Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2266: Dark Lord

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Qiu Longtan has been forbearing all the time. He wants to find the best time. As soon as he shoots, he must kill Fang Chen.

So, he has time, and he waits patiently.

In the past few months, Wuji Jianzong, as usual, was very calm, but when Jianwuji came back, he was slightly angry.

However, Dong Xuantian's three top sects involved too much, knowing that it was caused by Dao Shenzong, but could not say anything.

Once Fang Chen took the lead, it will inevitably trigger the war between the two denominations.

When the time comes, Dongxuan's natural spirits will surely be charcoaled, and Tianqing's survivors will secretly wait for an opportunity to recover.

This is something that Wuji is not willing to see, so he can only leave a long sigh.

Since that day, he has been sitting cross-legged on the Tongtian Stone Pillar, and the consciousness has always enveloped the entire Promise Sword Sect.

As long as someone approaches Wuxi Jianshan, or sneaks into Jianzong, he will be discovered.

However, in the next few months, Dong Xuantian was surprisingly calm.

Sword God Sect.

Three months later, Dao Shenzong welcomed a mysterious guest.

"Sword Lord Sect Master, don't come unharmed."

A warrior shrouded in black light was sitting on the Taishi chair, grinning.

"It's you?"

Sword Lord Sect saw this, and suddenly the whole body was agitated with breath, surrounded by sword gas, ready to shoot.

"Sword God Sect Master, I haven't seen you in so many years, you are still the same temper." The black robe warrior said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Sword Master Sect said coldly.

"I came to find you today, but I don't want to fight you." The black-robed martial artist said: "I heard that one of the elders of Guizong was cut off by the Promise Sword Sect.

Sword God Sect Master put away the War Sword and stared at the Black Robes.

"Fang Xi, the apprentice of Jianwuji, is also your daughter, Fang Chen, your target. She is practicing in Nanxuantian calendar." The black robe warrior said softly.

"Do you think this way, I will let you go?" Sword Lord Sect Master said in a deep voice.

The black-robed warrior stood up and carefully looked at the Sovereign of the Sword God. After a long time, he said: "I thought that the Sovereign of the Sword God should be a man of great spirit. When I saw it today, I was slightly disappointed."

After all, the black warrior will leave.

"and many more."

Sword God Sovereign said.

The black warrior heard a word, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't your Dao Shenzong always want to dominate Dong Xuantian? My Tianqing survivors can help you, as long as you want, we will spare no effort to help you realize this desire." Black robe warrior said.

"What are you doing?" Sovereign Sword God pondered.

"Do you know why the last time our Tianqing survivors launched the World Extermination War?" Black Robes said.

Sovereign of the Sword God was silent. At that time, the Tianqing survivors, the cruel humans, and the beheading of the monks, finally attracted the anger of the sky, and all the strongmen of the Void Star joined forces to encircle and suppress them.

Now, however, Tian Qing's legacy has made a comeback again.

"Actually, the real goal of our Tianqing relics is not the so-called occupation of the virtual star sky at all." The black robe warrior said, "but for a treasure hidden in Dongxuan days."

Seeing that Sword God Sect Master still did not speak or express his attitude, the black robe warrior shrugged. He knew that Sword God Sect Master did not believe his sincerity.

No one in the world can resist the temptation.

There are no absolute enemies, only absolute interests.

As long as the absolute benefit is given to the Sovereign of the Sword God, he will surely be moved.

"Now I, the position of the surviving tribe of Tianqing is the leader of the black demon." The black robe said.

Hearing the words, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Sword God Sect Master.

He did not expect that the latter was actually the dark demon leader of the Tianqing survivors.

There are two main leaders of the Tianqing survivors, the Red Devils and the Black Devils.

These two positions are second only to the patriarch and have a very high status.

The Red Demon Lord has a mission and enters the Magic City. The Dark Lord is responsible for countering other forces and perfecting the plan.

"My words can fully represent the meaning of Tianqing's survivors." The Dark Lord taught: "Do you have anything else to ask?"

"Aren't you trying to occupy the virtual star sky?"

Obviously, Sword God Sect Master is full of disbelief in this sentence.

