Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2240: You need my help

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A blue phantom heard words, a vicissitudes of color appeared on the illusory face.

Immediately, he shook his head and sighed: "I was injured so heavily that the Yuanshen almost collapsed. Even now, I only use the Yinling Spring to stretch and pant. If it is not for the help of your natural order gods, I can't keep it up at all. "

How difficult is it to resurrect such a strong man?

So much that even the blue phantom doesn't believe it himself, and it will appear one day.

So, he shook his head and stopped talking.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen no longer asked, but changed the subject and chatted with Blue Virtual Shadow about other things.

For three days and three nights, Fang Chen learned a lot about the magic city here in the blue phantom, much more complicated than they said.

Three days later, Fang Chen said goodbye to the blue ghost.


The blue phantom collapsed in Yinling Spring and fell into a deep sleep.

Fang Chen bowed slightly to Yinling Spring, then turned and left.

After returning to the Giant Axe Gang, Fang Chen directly found a quiet place and released them.

"Boss, did you find Lingquan milk?"

The little mouse asked eagerly.

Fang Chen nodded, his heart moved, and there was a rich Lingquan milk in his palm. Then he put a drop of Lingquan milk into the mouth of the old **** stick.

Suddenly, the effect of Lingquan milk spread.

In a blink of an eye, the face of the old **** stick became extremely rosy.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen continued to swallow Lingquan milk to the old **** stick, and soon swallowed him 50 drops of Lingquan milk.

"If I go, can Lingquan milk be eaten like this?"

The stone axe on the side was full of surprise.

Originally thought that the possibility of Fang Chen getting Lingquan milk is very small, even if it is obtained, it is estimated to be one or two drops.

But now, he actually fed fifty drops to Lao Shen Bang in one breath. This is because Lao Shen Bang's body can't bear it, otherwise, there will be more Lingquan Milk.

"How much Lingquan milk did this kid get?"

The heart of the stone axe thought secretly, and a flash of hotness flashed in his eyes.


After the old **** stick swallowed a lot of spirit spring milk, the rich spirit spring breath diffused instantly and completely wrapped the body of the old **** stick.

In an instant, the old **** stick turned into a body, and the broken towering trees rushed into the sky.

The body of the old **** stick released a trembling breath.

"Lao Shen stick's injury is better?"

The little mouse and others, with wide eyes, stared at the old **** stick.

At this moment, the old **** stick, the breath on the body, constantly rising, seems to be impacting the unity.


The movements made by the towering trees have alarmed the whole giant axe gang, and many members of the giant axe gang looked at each other.

"what happened?"

"So what happened?"

Under the towering tree, Fang Chen's face, with a touch of smile, the efficacy of Lingquan milk is much stronger than he thought.

Usually one drop is very precious, he swallowed fifty drops to the old **** stick in one breath, enough to make it impact the unity.


Inside the towering tree, there was a deafening voice.

The old **** stick hit the unity, hardly encountering any obstacles.

Soon, the huge body of the old **** stick gradually shrunk, and finally turned into a human form, appeared in front of Fang Chen.

"Boss, the effect of this Lingquan milk is too strong?"

Lao Shen stick said excitedly.

Four of them, the little mouse, looked at the old **** stick intently.

"Are you at oneness?" The little mouse asked.

"Yes, my boss gave me the spring milk, not only made me recover from my injuries, but also broke through the bottleneck in one breath and reached the unity state, hahaha." The old **** stick is very happy.

However, the four of them are a little unhappy.

"Shut down, I'm going to shock the unity."

The four of them are obviously stimulated by the old magic stick.

After discussing with Fang Chen, they decided to go out and do some work. It's been a long time since I was stuck in the peak of the **** pattern realm. Without enough pressure, I can't break through to the unity realm.

"You be more careful," Fang Chen urged.

"Boss, don't worry. Isn't this the old **** stick secretly protecting us? Besides, the warriors in the magic city and cultivation base are all suppressed in oneness, even if their level of martial arts perception is high? What about us four? The talent is superb, and the combination is enough to protect yourself. "

After hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded gently, and finally saw the five guys leave.

