Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2290: Perfect Swordless

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The warrior of the black-and-white universe seemed to realize that something was wrong and rushed here immediately.

Unfortunately, what they saw was the cold body of the Blue Moon universe warrior.

At this time, Fang Chen was talking with Xingyue and others.

"Brother Chen, the warrior of the black and white universe is on the other side, you ..." Xingyue was a little worried about Fang Chen.

Fang Chen shook his head, indicating that it was fine.

The disciples of Xinghe Mansion looked at Fang Chen with fiery eyes, but this was the first legendary mansion in the legend of Xinghe Mansion.

"Fang Chen."

After seeing Fang Chen, the warriors of the black and white universe were also a little surprised.

However, soon a dark smile appeared on their faces.

"A few of you?"

Fang Chen spread his hands and asked with disdain.

"A few of us are enough to deal with you."

Fang Chen shook his head and said: "If there are any lasting wishes, hurry up and say it, otherwise there will be no chance for a while."

The strongest person is nothing more than an extreme warrior who opens the sky. For the current Fang Chen, it is too weak.

With Xuan Tiancong in hand, even if he met the most holy warrior, he retreated with full control.

"You are too arrogant, let me meet you."

A warrior in the black-and-white universe was irritated by Fang Chen. With a sip, Thunder shot.

However, he had just released his strong breath and was split in half by a sword light falling from the sky.

I saw that Fang Chen gently blew a trace of dust on Xingyin's sword, and said casually: "Speak, how do you want to die?"

"How can it be?"

Everyone was trembling and dumbfounded.

Looked at each other and immediately attacked.


Every time the Xingyin sword wields, one person will be killed, and he will wield several times the next year.

This scene shocked all the disciples of the galaxy.

"Master, there is human breath thousands of miles away."

Xuantian cones spirit, news came.

"Yue'er, you are waiting for me here."

After all, Fang Chen's figure flickered, and he didn't enter the void, but before he left, a punch smashed the formation that troubled Xingyue and others.

Thousands of miles away, the Qiu family's groundbreaking martial artists were shocked.

"Why is this guy so strong?"

"He is just a warrior in the early days of Kaitian Realm, why?"

"Don't panic. Although he is powerful, he is at best equivalent to the early stage of the groundbreaking. Several of us joined forces to deal with him more than enough."

Known as the 3rd Brother Warrior, Shen Wen said.


After a moment, Fang Chen came thousands of miles away.

When he found the people of the Qiu family, his dark eyes were filled with cold killing intentions.

"The Qiu family is really stubborn."

Fang Chen stepped out and came to the Qiu family.

"Fang Chen, you killed Longtan, our Qiu family will not let you go."

"Will you let me go?"

Fang Chen snorted, they all paid attention to their wives, and said they would not let go of them?

"Do you think I will let you go?"

Fang Chenhan asked.

"You are just a warrior who opens the sky. We are all warriors who break the ground."


The third layer of Congenital Inverse Soul is also displayed, and at the same time the sixth move of Invisible Sword is also displayed.

The two ace attacks directly overwhelmed the Qiu family, a warrior in the early stage of the groundbreaking.


There is almost no resistance to this, this warrior was beheaded by Fang Chen.

"The Qiu family is too much."

Fang Chen is like killing the god, holding the Xingyin sword in his hand, and walking towards the Qiu family step by step.


The battle erupted in an instant, and chaos was incomparable.

From time to time the outcry of the Qiu Jiawu warriors is heard, Fang Chen occupies an absolute advantage, and the people of the Qiu family are simply unable to fight him.


When Fang Chen took out Xuan Tiancong, the violent power suddenly swept the whole earth, and the few remaining warriors of the Qiu family were directly imprisoned on the spot.


In the most brutal way, Fang Chen used Xuan Tianconi to kill the people of Qiu family.


When the last person of the Qiu family fell, Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, staring at Xuan Tiancong hotly.

"It is indeed the weapon of Emperor Xuxuan, really powerful."

He still casts the Xuantian cone with pure power, and he can smash the Martial Warrior to death.

