Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2288: Disintegrate easily

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

Sure enough, as Qi Ling said, ten minutes later, a lot of movement took place in Shengshengchi.

The miserable cry came from it.


A skeleton, floating on the surface of the Shengsheng Po, and seven or eight masters at the same time, frightened to escape from the Shengsheng Po.


Several housekeepers who fled into the sky, sitting on the ground with one buttocks, were shocked. === "Dou Po Cang Manga e / cx16 /" ===.

They never dreamed that going to the Shengchi was so dangerous, and they were met with a strong backlash just after they entered, and almost died.

"Dragon is dead."

Of the nineteen sage warriors, only nine came out alive, but they were all embarrassed and seriously injured.

Just as the nine were breathless, a voice came from behind them.

"Dear Lords."

The nine masters turned around and found that it was Fang Chen, relieved, and said: "Blood Sword Saint, quickly **** us nine out of here."

"Yes, if you send us back to the mansion safely, we will give you a great chance."

Fang Chen shook his head and smiled at the Nine Greatest Sacred Realm Powerhouse.

"Blood Sword Saint, what are you laughing at?"

"I laughed that you were too stupid, and actually tried to enter the Shengshengchi baptism, which is really ridiculous." Fang Chen said.

"You ... dare you disobey our orders?"


Fang Chen put a foot on the head of the mansion and said coldly, "What is the order? You don't look in the mirror. What virtue do you dare to threaten me?"

During the talk, the battle axe appeared in his hand. He walked step by step to the front of the nine masters.

"Blood Sword Saint, what are you doing?"

"Blood Sword Saint, do you dare to kill us? Jue Xu Mansion will be wiped out by you."

"threaten me?"

Fang Chen sneered, the threat he was most afraid of was the threat.


The axe rotates, and the head of a Sacred Realm is directly cut off.

"The feeling of beating the strongest in the Holy Realm is really sour." Fang Chen grinned.

Immediately, he held the battle axe and attacked again.

"Blood Sword Saint, why are you doing this?"

The remaining sacred realm strongmen, scarlet eyes, roared in anger.

"Because ... I am a human race."

Fang Chen's last sentence fell, and the Tomahawk carried the power of terror and swept across the crowd.


The strongest in the Ninth Greatest Holy Land all died.


Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, grinned, and then left the statue.

With the help of Qiling, Fang Chen can easily deal with the people of Tianqing's legacy.

It took almost half a month to kill all tens of thousands of Kaitianjing tribes.

As for the tribes of Fangjing, Fang Chen thought of a venomous strategy, deliberately opened a gap in the statue, and then came the news that the inheritance of Emperor Xuan Xuan was in it.

One can imagine how crazy they are.

In just one afternoon, they all rushed into the statue.

After discovering Xiangshengchi, he entered without hesitation, looking for the inheritance of Emperor Xuxuan.

Unsurprisingly, no one can resist the backlash to Shengchi, and all the ground-breaking tribes fell.

Before Fang Chen left the valley, Xuantiancone floated out, emitting a beam of light, which shattered the statue of Tianqing Beast.



After a period of insane attacks, the clan of Tianqing's relics hidden in the virtual star sky have all fallen.

The virtual star has entered a short period of peace.

Ancestor Xinghe and several other powerful men once again gathered together.

"Xinghe, how is it going?"

"Yeah, did that last person fall?"

"If he also falls, our plan will fail completely."

Ancestor Xinghe heard a light smile on his face.

"The last person has not fallen, and the mark I left on him is broken, I already know who he is."

At the beginning, Xinghe Patriarch left the same mark on ten people at the same time.

As long as the imprint is not activated, he will not be able to detect who they are, only to know whether they have fallen.

"who is it?"

Everyone asked curiously.

"Fang Chen."

"Actually he?"

Obviously, these strong men at the same level as the ancestors of Xinghe are not very optimistic about Fang Chen.

They are more optimistic about the other nine people, but the facts are beyond their expectations.

"This guy gave us some surprises again." Several strong men said one after another.

"Hope this guy will succeed."

Just as Xinghe Ancestor was about to speak, suddenly Yu Yupei flashed.