"Do you know why the virtual star sky is divided into four days from east to west and north and south?" Asked the Dark Lord.

"I know this naturally." Sword God Sect Master said, "A long time ago, there was a stunning and powerful person in the virtual star sky. In just three years, the southern expedition and the Northern War, suppressed the dark turmoil of the virtual star sky. He is called Emperor Xuxuan. After his fall, in order to commemorate his great achievements, future generations deliberately divided the imaginary star sky into the four Xuantian in the east, west, south and north. "

The Dark Lord nodded.

"You are right, but you have overlooked the most important point." The Dark Lord taught: "After the Emperor Xuan Xuan fell, his body was torn apart, and he was completely integrated into every corner of the virtual star sky. He is the most important The part of Xuantiancone, where his legend is inherited, happens to be in Xuantiantian. "


Hearing the words of the Dark Lord Sect Master, the heart of Sword God Sect Master was also extremely shocked.

Xuantiancone is the weapon of Emperor Xuanxuan, but at that time it has a great name.

"The goal of my Celestial Beast is Xuantiancone." The Dark Lord teaches: "You cooperate with us, in the future, the entire Eastern Xuantian will be your Sword God Sect. Our Tianqing Bereavement will immediately receive Xuantiancone Leave the imaginary sky. "

Sovereign of the Sword God looked at the Dark Lord.

The latter said: "Because our Tianqing survivors are just a branch of a huge family. Our ancestors have violated taboos and were expelled from the huge family. The only wish of countless descendants is to return to the family. . And the Xuantian cone of Emperor Xuxuan is our only hope. "

"Okay, I have already spoken here. As for how to choose, it is your business."

After all, the Black Demon Master waved his palm and threw a token to the Sword God Sect Master, and then said: "If you choose to cooperate with us, contact me through this. Of course, we are not afraid of your rejection, because Dongxuan Tianke More than one sect of you. "

Seeing the back of the dark demon leader leaving, Sect Master Sword God fell into contemplation.


Half a month later, several elders who opened the ground quietly left Dongxuantian and went to Nanxuantian.

Sect Master Sword God set a big wind, as long as he left Dong Xuantian, there must be countless lights staring.

If the elders of the Most Holy Realm appear in Nan Xuantian, they will inevitably attract attention.

Therefore, the elders are the best choice.

After thinking for half a month, Sovereign of the Sword God still had no choice.

He decided not to want to do this for the time being, and first captured Fang Chen's daughter Fang Xi, forcing Jian Wuji to hand over Fang Chen.

When the time comes, he can take Fang Chen to the Qiu family branch to blame Jing, maybe he can save the cooperation between them.

Without the support of the Qiu family, how can Dao Shenzong contend with the Promise Sword Sect that is more behind him?

Nan Xuantian, covered with snow all year round, is very cold.

The weak warrior will be frozen Yuanyuanshen a little carelessly.

At this time, on one of the ice plains in Nan Xuantian, Fang Xi, who was dressed as a man, was fighting against several martial warriors in one state with his strong strength.

"It's all in one place."

Fang Xi sneered, the body of Wan Rong was released, and a terrifying breath filled several martial artsmen in one state.


In just a few moments, these martial artists in the middle of the unity have been beheaded.

"The body of Wan Rong has improved again."

Fang Xi's mouth showed a smile.

It has been a long time since I left the Promise Sword Sect.

During this period, she met many well-known powerful people.

Countless killings finally broke through the bottleneck and stepped into the unity.

Now, although she is in the early stage of unity, with the help of Wanrong, she can easily kill the middle stage of unity.

"I don't know what happened to Dad."

Thinking of his father, Fang Xi's heart adored for a while.

Her father is her idol and her goal.

"Huh? Is someone coming again?"

Thinking, suddenly Fang Xi sensed that someone was approaching.

But soon, her pretty face was covered with gloomy colors, "Avatar?"

After discovering that the coming person was a **** of heaven, Fang Xi thought about it and turned to escape, and at the same time shattered the portable jade symbol given by Master Sword Promise.

"Want to go?"

Several elders of Dao Shenzong broke into the ground, sneered, and shot together.

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