At this time, the stone axe king came to Fang Chen with a smile.

"Fang Chen."

The stone axe king said, "I didn't expect you to get Lingquan milk, and you get so much at once."

"Help the Lord, just say anything." Fang Chen said.

The stone axe king said embarrassedly: "I hope you can give me a drop of Lingquan milk. I can exchange that cultivation resource with you. How do you think?"

Stone Axe Wang Sheng was afraid that Fang Chen would not agree, and looked at Fang Chen anxiously.

"Just about it?"

Fang Chen was stunned and said immediately: "I still have a big reason why, just a drop of Lingquan milk, I count it as a gift."

The stone axe king is very good to himself, every drop of Lingquan milk, don't hesitate to give it away.


Stone Axe shouted excitedly.

At the moment, Fang Chen gave a drop of Lingquan milk to the Stone Axe King, who was ecstatic.

"Your boy, how much Lingquan milk did you get?" The stone axe king's eyes widened and asked after staring at Lingquan milk.

"Not much." Fang Chen shrugged. He couldn't always say that he had taken away the Lingquan milk in Yinling Spring, right?


After taking control of Yinling Spring, Fang Chen felt that the level of his perception of martial arts seemed to have increased a bit.

He is ready to temporarily stay in the giant axe to stabilize his martial sense, and by the way, see if he can improve again.

However, the quiet days passed quickly.

Half a month after returning to the giant axe, the stone axe king left something.

That night, Fang Chen encountered a sneak attack.

call out!

In the dark night sky, a cold light suddenly appeared, which contained a trembling breath.

If it weren't for Fang Chen to evade in time, this cold light could definitely penetrate his chest.


After Fang Chen stabilized his body, he stared at the dark figure on the opposite side.

"The one who killed you."

Black Shadow snorted and continued to show his tricks.

"Mid-day opening?"

The fifth move of invisible swordsmanship was instantly displayed, and the breath of Shura Kendo swept the whole earth.

A dazzling and terrifying sword light appeared quietly on the shadow of Chest.

"not good."

Seeing the black shadow, his body retreated. But after all, he still underestimated Fang Chen's strength.


Transparent Jianguang pierced through the shadow of the head.

"Palace ... wrong."

His face was full of regret, and his body fell slowly to the ground.

Fang Chen walked in front of him and checked it slightly to confirm the identity of the person.

"People in the Heavenly Eye Palace?"

Suddenly, Fang Chen's eyes flashed cold.

"Master of the Eye Palace."

It must be the Master of the Heavenly Eye Palace. This person must pay attention, and only he will send someone to assassinate himself.

"Unfortunately, you are wrong."

Fang Chen's dark eyes stared at the sky, and said lowly.

At the same time, inside the eye palace.

Holding a jade jade in the hands of the Master of Tianyan Palace, he walked around the palace, waiting for good news.

"According to the time speculation, it should be almost successful?" Tianyan Palace Master said to himself: "I deliberately opened the stone axe king, and with the strength of Xiaolan, I can definitely kill it quietly."

However, when the Master of the Eye-Eye Palace secretly thought about it, suddenly the jade jade in his hand snapped open.


Suddenly, the face of Heavenly Eye Palace changed greatly, and a cold killing intention flashed in his eyes.


The first reaction of the Master Tianyan Palace was that Xiaolan was discovered by the members of the Giant Axe Gang and then fell.

"Damn it."

The Master of the Eye-Eye Palace snorted coldly, and immediately transmitted the sound to his men.

"Xiaolan's mission failed, it may have stunned the giant axe gang, execute the second set of plans." Tianyan Palace master said darkly. "I don't believe it, you can escape my palm."


The eerie wind blew slowly.

Suddenly, the temperature inside the palace dropped sharply, giving a very cold feeling.


The Heavenly Eye Palace Master said in a deep voice.

In the palace, there was no movement, just as the Sky-Eye Palace Master was about to perform his third eye search, a hoarse voice came.

"You, need my help."

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