When he heard the voice of Yu Peizhong, he was ecstatic.

"Xinghe, what's wrong?"

"Hahaha, Fang Chen is back."

"What? He came back. Did the plan succeed?"

"No matter whether the plan is successful or not, at least we know the lair of Tianqing's survivors."

"Hurry up and pick him up."

"No, let's go."

Soon, Xinghe Patriarch and others came to the north of the celestial sky.

"See your ancestors, meet your seniors."

"How is it?" Ancestor Xinghe asked eagerly.

"Ancestor, the one in front is the nest of Tianqing's noble family." After a pause, Fang Chen continued: "The disciples are not humiliated and have completed the task. If they don't want to use it long, Tianqing's noble family will be destroyed."

"Completed the task?"

"Quick talk, how did you accomplish the task?"

A few old immortals, increasingly curious.

A martial arts opener completed the task in less than a year. How could they not be surprised.

You should know that when Fang Chen was first elected, the time given to him was ten years, one hundred years, or even a thousand years.

Now, he came out in less than a year.

"I think I should have overrun the task."

Fang Chen said a little embarrassedly after being watched by several pinnacles of the strong stars.

"What corner exceeded the mission?"

Fang Chen adjusted his mood, and then said: "All the tribes of the Heavenly Realm and the Earthly Realm in the Tianqing space have all fallen. Now the Nuo Tiantianqing clan has only one patriarch left. If it is extinguished, Tianqing's survivors will be destroyed naturally. "

"Wait ... you said that all the people who opened the sky and the earth were destroyed by you?" Xinghe Patriarch hurriedly asked.

Fang Chen nodded.

"How is it possible? Your strength, it is very easy to kill the warriors who open the sky realm, and there is not much chance to deal with the warriors who open the realm."

"what happened?"

Fang Chen told everyone what happened.

Of course, he concealed the matter of Xuan Tiancong and Emperor Xuxuan.

After all, Emperor Xuan Xuan is too powerful. Once his heritage is passed on, it will definitely cause shock.

"It turns out so." Xinghe Patriarch nodded, his face full of gratifying smile. "Yes, you can think of using the Shengshengchi, you are smart."

"Hahaha, you have the most credit for this mission. We will give you rewards when we destroy Tianqing's survivors."

"It's not too late to enter Tianqing space quickly, and to suppress Tianqing's patriarch."

On this day, a terrifying battle erupted in the space of Tianqing.

Several strong men standing at the pinnacle of the virtual star sky joined forces to encircle and suppress the patriarch.

Eventually, the chieftain of Tianqing fell, and he was very reluctant. He didn't understand why the retreat closed for a while, the space of Tianqing changed greatly, and why did his tribe fall.

However, no one has solved all these doubts for him.

Tian Qing's remnants fell, and the entire virtual star shook.

When the news spread, all the warriors in the virtual star sky were ecstatic.

The main gates and large banquets celebrated the destruction of Tianqing's survivors.

Xinghe Patriarch and others were at Xinghe Peak, surrounded Fang Chen in the middle, staring at Fang Chen with fiery eyes.

"Boy, destroy Tianqing's survivors, you have the greatest credit."

"Yeah, when you were chosen, Xinghe was also determined to act alone. We don't really believe you. Who would have thought that all nine of them were dead, but you made such a feat."

"It is worthy of the people who come out of the universe of Xinghe. Like Xinghe, they have potential."

For a time, Fang Chen became the sweet and sour in everyone's eyes.

If it were not like the galaxy ancestors, from the galaxy universe, they had been fighting for the apprentices.

"Fang Chen, you did well." Xinghe Patriarch nodded in satisfaction.

Fang Chen did give them a galaxy of galaxy universe, so they can make such achievements at a young age, and the future is infinite.

Hidden in the Xuantian cone inside the Xumi ring, Qiling listened to the galaxy ancestors and others with a cold face, very disdainful.

"Just like you guys, I want to take my master as a disciple."

If the identity of Fang Chen is announced, it will not only shake the virtual star sky, but the entire chaotic void will cause a great storm?

After all, the name of Emperor Xuxuan is very loud.


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