Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2286: Statue interior

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Fang Chen's words just fell, holding a battle axe, and roared out again.

The power of terror, wrapped in an axe, slashed fiercely at the groundbreaker of the Black Snake House.


The ground-breaking warrior has almost no resistance, the defense is shattered, and his head is bombarded with axe.


The whole plain was exclaimed.

Everyone was shocked by Fang Chen's sofa decisively, but the groundbreaking warrior said that killing is killing, is it too domineering?

"Blood Sword Saint, do you dare to kill me Black Snake House Warrior?"

The man in the Black Snake House shouted in anger.

Fang Chen snorted, put away the axe and said: "I have given him a chance, he is not sure."

"Fart, I only saw your blood sword saint cruel and malicious, killing the same people."

Fang Chen was too lazy to explain and said: "I am the twentieth warrior in the battle list. Anyone who insults me must be prepared for death."

Having finished speaking, Fang Chen walked straight to the Tianqing Beast Venerable Valley.

Upon seeing this, everyone clenched their fists, very furious.

"Blood Sword Saint deceives people too much."

"The twentieth place in the fighting list, yuck."

"This time Tianqing Beast Venerable Valley is his land of fall."

Everyone in the Black Snake House has a murderous intention in their hearts.

Soon, Fang Chen entered the Tianqing Beast Venerable Valley.

As soon as I entered the valley, I felt that my body was squeezed, and horrifying forces struck in all directions.

"Is this the Celestial Beast Venerable Valley?"

Fang Chen pondered secretly, and he fell into the darkness after a while.

In addition to the most holy realm strong, the rest of the Tianqing clan entered the valley.

There is a thick fog around the valley, which isolates the detection of consciousness. Even the most powerful in the Holy Land cannot detect the situation inside.

This has given Fang Chen even more convenience. He does not have to avoid the exploration of God's consciousness, and he can kill the warriors of Tianqing's relics with impunity.

For example, a disciple of Black Snake House.

Not long after entering, Fang Chen met the black disciples of the order.


With a single shot, a sword light burst out, killing the disciples of Kaihe Realm in the Black Snake House instantly.

The following time, Fang Chen entered the killing mode.

As long as the warriors who open the sky are encountered, almost all of them are spikes.

At this moment, the advantages of space-time fragmentation are fully revealed.

When he met the warrior who opened the ground in the late stage and even at the peak, he directly avoided it.


One sword after another, one after another Tianqing bereavement, died in the hands of Fang Chen.

The valley of Tianqing's legacy has become Fang Chen's battlefield of killing.

In just one month, more than 700 disciples have died in his hands.

After this period of exploration, Fang Chen knew that in the Sky Qing space, there were about 10,000 people in the Kaitian Realm, about 3,000 people in the Dajing Realm, and 19 people in the Holy Land.

"Continue to kill."

Fang Chen secretly said.

Time passed, and another three months passed.

Fang Chen's killing finally slowed down.

With the increase in the number of deaths, the chance of encountering ground-breaking warriors is increasing, and it is no longer possible to kill as much as you want.

However, because of this, Fang Chen discovered a strange place.

In the middle of the valley, there is a huge statue.

Below this statue, Fang Chen found some clues.

"Dry blood?"

Under the statue, there was a dry blood.

Fang Chen can clearly feel that the blood belongs to the human race.

"Are there any secrets below?"

Nine human warriors died here, indicating that there must be something wrong here.

Fang Chen made up his mind to prepare to explore the secret of this statue.

He walked around the statue.

Then, the consciousness spread and enveloped the statue.

Just then, unexpected things happened.


In Fang Chen's mind, vast powers emerged, forming a powerful mark in the void. An endless stream of power emerged from the imprint, slamming into the statue instantly.


Some cracks appeared around the statue, and gravel chips kept falling down.

At this time, the ghost image of the galaxy ancestors formed.


Fang Chen froze for a moment, and looked at the Xinghe Patriarch incredible.

"This is a mark I have left on you. There is no fighting power, it just senses whether you are still alive." Xinghe Patriarch said.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen relieved.

