Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2287: Xuantiancone

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Emperor Xuxuan used to be the king of the virtual star sky, he completed the unification of the virtual star sky.

Even a strong man like Xinghe Patriarch sighed at Emperor Xuxuan.

The reason why the Tianqing survivors are in the virtual star sky is actually because of the inheritance of the Emperor Xuxuan.

"Could it be that the inheritance of Emperor Xuxuan is inside this statue?"

Fang Chen said excitedly: "But it's not right. If so, why would Tianqing's survivors still search on a large scale?"

In a situation where he is puzzled, Fang Chen can only try to communicate that idea.

This idea seems very weak, and it may collapse at any time, Fang Chen communicated carefully.

At the same time, he constantly infused his soul power into this mind.

After a while, this idea was finally able to speak.

"Senior, are you Xuxuan Emperor?" Fang Chen asked straight away.

The thought was silent for a moment, and then said: "Emperor Xuan Xuan is my master, and I am just the weapon of my master's once weapon Xuantiancone."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen shook his heart.

"The master has fallen in endless years, I have been looking for a fate for Xuantiancone." The idea said again.

Fang Chen listened quietly.

"To this day, I finally met you." There was a touch of joy in the voice.

"Senior, where is this place?"

"This is inside Xuantiancone. You must be wondering why you are attracted to Xuantiancone?" The thought said: "Because you have Shura sword energy in your body."

"Sura sword gas?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened and exclaimed.

Subsequently, the explanation of the idea made Fang Chen even more unbelievable.

The founder of Shura Kendo is the Demon Sovereign, and he is actually a disciple of Xu Xuan Emperor.

No wonder, after entering the statue itself, Xuan Tiancong actively glowed and sucked himself into the body.

In this way, all doubts can be explained clearly.

"The fools outside, relying on them, also trying to confuse the inheritance left by the master, is really ridiculous."

The idea taunted, Fang Chen knew that he was talking about Tianqing's survivors.

I want to come, since the endless years, the spirit of the body controls the Xuantian cone, hidden inside the statue, and the Tianqing relics can't find it after racking their brains.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. If Tianqing's survivors know, they are searching hard. For this reason, Xuantiancong, almost destroyed, has never left the space of Tianqing. I don't know how they feel.

"Would you like to be the master of Xuan Tiancong?" Qi Ling said suddenly.

"I do."

Fang Chen froze for a moment and said quickly.

How can this kind of pie drop in the sky be rejected.

That was Xuan Tiancong, the weapon that the Emperor Xuan Xuan once had, before the endless years, left the name of He Weiwei.

"In the Xuantiancone, there is the life-long inheritance of Emperor Xuxuan. If you accept it, you must fulfill the last wish left by the master."

"What is the last wish?"

"Revenge for the master." Qi Lingdao said.

Fang Chen shook his heart, and even the strong man who was afraid of the galaxy's ancestors, who could kill him?

"Who is the enemy of Xu Xuan Emperor?"

Qi Ling was silent for a moment, and then said: "The enemy of Xu Xuan Emperor is very strong. For the time being, you can't touch it at all, and you don't know much, and there is no benefit to you. As long as you promise, you will have revenge in the future. , You can use Xuantiancone to avenge the enemy and avenge the Emperor Xuxuan. "

Wen Yan, Fang Chen nodded, this request is not too much.

"I promise."

"it is good."

Qi Ling was in a happy mood, and turned into a streamer directly, submerged into the void.

At the next moment, a lot of information appeared in Fang Chen's mind.

Fang Chen felt a headache, he held his head in his hands and fainted.

Xuantiancone is merging with Fang Chen's Yuanshen at a slow speed.

Three days later, Fang Chen woke up from a coma.


He was pleasantly surprised to find that he could control Xuan Tiancong by his random actions.

At the same time, all the information about Xuantiancone appeared in his mind.

"Xuantiancone, the grade is unknown."

In fact, it is Fang Chen's current strength, and he cannot see the true rank of Xuan Tiancong.

