Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2265: My brother

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The hatred of Dao Shenzong has never been stronger.

"I am willing to be the running dog of the Qiu family. One day, this hatred will be reported by Fang Chen personally." Fang Chen vowed secretly.

The sword master said aside: "The Qiu family has some business in the virtual star sky. Basically, Dao Shenzong is in charge. Because of the big fish of the Qiu family, Dao Shenzong has always believed that he has the power to unify the entire Eastern Xuantian.

Several elders in the Most Holy Land have also heard of Fang Chen before.

In addition to the scene just seen, the other party Chen appreciated.

A united realm warrior can play against the celestial warrior who opens the sky realm. This alone is enough for Wuji Jianzong to fully cultivate.

"Some of our old guys will not be closed in the near future. We are guarding, and the Dao Shenzong who wants to come will not dare to come." One of the elders in the Holy Land said slowly.

Another elder glanced at Qiu Longyu, who was seriously wounded, and then looked at Fang Chen: "You guys can handle this at will."

After that, several elders in the Holy Land turned and left.

Fang Chen's gaze fell on Qiu Longyu's body, killing all directions.


Qiu Longyu coughed violently and his chest was shaking.

In his eyes, a trace of panic flashed, and he kept receding.

"Fang Chen."

The sword master wanted to stop talking, he wanted to dissuade Fang Chen, the other party was from the Qiu family, and he could not be easily killed.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

Everything is handled by Fang Chen.

Fang Chen walked towards Qiu Longyu step by step and said disdainfully, "Do you have anything to say now?"

"Huh, if you are fighting alone, you have been beheaded by me. You hate that it is a virtual star sky. If it is in my devil killing sky, you don't have to shoot me. As long as I shout, some people help me." Qiu Longyu Shen Channel.

His face was a little pale, but Qiu Longyu still knew that he was defeated.

After hanging up the news of his elder brother Qiu Longtan, his heart was ready for everything.

The shame he suffered required blood to be washed, so he gave his life for it.

Because he is a disciple of the Qiu family.

What can we do now?

Would rather stand and die, not far away.


Fang Chen punched Qiu Longyu on the shoulder with a punch, and the latter's arm was directly broken and blood flew across.


Next, Fang Chen punched again and again, and the powerful force hit Qiu Longyu.

In a blink of an eye, Qiu Longyu's body has become unrecognizable.

"just kill me."

Qiu Longyu shouted frantically. He didn't want to be humiliated, but would rather die.

"I will satisfy your wish."

However, before that, I want to trample down all the dignity in your heart.

The sword master stood quietly, watching all the time.

Half an hour later, Xingyin Jian pierced fiercely into Qiu Longyu's head and claimed his life.

At this point, the Qiu family branch already had two disciples who died in the hands of Fang Chen.

The first is Qiu Longying, and the second is Qiu Longyu.


In the distant sky, it was dark.

Suddenly, a terror vortex appeared in the void.


Qiu Longtan took a step from one of them, and then he didn't make any stop, and his figure flashed directly in the direction of Wuji Sect.

"Brother, don't worry about you."

What Qiu Longtan was most worried about was Qiu Longyu's recklessness, beheaded by the Wuji sword sect.

He has just broken through to the ground, and his understanding of the Most Holy Realm is more thorough, and he is even more in awe.

The strongest in the most holy realm can easily open up the micro universe and create everything.

Their strength is too strong.

Between raising your hand and throwing your feet, you can destroy a warrior like him.

The Promise Sword Sect is one of the top forces of the Void Star, and there are still many powerful players in the Holy Realm.

This is what Qiu Longtan is most worried about.


After walking for about a hundred miles, Qiu Longtan's figure came to an abrupt halt.

He stood silently in the dark void, and his dark eyes became hollow.

His palm shivered and took out the summoning jade, and a strange breath came out from the summoning jade.

"No ... brother."

At the next moment, a painful roar came from the darkness.