"Ancestor, what did you find?"

The phantom of the galaxy of the galaxy slowly collapsed, he said in a deep voice: "There is a mortal pool inside this statue. If it is destroyed, it will completely wipe out the Tianqing relic from the root."

"Xunshengchi?" Fang Chen asked.

"I have no time to explain it to you. When my mark was removed from your body, I was already rejected by the statue. All I can do is send you inside the statue."

After that, the phantom of Xinghe Ancestor gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a ray of light, wrapped around Fang Chen, and shot into the crack of the statue.


White light flashed, Fang Chen found himself in a strange place.

"This is the inside of the statue of Celestial Beast Lord?"

Fang Chen's eyes fell on a spring in front of him.

In Quan's eyes, blisters kept blowing. Although he did not know what this was, Fang Chen felt a terrible breath spread.


Fang Chen was a little daunted and retreated.

"What on earth is it possible to destroy Tangshengchi?"

Fang Chen was puzzled. If he acted rashly, he would probably take his own life into it.

So, don't be reckless.


Beyond the valley of Heavenly Beast Venerable, nineteen sacred realm powerhouses gathered together.

They glanced at each other, and then looked at the huge statue in the distance, with a trace of fear in their eyes.

"How are you thinking about it?"

The person who spoke was the real dragon of the magic dragon house.

"I support the magic dragon's proposal. If we can succeed, we will be able to break through the bottleneck and lead the Tianqing survivors to rise again.

"It's good, work hard, even if it fails, it will be at most ten thousand years of cultivation."

"However, once successful, unifying the virtual star sky is just around the corner."

Nineteen of the most powerful in the Holy Land have different opinions.

"Xiangshengchi is of great importance. Before the patriarch exits, we should not act rashly."

"The human race has discovered the shengshengchi. You don't know their means. If the shengshengchi is abandoned, we will die."

"A decision must be made as soon as possible."

For a time, nineteen people argued with each other.

After a while, finally the opinions were unified.

They decided to fight hard. This is an opportunity. Although there is a crisis, if they succeed, they will benefit immensely.

"Okay, let's act together."

After making a decision, the nineteen most holy realm strongmen quickly rushed towards the valley of Tianqing Beast Lord.

At the same time, Fang Chen is in the body of the statue, thinking carefully about how to deal with it.


Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through, and Fang Chen felt a dazzling look outside.


Fang Chen moved slightly in his heart, as if something called him.

"what exactly is it?"

The closer to the place where the dazzling light lies, the greater the inner call, which makes Fang Chen's face extremely dignified.

After coming to the edge of the statue, Fang Chen's body shivered slightly, and the Shura sword could not help but release it.


When Shura's sword gas touched the dazzling light, the power of terror burst out and sucked Fang Chen into it.

In an instant, Fang Chen disappeared inside the statue.

It was at this time that nineteen figures came into the statue one after another.

"Be careful, the ancestral pool can only be controlled by the patriarch, and you will be killed if you are not careful."

The Shengshengchi is the root of the Tianqing survivors and the biggest chance of the Tianqing survivors.

Seeing the boiling spring eyes, the nineteen sacred realm strongmen showed their joyful colors one after another.

"It's worthy of the Shengshengchi, I saw it for the first time."

"I don't know when the patriarch will go out of the border. If I can send me to enter the pool, the danger will be greatly reduced."

"Don't dream, what does Shengshengchi mean to the patriarch, don't you not know?"

"Don't say it, check it quickly."

After the dazzling light dissipated, Fang Chen found that he had come to a strange place.

"Where is this place?"


A faint breath came into Fang Chen's mind.

Suddenly, Fang Chen shouted, "Who are you?"


This idea came out again, intermittently, and Fang Chen couldn't hear clearly.

"Void ... big ..."

"Void, big, what does this mean?"

Fang Chen was talking in his mouth, and suddenly his eyes widened, and he cried out, "Emperor Xuxuan?"

Suddenly, Fang Chen was ecstatic.

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