Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2218: Defeat projection

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Sword after sword, the sword light flooded the entire border town like a spray.

The elders who besieged Fang Chen died under Fang Chen's sword.

At this moment, Fang Chen's momentum is unparalleled, just like the rebirth of the God of War, holding the Star Hidden Sword in his hand and standing under the starry sky, with the belief of invincibility.


After the sword killed the last elder, Fang Chen's eyes fell on the demon in the sword that had escaped from Zekai Town.

The latter fled in embarrassment, his face full of horror.

He was so regretful in his heart, why didn't he kill this son when he was in Dongxuan grand meeting?

"Want to go?"

Fang Chen sneered, the time and space collapse technique was performed, and the foot stomped, and instantly disappeared in the border town.

The miserable breath filled the entire border town.

On the streets, there were corpses all over, and blood was flowing into the river.

The palace's mansion directly turned into ashes.

Many warriors who survived after the disaster tremble in their hearts, and the days in the border town have changed. Starting today, the Gong family will become history.

In their hearts, a turbulent wave was set off.

Also wondering, who is this guy with a long sword?

Dare to dare to kill the palace house on the site of Dao Shenzong, even the elders of the united state of Dao Shenzong, ruthlessly beheaded.

Outside the border town, in a blink of an eye, Fang Chen caught up with the demon in the sword.

In the past, the demon in the sword was also qualified to be his opponent.

But now, he doesn't even have the qualification to bring his shoes.

The eyes of the demon in the sword are full of complex looks. After being blocked by Fang Chen, he said with a cold voice: "Fang Chen, are you really going to kill them? This is the Sect of the God of the Sword. Will let you go. "


Fang Chen snorted, disdainful.

"The war between the two of us should be placed in the magic city. I advise you not to act rashly."

While speaking, a jade symbol appeared in the palm of the devil in the sword.

"Want to notify Sword God Sect Master?"

Fang Chen has guessed that the Sword in the Devil must have been sent to the Sword Lord Sect Master, and he cannot stay here for long. Otherwise, when the Sovereign of the Sword God arrives, even if he is stronger, he cannot escape.

call out!

In Fang Chen's eyes, without any kindness, he directly thrust a sword at the demon.

The latter roared wildly, clicking and crushing the jade symbol in his hand.


The violent breath diffused instantly, directly above the demon's head in the sword, condensing a projection.


Almost at the same time, the transparent sword light exploded inside the Xingyin sword came to the demon in the sword. It's just that the Sovereign of the Sword God appeared above his head, stretched out his fingers, and instantly clamped the transparent sword light.

Immediately, the transparent Jianguang shattered.

"Dare to slaughter Dao Shenzong in my Dao Shenzong territory, you are looking for death." Dao Shenzong Lord's projection said coldly.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, and his face returned to calmness.

His dark eyes stared at the projection of Sword God Sect, and he sneered, disdainful: "If your deity came, I might be afraid. However, if you are thinking of projection, do you want to keep the devil in the sword?"

Intentional projection, this is a kind of protection for the devil of the sword **** against the devil in the sword.

At a critical moment, when the demon in the sword crushes the jade amulet, the projection of the Sovereign of the Sword God will come.

However, Fang Chen was completely fearless, the strength of the idea projection was not strong, and with his current strength, he was completely able to defeat it.

"Dare you challenge me?"

The projection of Sword Lord Sect Master wants to scare Fang Chen.

However, he was wrong.

The fourth move of Invisible Swordsmanship is displayed again. The transparent sword light shatters the void and suddenly appears beside the demon in the sword.

"court death."

Sword God Sect Master's idea projection snorted, his figure flashed, and came to the transparent sword light, his palm stretched out to resist.


At this moment, the transparent sword light exploded, and the power of terror directly overwhelmed the projection of Sword God Sect Master.

At the same time, Fang Chen urged the body of Wan Jian to gather the strength of the whole body in the palm of his hand, then slammed several fists, and then performed the innate soul rebellion.

After some bombing, the projection of Sword God Sect Master's idea showed signs of collapse.


The sword saw the devil, shouting in silence.

"Go away."

