Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2241: Consecutive assassinations

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Within the magic city, there are many crises.

However, Fang Chen has the Divine Spring Pearl and can control the Yinling Spring as he pleases. This is definitely a killer skill for him.

If the Heavenly Eye Palace is stubborn, he does n’t mind enticing them to Yinling Spring, and then slaughtering them all.

Now Fang Chen, Budo has become formal, and basically need not worry too much.

The most regrettable thing is that the soul stone has been exhausted, otherwise, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to practice innate soul rejuvenation.

As for the dragon demon body training, it is also constantly tempering, as long as the opportunity is found, breakthrough is not a problem.

Now Fang Chen, the only center of gravity is Shura Kendo. Just after getting started, you can create such a fierce and overbearing move like the fifth invisible swordsmanship.

If you can take full control of Shura Kendo, that's okay?

During this time, Fang Chen has been practicing quietly. Recently, his strength has improved too fast and needs some accumulation.

However, what he did not expect was that the first wave of assassination failed in the Tianyan Palace. Seven days had passed, and the second wave of assassination came.

Under the dark night sky, there is a round of meniscus, illuminating the whole earth, and after the meniscus, there are countless twinkling stars.

Suddenly, Fang Chen opened his eyes.


His ears moved slightly, and he could hear faint sounds around him.

He narrowed his eyes, and Wan Jian realm was quietly released.

Later, he pretended not to find it and continued to practice.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

After waiting for five hours, the sky was almost dawn, and the killer hidden in the dark began to act.

"Can't help it?"

In Fang Chen's eyes, there was a hint of cold color, cold voice.

call out!

Suddenly, the sky fluctuates, a long black whip, carrying a trembling breath, whistles instantly.


Wherever the black long whip passed, the void collapsed directly, and in a blink of an eye the long whip appeared on Fang Chen's back, straight from his heart.

However, when the long whip was about to touch him, Fang Chen's figure suddenly disappeared.

"what happened?"

Hidden in the dark, the two Heavenly Eye Palace Martial Artists' faces changed greatly, and they jumped out of the darkness, carefully looking for the trace of Fang Chen.


Time and space crushing technique was performed, and it appeared behind a certain warrior in an instant. Congenital anti-soul technique attacked the opponent's primal spirit directly, so that its action was blocked.

Immediately, the Shura sword qi was released, the fifth move of the innocent sword technique, after absorbing the violent Shura sword qi, a great power burst out, and the red star hidden sword in the whole body slammed into the person's body.


At this time, another talent reacted, and the other party launched a fierce attack.


The previous man was beheaded by Fang Chen because of his carelessness.

However, the remaining person, whose level of martial arts perception has reached its peak after opening heaven.

In other words, if he is outside, his cultivation base is the pinnacle of heaven.

With Fang Chen's current strength, it is still difficult to deal with the warrior who opened the peak of the sky, but it is easy to escape.

call out!

The time and space collapse technique was performed, and Fang Chen's figure continued to blink, and the person's figure was already pulled away in the blink of an eye.

"Brothers of the Axe Gang, the Heavenly Eye Palace strikes."

Fang Chen's voice contained violent power, spreading throughout the giant axe.

There are not many giant axe disciples themselves, plus some who go out and sharpen, few of them stay at the headquarters.

Moreover, they are usually closed, and if there is not much, they will never go out.

Heavenly Eye Palace also calculated this point before daring to assassinate Fang Chen unscrupulously.

However, at this moment, Fang Chen shouted like this, and immediately awakened several closed-door giant axe disciples.

"What? Heavenly Eye Palace dares to invade my giant axe gang."

"Tianyan Gong is a mess, and Lao Tzu has long seen them as unsightly."

"Kill these guys."

For a time, countless abuses came from the secret room.

Immediately afterwards, several figures appeared in front of Fang Chen, breathing in the air.

"Brothers, this person is a disciple of Tianyan Palace." Fang Chen said hurriedly.


A member of Tianyan Palace who was chasing and killing Fang Chen showed a trace of fear in his face.


Don't think about it, just run away.

