Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2219: Brothers meet

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Promise Sword Sect, seven days later.

Fang Chen saw Sword Promise in Neizong, and the latter was slightly embarrassed.

"Sect Master, are you okay?"

Fang Chen hurriedly approached Jian Wuji to the stone bench in the courtyard, a look of surprise on his face.

"I'm fine."

Sword Promise: "The strength of the old sword is much stronger than I thought. Fortunately, in recent years, my sword has made some achievements, otherwise it will definitely be defeated this time."

Hearing Jian Wuji's words, Fang Chen's heart was also full of surprises.

"But you can rest assured that as long as you are in the territory of my Promise Sword Sect, he would not dare to kill you." Jian Wuji Road.

"Thank you for your help," Fang Chen said with a fist.

After a slow rest, Jian Wuji asked: "Yes, what do you do in the territory of Sword God Sect?"

Fang Chen told Jian Wuji all of his ins and outs to the territory of Dao Shenzong, and the latter nodded and smiled with satisfaction: "It's good, break up and stand up. After breaking through to the unity state, your strength looks at the level of the unity state. Is it hard to find an opponent? "

Fang Chen nodded. After the evolution of the Divine Mark of Innate Order into the Divine Spring, it is much larger than the Divine Spring of the ordinary martial warriors.

Therefore, his strength is also very strong, just break through to the unity, you can open the killing ring.

"Originally, I was still worried. You have a natural pattern of order, and you have some difficulties in evolving Shenquan. Now it seems that I think too much." Jian Wuji said with relief.

The magic city is about to open, and Fang Chen's cultivation step into the unity, which is good news for the Promise Sword Sect.

"Sect Master, when will the magic city open?" Fang Chen asked.

Speaking of the magic city, Jian Wuji's face also changed a bit.

"The magic city is already in the process of opening, but every time it is opened, the time interval is different, and you need to wait patiently." Jian Wuji said: "According to previous experience, the magic city can be opened up to a year, now It's also almost a year. During this time, don't go out, stay in Jianzong to consolidate and repair. "

"I know." Fang Chen nodded.

However, deep down in his heart, he couldn't let go of Bi Qingqing's death.

He attributed all these responsibilities to himself, thinking he was late, causing Bi Qingqing to fall, and he was very regretful.

Therefore, it would be necessary to destroy the palace house, and even some elders of the united realm of the Sword God Sect.

"Sect Master, do you know the magic city?" Fang Chen asked suddenly.

So far, his knowledge of the magic city has come from won, and he knows nothing about it.

"The magic city has existed for a very long time, but at the beginning, the magic city did not attract too much attention, and it was only a very ordinary place." Jian Wuji said: "It's just that later, because of the fall of Heavenly Saint Demon Venerable , The magic city has undergone earth-shaking changes. The environment there has become extremely bad, and because everyone wants to get the inheritance of the heavenly demon, countless powerful people go to the magic city successively. "

Speaking of which, Jian Wuji paused a little, and continued: "However, when they entered, they discovered that all this was a dead situation involving Heavenly Saint Demon Venerable, and all the powerful men who wanted to inherit his heritage all fell. Over time, the magic city is inherited everywhere. In the end, the magic city was directly blocked. After exploring the strong stars of our virtual star, we finally mastered some means. Every time the magic city is opened, we can send some outstanding geniuses to grind. . "

Fang Chen shook his heart, and did not expect that there was such a story in the magic city.

Why did Venerable Heaven set a dead end, kill countless powerful men, and then block the entire magic city?

Even though he racked his brain, he couldn't understand it, and finally his eyes fell on Jian Wuji.

"The inside of the magic city is not what you can imagine. Since the endless years, many warriors who have entered the magic city have not come out. We suspect that they are still alive, but just do n’t want to come out." Jian Wuji said: "So, you enter this time The Magic City will not only encounter the outstanding arrogance of the other three days, but may even meet some of the former strong men. "

The meaning of Sword Promise is obvious, that is the trip to the magic city, the danger is abnormal, you must be cautious, so that you can win a ray of vitality.