"Master." Qi Ling said: "The Xuantian cone was damaged in the past, and it has not been fully recovered. The internal strength is close to dryness, so it cannot be used for a long time. Moreover, with your current strength, once you use it, you will The power in the body drains. "

"You can use it once at the Kaitian Realm level, and every time you upgrade a realm, you will be eligible to use it once. Until one day, you have full control of the Xuantiancone and you can use it unlimitedly.

Fang Chen nodded, but did not care too much.

Xuan Tiancone is too strong, and Qi Ling is doing it for him too.

"Also, the inheritance of the old master, you can't trigger it now, improve your strength as soon as possible." Qi Lingdao.

Fang Chen pouted, saying so much, in fact, there is no substantial benefit.

"Master, please be content. Do you know how strong Xuantiancon is alone?" Qiling said. "It is no exaggeration to say that with your current strength and my full cooperation, once the Xuantiancone is urged, it will definitely be able to sweep all the strong men of the Heavenly God Level.

"Swept the gods?"

It is said that Fang Chen is ecstatic, and now he has a chance to use it. If he flies to Tianqing's survivors, do not know how effective it is?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen only remembered Tang Shengchi.

"By the way, do you know Tangshengchi?"

Qi Lingdao: "In fact, it is not a real surviving pool, but a forgery."

"The Celestial Clan is the abandoned man of the Chaos Void Celestial Realm, and the Zongjia's mortal pool is the real mortal pool. Even the old master of the heyday, they dare not resist the mortal pool."

"The Celestial Realm Sect?"

"Master, the chaotic void is too vast, do you know how much? To put it bluntly, this celestial sky is a projectile land, and it is very remote. The Tianqing Realm is located in the center of the Chaos Void, very prosperous, and the Zong family is also the Tianqing Realm. Overlord, if one person comes out of the clan, you can destroy the virtual star sky. The patriarch Tianqing is a person who does not abandon the clan family of the black sky. He was very reluctant after being expelled and wanted to return to the family. "

"It's a pity that after generations of efforts, it still can't be accepted by Zongjia. But this day Qingzun Beast, is the closest to complete the mission, but unfortunately failed at the last moment."

Xuan Tianconi followed the Emperor Xuxuan for a lifetime, and his understanding of the Chaos Void is simply not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"The mortal pool you see is just the simplest to imitate, and it can't play the effect of one millionth of the real mortal pool." Qi Ling said: "Every clan of the Tianqing survivors will enter the mortal pool after death. After the baptism into the Shengchi, he gradually gave birth to ideas, and then resurrected. "

"However, this kind of rule violates the rules of the world, so it was suppressed. Even the clan family will not revive ordinary disciples at will." Qi Lingdao said.

Fang Chen heard the words and nodded gently.

The Tianqing survivors are much more complicated than he thought.

"The fools of the most holy realm outside, actually entered the Shengshengchi baptism, it was stupid enough. They did not even know that if there is no strongman control, the Heavenly God enters the Shengshengchi, the Yuanshen will corrupt you, and the realm will fall. , Was repulsed. "

During the speech, Fang Chen found himself leaving Xuantiancone.

In his palm, Xuantiancone lay abruptly.

Immediately, Fang Chen moved his mind and put Xuan Tiancone away.

"You mean, someone from Tianqing's surviving family has entered the pool of death?" Fang Chen asked.

"Nineteen holy realm idiots have all entered the pool of death. I think at least half of them will die, and the remaining half will be seriously injured if they are not dead." Qi Ling said disdainfully.

Only the first generation ancestors of the Tianqing survivors are the real clan.

In each subsequent generation, the blood of the Clan was flowing in the body, and there were fewer and fewer.

But they are proud of their clan, thinking about returning to the clan all the time.

It is a pity that this goal has stumped generation after generation of powerful members of the Tianqing relics.

After listening to Qi Ling, Fang Chen smirked.

Nineteen of the most powerful in the Sacred Realm all entered the pool of mortal life, and immortality is also a serious injury. Doesn't that mean that they are directly cheaper?

Seemingly seeing Fang Chen's thoughts, Qi Ling directly said: "Master, you are now the disciples of Xu Xuan Emperor. In your capacity, you want to kill these people, it is not the same as cutting vegetables."

"Ten minutes later, they will come out and take care of you at that time."

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