Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2271: Divine Spring

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Demon Killing Kendo is the Kendo that Qiu Longtan and even the entire Qiu family depend on for survival.

The Qiu family was able to unify the whole devil-killing day because they had mastered the true essence and mystery of the devil-killing kendo.

Although all the sword repairs of Devil Killing Day are practicing Devil Killing Sword.

But the inheritance of the true core, they will never get in touch.

Even Qiu Longtan only knows a little about fur, and the real devil kills Kendo, which is too mysterious.

Talent supernatural power was restrained, Qiu Longtan chose to use swordsmanship to kill Fang Chen.

The combat effectiveness of the powerful in the ground can not be underestimated, and it is simply not comparable to those in the unified state.

call out!

Qiu Longtan's palm waved, and suddenly an earth-shattering sword light, tearing the void, piercing Fang Chen.

"So strong."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, as his body kept receding, he exhibited Shura Kendo.

Shura Kendo, restrain the devil to kill Kendo.


The two great sword lights collided fiercely, Fang Chen's Xiuluo sword light shattered instantly, and Qiu Longtan's demon killing sword light was still strong.

It can also be seen from this point that Qiu Longtan, who opened up the ground, completely crushed Fang Chen in terms of strength.

"Wanjian Realm."

Seeing Demon Killing Jianguang about to pierce his body, Fang Chen urged Wan Jian's realm, and instantly Demon Killing Jianguang fell like a quagmire, and its speed dropped sharply.

At this time, Fang Chen had enough time to adjust his state.


Fists clenched, bursting several fists in a row, striking on Moguang Jianguang, and violently shattered Mosha Jianguang.

Qiu Longtan saw this, narrowed his eyes, and said, "If your capabilities are all this, then this is the end."

At the next moment, Qiu Longtan exhibited a powerful and overbearing sword light, surrounded by **** sword light, and surrounded him. He stepped out, approaching Fang Chen, and fought fiercely with the latter.

The strength of the ground breaking powerhouse is too strong, and Fang Chen is also somewhat unable to resist.

However, the ability to accomplish this step with the unity of realm cultivation has already left countless people dumbfounded.

Even the elders of the Holy Realm of Sword God Sect, they also lamented, but this child is an enemy, otherwise, I really want to be accepted as an apprentice.


After a fierce battle, Fang Chen's body flew out like a shell.

Qiu Longtan was condescending and looked down on some embarrassed Fang Chen, sneeringly: "What are you doing now?"

Thinking of his brother being beheaded by this son, his heart was very angry.

He will not let Fang Chen die easily, but torture him with the most cruel means, let him feel the most painful criminal law in the world, and lose his intuition in pain.

Only in this way can he lift his hatred.


During the speech, Qiu Longtan waved his palm and a sword light shot out.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen's arm was stabbed by the sword light, and a blood hole appeared suddenly, and the blood continued to overflow.

Fang Chen's arm was directly scrapped and hung down.

His forehead was covered with sweat beads and his face was somber to the extreme.

Lifting his head hard, his dark eyes were full of stubbornness and fearlessness.

"The strength of the fighters is too strong."

Fang Chen thought to himself, he still underestimated Qiu Longtan's strength.

It is impossible to use the current cultivation as an enemy.

With a glance at the falling arm, Fang Chen moved his heart, and the lingering spring milk lying inside the Xumi ring dropped into his body drop by drop.

Under his control, he quickly came to the blood hole, where the medicine spread and repaired the blood hole.

Soon, hemostatic.

Fang Chen's arm moved lightly and became aware.


Seeing this scene in the void, Qiu Longtan's face also changed.

His devil killed Jianguang, pierced Fang Chen's arm, and kept the dark energy in the wound. The latter's arm was not only discarded, but also had a feeling of insect bite all over his body, making him desperate.

But now, his arm recovered after blinking?

After a slight loss of voice, Qiu Longtan's face was full of anger, saying: "Huh, do you think that you can resist my attack?"

Fang Chen shook his head, looked at Qiu Longtan, and said, "I am practicing in unity, and resisting your attacks. Are you still talking about this?"