Of course, danger is directly proportional to opportunity.

Although the magic city is dangerous, there are opportunities everywhere.

Many people enter the magic city, they are running to the inheritance of the heavenly demon deity. If they can get their inheritance, their future achievements may even surpass the powerful people such as the galaxy ancestors. With a wave of the palm, the entire sky will be Follow orders.

Of course, all this is still far away from Fang Chen.

Jian Wuji and Fang Chen talked for a while and then left. As for what is in the magic city, he is not very clear.

The rules in the magic city are too tyrannical, and even if they forcibly enter it, there is only a dead end.


In a blink of an eye, one year has passed since the end of the Dongxuan Festival, and the Magic City has not yet fully opened.

The five selected disciples are waiting inside.

During this period, Fang Chen received the communication from the little mice and came to the northwest area of ​​the Promise Sword Sect's territory, a hill called the psychedelic mountain, which merged with them.

"Boss, what do you think of our psychedelic mountain?"

With a smile on his face, the little mouse said excitedly.

Fang Chen looked around. This psychedelic mountain was steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Moreover, on the top of the mountain, the original power was very rich and it was suitable for practice.

"You are the king here?"

Fang Chen raised his eyelids and asked with a smile.

"After leaving the Promise Sword Sect, we have been wandering in this area, often fighting, and the strength has also improved quickly. Now all of us have reached the peak of the **** pattern realm, but we are stuck in the bottleneck and cannot break into the unity realm "" Little Zodiac.

"After some thoughts, we decided to find a place to practice quietly. It happened to find the psychedelic mountain. Originally there was a warrior in the early unity of the psychedelic mountain, but we were sent away by five of us. Since then, we have occupied the mountain as king, and when we are bored, we go to rob the rich and help the poor. It is also a pleasure. "Xiao Haidao.

The pangolin on the side is still very calm.

After the strength reached the peak of the **** pattern realm, the pangolin's perverted defense was fully displayed.

Among the five of them, only the little rat's Devourer's physique is super strong and can compete with the pangolin. As for Xiao Huang, Xiao Hai, and the old **** stick, their three brothers, if they compete with the pangolin for their physical defense, they can only find abuse.

"Some time ago, the boss was killing the Quartet at the Dongxuan Sheng meeting, and it sounded very good to hear. I learned that the boss might enter the magic city in the near future, so I specially called you the boss here and gathered with us five. "Pangolin Road.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded gently.

Sitting cross-legged, taking out the wine from the Sumiya ring, the five good brothers sang to the wine.

On this day, a scent of fragrance came from the psychedelic mountain.

Many warriors passing by here are wondering who the **** they are doing so wildly on the psychedelic mountain.

However, none of this matters.

After drinking the three tours, Fang Chen ’s eyes swept the five of them, and then he said with a deep voice: "The magic city is a rare cultivation holy place. I have the opportunity to take the five of you in. Your opinion. "

"Boss, really?"

The mouse is very excited, he loves to be lively, especially after hearing the legends of the magic city, he is even more fascinated.

Fang Chen focused on his head. If it was a year ago, he would not be sure.

However, everything has changed since he stepped into the united realm and he possessed the Divine Spring.

Inside the Divine Spring, there is a space for themselves. You can hide the five of them in the Divine Spring, use the power of the Divine Spring to hide their breath, so that they can be mixed into the Magic City.

Of course, Fang Chen also tried it, only plant monks or beast monks can.

Shenquan cannot pretend to be a living monk.

"Hahaha, if we can, we will naturally be willing."

"Yes, that's the Magic City. I want to go in when I dream."

The five guys are very excited, and have spent a long time in Dongxuantian, knowing that their strength is too bad, and urgently need to improve their strength.

"Come and come, let's drink. After drinking, I will take you back to Wuji Sect." Fang Chen said with a smile.

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