Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2270: Rushed to the crown

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For Sword God Sect Master, Fang Chen is a joke. If it were not for the protection of Promise Sword Sect, he would have died countless times.

Life is under the control of others, but dare to say that it stirs up the sword Shenzong and makes his chickens and dogs restless.

But now, after seeing Jian Qi surrounded by Jian Wuji, the face of Sword God Sect was completely gloomy.

Is this ready to start a sectarian war?

"All the time, I have no doubt about the sectarian warfare in Sword Promise, so I don't want to worry about you, but now, you are bullying me. Although Fang Chen is not my disciple, but he is the most outstanding disciple of my Wuji Sect, you If you dare to touch him, the consequences will not be borne by your sword Shenzong. "Jian Wuji said coldly.

Since becoming the Sect Master of Promise Sword, the pressure on his shoulders has been much greater.

Do anything, fear the feet, and consider the interests of Promise Sword Sect.

This time, let him let it go.

In any case, Fang Chen can not be taken away by the Sovereign of the Sword God.

Hearing the words of Sword Promise, the Lord of Sword God laughed, "Sword Promise, are you sure you want to force me to shoot?"

Sword God Sect Master said Fang Chen in his hand, threatening the sword Promise.


However, at this moment, Fang Chen's body, the Divine Spring vibrated, and the violent power suddenly appeared.

Taking advantage of Sword Lord Sect Master's inattention, he broke free from his **** and quickly backed away.

"court death."

Sword Lord Sect saw this, and his big hand reached out, covering Fang Chen.

However, at this moment, an unbelievable sword light instantly penetrated the void and shot at the master of Sword God Sect.


The deafening metal interweaving sound sounded, and the figure of Sword God Sect was forced to retreat, but he stomped violently and rushed towards Fang Chen again.


Furious to the extreme sword energy, rising from the sky, Jian Wuji broke out the strongest power, holding a long sword, and fighting with the sword **** Sect Master.

"Old Sword, you will regret it."

Sect Master Sword God sneered and said disdainfully.

Immediately, he ordered that the elders of the Holy Realm, which had been prepared long ago, shot one after another and captured Fang Chen.

"I want to see, how can you save them?" Sovereign Sword God sneered.

However, on Jian Wuji's face, Gu Jing has no waves, without any waves, it seems that he is not worried about Fang Chen at all.

Below, the elders of the Most Holy Realm of the Sovereign of the Sword God, all besieged Fang Chen.

Fang Xi was worried about his father's safety, but he was protected by the sword master.

"Relax, your father will be fine."

The mission of the sword master this time is to protect Fang Xi.

Fang Chen turned his head and smiled at Xi'er slightly, and then his whole body showed a violent force.

His heart moved, and a token appeared in his palm. The Shura sword in his body surged wildly, preparing to activate the token.

"I've said that, for anyone who works with my daughter, I must make his chickens and dogs restless."

Fang Chen's cold voice came from his mouth.


However, just as Fang Chen was preparing to activate the token, there was a sudden yell and a voice came from a distance.

At the next moment, a dark shadow kept beating and quickly came to Dao Shenzong Square.

"Qiu Longtan?"

After seeing Qiu Longtan, the Sword God Sovereign who was fighting with Jian Wuji took a breath.

Dao Shenzong had business dealings with the Qiu family, and the Dao Shenzong master knew the Qiu family very well.

He knew clearly that the humble guy in front of him had been recognized by the elders of the headquarters and allowed to enter the headquarters to practice.

This represents his bright future.

"Master Longtan."

An old man in the Holy Realm with gray hair, he is the deputy patriarch of the Sword God Sect.

The appearance of Qiu Longtan interrupted their attack, and he looked at each other with a smile.

"He killed my younger brother, and I will remove his head by hand."

Qiu Longtan said in a deep voice.

It is said that the Deputy Sect Master is a little embarrassed. At this time, the Sword God Sect Master who is fighting in the void comes from the voice: "Master Longtan, I captured this kid, and I am dedicated to Master Longtan. No problem. "

With the permission of the Sovereign of the Sword God, the deputy Sect Master waved his palm, and the other elders of the Holy Land retreated.