If the quota is used that time, the power of Xuan Tiancong will explode completely, even the sword Wuji is difficult to resist?


After Fang Chen ’s investigation, it was found that the people of the Qiu family mastered the control center of Xuanyue Jedi and deliberately created a prohibition, trying to lure disciples of Wuji Promise Sect.

Fortunately, he was discovered in time, and then he will be outside.

A few days later, Fang Chen, with Xingyue and others, returned to Promise Sword Sect.

After this incident, Xingyue felt that he broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, opened up a fountain of spirit in Qihai, and reached a united state.

In this way, she directly became a disciple of Nei Zong.

The position of the master of the galaxy was passed to the destruction swordsman.

Over time, the potential disadvantages of destroying swordsmen are gradually exposed.

Not only Xingyue, but many disciples of Xinghe Prefecture surpassed them one by one.

However, the mentality of the devastating swordsman who practiced endless years has been very stable.

He is slowly perceiving martial arts, and at the same time is improving.

His potential has been squeezed out and it is unrealistic to want to improve it in a short time.

Thick and thin, this is his current thinking.

Fang Chen also gave some instructions to destroy the swordsman, leaving the resources he did not need in the galaxy.

Return to Nejong and settle Xingyue.

Fang Chen immediately returned to his residence.

Sitting cross-legged, surrounded by a violent sword spirit, he felt that the bottleneck seemed to be loose.

"Sura Kendo."

Last time, I practiced Shura Kendo to Xiaocheng stage in one breath, and directly created the sixth skill of invisible swordsmanship.

Now, Fang Chen continues to work **** Shura Kendo.

Three months later, Fang Chen practiced Shura Kendo to Dacheng stage.

"Flawless swordsmanship."

While hitting the iron while hot, Fang Chen created the seventh skill of invisible swordsmanship.

This trick is mainly based on Shura Kendo, and it also combines innate soul rebellion. When the sword light attacks, it is accompanied by a soul attack, which is unpredictable.

After creating the seventh move of the innocent sword, Fang Chen's accumulation is sufficient, and the accumulation is thin.


The internal space is constantly expanding, and his cultivation practice spans from the early days of Kaitian Realm to the middle of Kaitian Realm, and then to the later stage.

In the end, Fang Chen's cultivation practice stayed in the late Kaitian Realm.

He could feel that he was only one step away from the limit.

It is a pity that this step blocked him stiffly.

However, he was also content to be able to break through to the late Kaitian Realm.


Opening his eyes, his mouth spit out a cloud of gas, and his face was filled with an excited smile.

After three months of hard work, he accumulated so much that he achieved such an achievement all at once.

"Now, can I also kill the warrior in the middle of the mid-level attack?"

Fang Chen murmured.

In fact, if he explodes all his strength, the warriors in the later stage of the situation can not be compared with it. Even if he is the pinnacle of the situation, he can also fight against one or two.

"However, I always feel the seventh move of invisible swordsmanship, which seems to be flawed."

His instinct tells himself that the seventh skill of invisible swordsmanship is flawed.

He pondered a little, sat cross-legged, and began to study Shura Kendo, and perfected the seventh skill of invisible swordsmanship.

Day after day, year after year.

This time the retreat is more time-consuming than ever.

For three full years, Fang Chen did not step out of the hospital.

In his courtyard, it was often surrounded by a rich and subtle sword energy, which was trembling.

During this period, something happened to the Promise Sword Sect, but Fang Chen didn't know it.

One day after three years, in Fang Chen's courtyard, the sword gas was suddenly in the air.

The horrible atmosphere of kendo, scattered everywhere, shocked Jian Wuji.


Jian Wuji and the others roared and watched Fang Chen's courtyard in the distance.

"what's going on?"

"It should be the end of the retreat. I don't know what level of strength he has raised."

This is what Jian Wuji is most concerned about.


A bright sword light, splitting the void, enveloped the sky above the Promise Sword Sect.

This sword light contains a trembling breath, directly hit the sky, and finally disappeared.

The whole sky was shaking, Promise Sword Mountain could obviously feel the shaking.

"So strong."

Everyone exclaimed.

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