Qiu Longtan's body showed a rich and extreme killing intention, and his heart has become extremely crazy.

This communication of Yupei was specially made by the Qiu family, and there is only one possibility for such a strange breath.

That is, the younger brother had fallen, and it was reported that Yu Pei was broken.

What he worried about the most happened, which is also the last thing he wants to see.

He screamed in the sky and vented his emotions.

"My brother."

With tears in Qiu Longtan's eyes.

From a young age to a big one, he lived with his younger brother and stood out from the huge Qiu branch.

Now, he has just broken through to the ground and gained appreciation from the Qiu family headquarters, so he can enter the headquarters for submerged training.

He also vowed to tell his younger brother that he could protect his younger brother in the future.

But now, my brother has fallen.

But I am powerless. This is the most sad thing, and the most hateful thing.

Scenes from a small scene flashed through my mind.

He vaguely remembered that at a very young age, he was punished by a certain elder of the Qiu family and was not allowed to practice.

It was the younger brother who secretly imparted the exercises he got to himself.

To this end, the younger brother was taught a hard meal by the elders.

"Because I am your brother."

How innocent and touching.

"Ah ... I'm not reconciled."

Qiu Longtan shouted like crazy, he was not reconciled, really not reconciled.

If God gave him a chance to be born again, he would rather not have these honors, only to ask his brother to live well.


In the sky, thunder flashed, seemingly responding to Qiu Longtan's anger.

At a certain moment, several warriors nearby sensed the situation here, thinking that the sky descended on the vision, and some treasures were born.

They sneaked close to the place where Qiu Longtan was located, their consciousness spread, inquiring about the visions here.


Qiu Longtan, who was mad, felt that the consciousness swept over him, and his inner anger erupted like a volcanic eruption.

"My brother is dead, and you have to be buried."

Qiu Longtan roared, and immediately grasped with his big hand, a black sword, suddenly cut through the sky, carrying a trembling light, stabbing at the few people who approached.

"Heavenly vision, there must be treasures born here."

"Be careful. I heard someone shouting that there must be big people here. If we provoke big people, we will not be able to walk around."

"What are you afraid of? All three of us have reached the peak of Kaitian Realm, and we can reach the extreme of Kaitian Realm in just one step. It is also just around the corner to break through the ground. If we join forces, even if the ground warrior is here, we also Fearless. "

The three were talking in a whisper.

However, their pattern had just fallen, and suddenly, a dazzling cold light came from the darkness.

"what is this?"

The three of them widened their eyes and looked at the dazzling cold light.

"A strong breath."

"Run away."

Finally, the three felt the danger was approaching, yelling wildly, but also madly fleeing.

However, it is too late.

Qiu Longtan's angry attack changed the magic killing kendo to the point of being a god. Just a sword in the air, he beheaded the three warriors who opened the sky.


These three unlucky guys didn't even know what offended people they were.

After beheading these three people, Qiu Longtan's expression finally recovered.

In his eyes, the murderous intentions are vertical and horizontal, but he has converged a lot.

The more calm, the more terrible, like the darkness before the storm, very depressed.

Holding an inky black sword, suspended in mid-air, his clothes fluttering in the wind.

"My brother and elder brother, I will use this sword with my own hands, and I will kill you all."

After talking, Qiu Longtan disappeared into the darkness.

In the following months, Qiu Longtan seemed to evaporate, and even the people of Qiu's branch could not be reached.

Dong Xuantian, in a dark corner.

Qiu Longtan sat cross-legged, exuding a fierce sword.

His eyes opened, and suddenly two beams of sword light shot through the towering trees in the distance.

Although Qiu Longtan was furious, he was not blind.

In order to avenge his younger brother, he is willing to pay all costs.

If the enemy is in the Promise Sword Sect, if they are blind now, they will inevitably return without success.

Therefore, he wants to avenge himself in his own way, even if he waits a long time for it.

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