"The process is not important, people often look at the results." Qiu Longtan said, he stepped out to Fang Chen.

"The result? Soon, the result will be completely different from what you think." Fang Chen said.

"Up to now, is it useful to speak the tongue?"

Qiu Longtan sneered, holding a long sword in his hand and slamming it out with a violent sword.

However, at this moment, Fang Chen's body made a deafening sound.

Suddenly, the sky changed suddenly, and the violent breath suddenly filled.

Fang Chen's whole body, wrapped in the force of the violent origin in the nature of heaven and earth, Qiu Longtan's sword light, was also rejected.

"this is……"

Elder of the Most Holy Realm of Dao Shenzong, stared at Fang Chen with wide eyes.

Is it actually going to break through at this time?

There was a hint of joy on the sword master's face, is this the Fang Chen's hole card?

In the sky, the Sovereign of the Sword God who fought against Sword Promise disdainfully said: "What about breaking through to the open sky realm? In the end, the ending cannot be changed."

On the square, Qiu Longtan stared at Fang Chen violently.

When the cosmic **** broke through to the heavenly god, the warrior himself was sheltered by the natural rules of heaven and earth, and if he shot blindly, he would be bitter.

"Huh, even if there is a breakthrough, what can you do?"

Qiu Longtan was full of confidence and believed that even if Fang Chen broke through, he could not be his opponent.

At this moment, Fang Chen's body, all the Lingquan milk, was absorbed by him.


What Fang Chen originally accumulated is enough, but there is only a lack of opportunity.

Now, the opportunity has come, and in the battle with Qiu Longtan, he has completely stabilized his foundation.

He knew that it was time to break through.

More than two hundred drops of Lingquan milk were absorbed by its **** spring at once.

After absorbing the spring water of the spiritual spring, the mad expansion, the violent spring water, constantly surging.

The rules of heaven and earth cover the whole body and baptize Fang Chen's body.

His level of martial arts perception is also rapidly increasing.

This situation ended after about a minute.


When the sky returned to clear, Fang Chen felt full of strength.

He looked inside his own divine spring and suddenly discovered that the divine spring had expanded to boundlessness.

"Do you make your own space?"

Fang Chen murmured.

Although it has been known for a long time that the martial arts openers have evolved into a space in the body, the personal experience still feels incredible.

"Is this Kaitian?"

Heavenly God and Cosmic God are not at the same level.

This breakthrough achieved a qualitative leap, and Fang Chen felt his strength was unprecedentedly powerful.

Because it has just broken through, the space evolved by Shenquan is not yet stable.

However, none of this matters.


With a sigh of breath, a smile appeared on Fang Chen's face.

Slightly controlling the power in his body, he looked up at Qiu Longtan.

"Now?" Fang Chen asked.

"It's just an open world, it's still not my opponent."

Qiu Longtan waved his palms, and the devil killed Jianguang, bursting out instantly, stab at Fang Chen.

"It really is different."

Fang Chen just feels very huge by using the power in his body a little.


It is very easy to resist the magic kill Jianguang, and then shattered.

"When I'm in unity, I can fight with you. Now I step into Kaitian, and you are no different."

Fang Chen sneered, his words full of invincible self-confidence.

"I do not believe."

Qiu Longtan saw this, shouting wildly, his eyes scarlet.

He urged the magic killing of kendo to the extreme, and the magical kendo magic technique was constantly displayed.

The whole person seemed to be integrated into the magic kill sword light, and fought with Fang Chen.


Stepping into the level of the Heavenly God, Fang Chen's strength has increased geometrically.

If the situation is strong, it may not be able to kill.

But Qiu Longtan just broke into the ground and was not his opponent at all.


After a fierce battle, Fang Chen found an opportunity, stepped out, and immediately stepped Qiu Longtan under his feet.


Qiu Longtan spit blood at his mouth, his face pale, and his body struggled desperately.

"I can not be reconciled."

Qiu Longtan shouted wildly and fell into a state of madness.

The contrast is too great for him to accept.

Everyone in Dao Shenzong was full of shocking waves.

Sword Lord Sword Master who fought with Sword Promise, secretly screamed badly, saying, "Save Longtan son quickly."

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