Sword God Sect Master's idea projected Shen channel, and at the same time, he tried his best to stop Fang Chen's attack.

"Can't escape."

Fang Chen jumped forward and wanted to chase the devil in the sword.

However, the way to go was blocked by the projection of Sword God Sovereign.


Fang Chen's eyes flickered, and once again exhibited his unique skills and terrifying offensive power, directly penetrating the projection projection of Sword God Sect Master.


The projection of ideas suddenly dissipated, and Fang Chen stomped his foot in preparation for chasing the demon in the sword.

However, at this moment, his eyelids were beating and he felt a hint of crisis approaching.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed, and immediately gave up chasing the demon in the sword. His figure flickered and disappeared into the void.


When the time and space collapse technique was used to the extreme, he immediately left the border of the small town.

Soon after Fang Chen left, the violent breath came, and the Lord of the Sword God came out of the cloud, staring down angrily.

"Damn it."

Sword Lord Sect clenched his fists, and his heart was burning with anger.

The lord of the dagger of the **** of the sword, one of Dongxuantian's top strongmen, the idea projection was actually dispelled by a guy in a unified state, which is ** naked shame.

"I am going to kill you."

Sovereign of the Sword God determined that the demon in the sword was fine, and then chased away towards the place where Fang Chen disappeared.

Sword God Sect Master is too fast, only half an hour, has already caught up with Fang Chen.

By this time, Fang Chen had come to the edge of the Sword God Sect's territory. As long as he moved a little further, he would enter the Wuji Sect Sect.

Feeling the violent breath of Sword God Sect Master, Fang Chen secretly transmitted a sound to Jian Wuji.

"Boy, you are dead."

Behind him came the roar of Sword God Sect Master, Fang Chen stepped into the Promise of Wuji Sect without hesitation.

It was also at this time that the Sect Master of the Sword God came through the void in an instant, and his big hand reached out, and the power of terror swept through, directly locking Fang Chen's figure in mid-air.


Sword God Sect Master's eyes are full of cold killing intent.

"Old knife, stop."

In the void, there was a thunderous sound, followed by the distant sky, a bright sword light, shattered from the void, with a bang, blocked in front of Sword God Sect Master.


Jianguang exploded, briefly blocking the path of Sword God Sect Master.

Just as the Sword God Sect Master was about to continue his hands, Sword Promise had arrived.

He happened to be looking for some treasures of heaven and earth nearby, and just got Fang Chen's summons, and hurried over immediately.

"Old knife, what do you mean?" Jian Wuji said in a deep voice, a little unhappy on his face.

"Huh, he broke into the territory of Dao Shenzong unauthorizedly, slaughtered the house full of palaces, and also killed several elders of Dao Shenzong. If I didn't kill him, how would Dao Shenzong stand in Dongxuantian? Road.

"Fang Chen is a disciple of my Promise Sword Sect, and I want to move him while you are there." Jian Wuji directly stated.

Just kidding, Fang Chen's potential is the first in the history of Promise Sword Sect, he doesn't want to protect it.

"There is definitely a reason for destroying the palace. I believe that Fang Chen will not kill innocents for no reason. As for the elders of your sword Shenzong, who died in the hands of Fang Chen, they can only blame them for their poor learning. Dao Shenzong also killed many of our disciples of Promise Sword Sect. I have kept one eye open and one eye closed for the fight among the juniors. With the gentleman. "

Hearing the words, the face of Sword God Sect was thoroughly gloomy.

His eyes flickered, staring at Jian Wuji, and said, "Are you sure you want this?"

Jian Wuji turned his head to Fang Chen, "You will know Jianzong first."


"I'm fine, you go back first." Jian Wuji said.

Fang Chen nodded, stopped, and turned away.

After Fang Chen left, Jian Wuji's face showed a sneer.

"Old man, I haven't done it for a long time. It seems that I can move my muscles again today." Jian Wuji said.


Fierce fighting erupted instantly.

Within a thousand miles, the momentum is like a rainbow.

No one knows who is fighting here. They only know that the strength of the fighting people is too strong.

This battle lasted for seven days and seven nights.

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