instantly.

The warriors in the town have been scared silly. This is the most powerful combat power they have ever seen. One sword destroys the palace residence. How strong is this swordsman?


At the same time, in the wasteland outside the border town, the elder Dao Shenzong, headed by the demon in the sword, appeared slightly embarrassed from the void.

Their faces changed slightly, and they said in a deep voice: "Damn, someone destroyed the teleportation array, causing our teleportation to be interrupted."

Seeing that the telecom was coming, the teleport burst and the teleport was interrupted. Fortunately, this teleportation array was established by the Sovereign Sect Master himself. As the person of the Sword Divine Sect, he freely escaped from the destroyed teleportation array.

"There are energy fluctuations in the border town, it must be Fang Chen."

Suddenly, the magic black eyes in the knife stared at the remote town in the distance, and said in a deep voice.

"This guy is too arrogant and actually destroyed the whole palace."

"This is the territory of Dao Shenzong. He is hitting us in the face of Dao Shenzong. He must behead him."

"Yes, pass now."

For a time, several elders of Dao Shenzong filled with indignation.

Under the leadership of Daozhong Mo, he quickly came to the border town.

When they saw the palace house that was drowned by the sea of ​​fire, they were also a little surprised.

"Fang Chen."

The demon in the sword had sharp eyes, and at once he discovered Fang Chen, who was carrying the Xingyin sword and was about to leave.

Hearing this, Fang Chen stopped and turned to look at the demon in the sword.

"Do you dare to come to our sword Shenzong territory?"

The sword said in a cold voice, and his inner anger was burning.

"The thief, since you stepped into the territory of Dao Shenzong, then you should never leave."

"Although the Gong family is very weak, after all, it is the power of our sword **** sect territory. It is sheltered by our sword **** sect. You are so open to destroy them.

"Presumably, didn't the mysterious strongman behind you come? I want to see, how do you escape today?"

Faced with the scolding of the elders of Dao Shenzong, Fang Chen didn't care.

With a smile on his face, he said: "The Lord of the Sword God wants to kill me, his finger is cut off. The people of the palace family want to kill me, and you see it. As a result, if you want to kill me, do you also die ready?"

"Do you think you can cover the sky with one hand if you break into the unity?" Dao Zhong said in a deep voice.

"Then what do you think of you?" Fang Chen's attitude is arrogant, and he doesn't take the magic of the sword into his eyes at all.

Eight months ago, maybe the devil in the sword had a fight against him, but he missed it.

Eight months later, the devil in the knife was just a ants in his eyes.

"Dying to the end, I still dare to speak out loud and see how I suppress you."

One of the elders, unable to bear the arrogance of Fang Chen, Thunder shot.


A simple sword directly splits the elder's body in half.

"To kill me, you must be prepared for death."

Fang Chen repeated this sentence.

"Go together."

Sword Zhongmo shouted, and several elders shot with him to deal with Fang Chen.

Fang Chen's gaze swept across several people of Dao Shenzong, and then exhibited the innocent sword technique.

call out!

The sword light came out and the head fell.

In just one round, three elders in one unit were beheaded.

"How could he be so strong?"

The eyes of the devil in the sword are full of complex looks.

"His strength is too strong, we are not his opponent, you go quickly, we will cover you."

An elder pushed the demon out of the sword, and rushed to Fang Chen's body in a rear view, wanting to die with him.

"You guys are not good enough."

The world was terrified, ghosts and gods wept, and the scene was bloody.

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