"Miscellaneous, still want to go when you come?"

"What do you think of our giant axe?"

The giant axe helps the warrior, with a violent personality. How can he stop seeing the warrior in the Tianyan Palace?

Soon, several giant axe help warriors, began to siege Fang Chen's people.


Tianyan Palace headquarters, inside the palace.

A black-robed warrior, sitting in the Taishi chair, smiled at the Master of the Eye Palace.

The latter was restless and was walking around the palace.

In his palm, there are two jade slips.

"Cooperate with me is your best choice." The black robe warrior grumbled.

The Master of Heavenly Eyes was silent, and seemed to be thinking about something.


Suddenly, the two jade pieces in his hand broke apart.

Suddenly, the face of the Master of the Heavenly Eye Palace became somber, and a strong murderous intention appeared around his body.

"Why? Do you want to personally deal with Fang Chen?" The black robe warrior said jokingly.

"Isn't it possible?" Said Tianyan Palace.

"I bet you can't kill Fang Chen." Black robe warrior said: "Moreover, the stone axe king returned immediately. With his temper, if he knew that you sent someone to attack the giant axe to help the warrior, what would he do?

The black robe warrior seemed to have considered the idea of ​​the Master of the Heavenly Eye Palace and said lightly.

Before the second assassination, the black-robed warrior once said about cooperation.

But Tian Yan Gong is cautious by nature and does not want to cooperate with others at will.

"Now you can see that the warrior you sent is useless. If Fang Chen wants to escape, no one can trace it in the sky. Even if the master of your eye palace does it yourself, it may not be effective." The black robe warrior seems to know the other party very well.

"Have you investigated Fang Chen?"

Master Tianyan Gong frowned: "Who are you?"

The black-robed warrior is very mysterious. Even the Master of the Eye Palace can't see the people in front of him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the most important thing is that we have a common enemy." The black-robed warrior smiled indifferently, and then said: "According to your method, you can't kill Fang Chen. Once you give him time, let go When you grow up, you will be in trouble. So, if you want to behead this child, you must cooperate with us. "


Speaking of this, the black-robed warrior stopped suddenly.

"And what?" Asked Master Tianyan Gong.

"Fang Chen's body is very likely to have Shenquan Pearl." The black robe warrior said one by one.


Master Tianyan Gong heard the words and shouted.

Shenquanzhu is what he dreamed of, and if he could get it, he would not be in this remote place.

Even, it may be inherited by Heavenly Saint Demon Venerable.

Thinking of this, Master Tianyan Gong clenched his fists and struggled with his thoughts.

After a long time, the Master of the Eye-eye Palace stared at the black-robed warrior and said, "I can cooperate with you, but I want Shenquanzhu."

In the mouth of the black-robed warrior, an eerie laughter came out.

"Happy cooperation."

The giant axe.

"Brother Fang, the man of the Heavenly Eye Palace, is it for you?" Several warriors from the Giant Axe Gang, after beheading the Heavenly Eye Palace's warriors, looked at Fang Chen and asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Every Tianyan Palace, and dare to come to my giant axe to help the wilderness, is really tired and crooked."

"Yeah, our giant axe gang has been too low-key over the years. I told the gang leader that the low-key will be bullied. He doesn't listen. Look at now."

A few martial arts you say me one sentence.

Fang Chen didn't even listen, and he was thinking about how to deal with the assassination of the Heavenly Eye Palace.

"If I hurriedly lure them to the northern ice sheet, they will surely be aware."

Fang Chen thought to himself: "We must lead them to the northern ice sheet only when they can't sit still. After destroying them several assassinations, even if they want to come, even if they are the Lord of the Eyes, I'm afraid they can't sit still?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's face showed a faint smile.

"Since you want to play, then I will play with you enough."

Fang Chen said secretly.

Exactly, during this period of cultivation reached a bottleneck, maybe I could take this opportunity to break through to the late stage of unity and even the peak.

Fang Chen's biggest reliance is Yinling Spring. If he can lure all the warriors of Heavenly Eye Palace to Yinling Spring, they can completely destroy them.

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