There is enough space for Qiu Longtan and Fang Chen.

"Qiu Longyu is my brother. We have lived together since childhood. I said I would protect my brother for life. However, you killed him. I will take off your head to sue my brother's spirit in heaven." .

Fang Chen's face was gloomy, and he put the token back in his hand.

He can feel that Qiu Longtan's strength is just to open the ground, there is no need to activate the token.

The valid time of the token is only three minutes, which is used to destroy the elders of the most holy realm.

"It's you alone?"

Fang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, disdainfully said.

"It's just me."

As soon as Qiu Longtan's voice fell, his figure flashed and appeared in front of Fang Chen in an instant.


A roar of tiger roared through the entire Dao Shenzong, deafening.

Qiu Longtan punched out with a punch, but was resisted by Fang Chen's body of Wan Jian.

Then, above his head, the black breath condensed into a huge tiger.

One of the three great talents of the Qiu family, the swallowing world, was exhibited by Qiu Longtan and was extremely powerful.


The black tiger opened his blood basin with a big mouth, as if to swallow Fang Chensheng, a terrible breath swept the whole earth.

"Have your brother not told you? The Qiu family is so talented and useless to me."

Fang Chen said indifferently.

"Nothing is absolute. Do you think all Shura Kendo warriors can ignore my Qiu family's natural talents? You are wrong."

Qiu Longtan sneered, and immediately controlled the huge black tiger, bombarded towards Fang Chen.


The deafening voice runs through the world.

All the disciples in Dao Shenzong were frightened.

Only a few elders in the most holy realm, under the leadership of the deputy suzerain, watched the battle quietly.

As for the sky above, the battle between Sword God Sovereign and Sword Promise gradually slowed down.

The strength of the two is equal, no one can do nothing.

"Sword Promise, as long as I block you, Fang Chen will definitely die." Sword God Sect Master said.

After thinking about this, he no longer took the initiative to attack, as long as he blocked the sword infinitely, and would not let him rescue.

However, Jian Wuji thought the same way.

"Qiu Longtan's cultivation reached a new level, which was not comparable to Fang Chen." Dao Shen Sect Master said: "It seems that Fang Chen died without the Deputy Sect Master's action."

Although some twists and turns appeared in the middle, the final result is still under control.

With a playful look in his eyes, he looked at Jianwuji.

However, the latter still does not worry about Fang Chen's safety.


In the square below, the black tiger carried a trembling breath and rushed directly to Fang Chen's body. The blood basin opened with a big mouth and swallowed Fang Chen in an instant.


Seeing this, Fang Xi yelled in sorrow and rushed over despite his desperation, but was caught by the sword master.

"You have to believe your father." Sword Master Shen said.

However, in fact, he was a little nervous in his heart.

"My brother, I have avenged you."

Seeing Fang Chen swallowed by the black tiger, Qiu Longtan's cold face showed a smile.

Looking up at the sky, he said aloud.


However, his words just fell, and the huge black tiger suddenly exploded and instantly turned into nothingness.

The smoke dispersed, and a figure stood quietly on the square.


Qiu Longtan saw it, his face was full of surprise, and looked at Fang Chen in disbelief.


"If your Qiu family's most powerful sacred realm exerts its power, I may not be able to resist it, but you Qiu Longtan is too weak." Fang Chen said.


Qiu Longtan clenched his fists, and his heart was furious.

He did not expect that Fang Chen's Shura Kendo actually practiced to such a degree.

The Qiu family was gifted with magical powers and was restrained by Fang Chen.

Qiu Longtan directly converged his breath, and no longer displayed his talents, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"Do you think this way I can win Qiu Longtan steadily?"

Qiu Longtan said: "Today, I will let you know how big the difference is between you and the powerhouse."

As soon as the words fell, Qiu Longtan's whole body emerged with a vast atmosphere of demon killing kendo.

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