Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2291: Sword Heart Psychic

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Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, directly hitting the sky.

After a long time, Fang Chen's courtyard returned to calm.

Jian Wuji and others quickly came to Fang Chen's courtyard, and suddenly found that he was standing in a daze in the middle of the courtyard.

His whole body was filled with fierce sword energy, giving a feeling of extreme depression.

"do not move."

Just as the sword master and others were about to approach, Jian Wuji made a noise to stop it.

"He has entered the state of sword spirit psychic."

Jian Wuji's eyes were full of hot colors, and he was very excited. He didn't expect this guy to be able to enter the spirit state of Jian Xin.

"Sword heart psychic?"

All the people present were not only kendo practitioners, but they also had a strong sense of kendo.

Sword heart psychic, they could not be more familiar. This is the dream state of every sword repair.

It is said that entering the spirit state of Jian Xin once can withstand hundreds of years of hard work.

Fang Chen is now in a state of psychic spirit.

Sword Master and others who were stopped by Sword Promise stabilized and carefully looked at Fang Chen. Only then did he find that his body shone with a ray of kendo light, and in his heart, dazzling light and heart Outlined.

"Sword heart psychic."

The sword master clenched his fists and was very excited.

"Kendo Wizards, absolute Kendo Wizards."

"I have been practicing hard for thousands of years, and I have never entered the state of Jianxin psychic. I didn't expect Fang Chen to be so young.

"Ashamed, ashamed."

Generally speaking, it is extremely difficult for Jianxiu to enter the spirit state of Jianxin.

Unless, there is a potential against the sky in Kendo.

Obviously, Fang Chen's kendo potential has reached the point of shocking unknowingly.

The breakthrough of Shura Kendo also made him enter the state of Jianxin psychic in one fell swoop.

"I don't know how long he can last?" The sword master asked.

In the history of the Void Star, some people have entered the state of Jianxin psychic, the longest record is an hour.

You know, the state of Jianxin's psychic state is very difficult, even if it is an hour, it is also very good.

"I don't know, but this time of practice, it will surely undergo an essential transformation." Jian Wuji said in a deep voice.

Subsequently, Jian Wuji and others completely blocked Fang Chen's courtyard. Several of them even directly protected Fang Chen, fearing that he would be disturbed by others.

"Sword heart psychic?"

Fang Chen murmured to himself that his mind was full of kendo breath.


The seven little golden men in Yuanshen brandished their long swords and performed the inexhaustible sword technique again and again.

"This is the most perfect form of No. 7 Sword Art."

Fang Chen secretly said that when he just created it before, there were many shortcomings.

However, after countless hours of repeated research, the control of Shura Kendo has reached a very high level.

At this time, the seventh move of invisible swordsmanship also reached the most perfect form.

"The seventh move of Invisible Sword Art has changed a lot, and it seems to be closer to Shura Kendo."

Fang Chen pondered carefully. After a long time, he decided to reshape the first three strokes of the invisible sword technique.

Start thinking when you think about it.


Due to the great improvement of Shura's swordsmanship, this also allowed Fang Chen to dissect the invisible swordsmanship essentially.

First, he split the first three moves separately.

However, from complexity to simplicity, the first three strokes began to be combined.

"The power of the first three strokes is too weak. If the three strokes are combined, the invisible sword technique is perfect."

Thinking of this, he began to integrate the first three strokes. In the whole process, the flow of clouds and water, with almost no obstacles, has been successful.

"So comfortable."

Sword heart is in a state of psychic, which is a rare event in hundreds of millions of years. Practicing kendo in this state is more effective.

After half an hour, Fang Chen completely reshaped the invisible sword technique.

Since the first three moves were merged together, and after joining the Shura Jianqi, there has been a fundamental change. With the four strokes created by Chen Shangchen, there are now a total of five moves for the innocent sword technique.

However, Fang Chen realized that the flawless sword technique had been modified by him, and should not be called this name.

After thinking about it, he finally determined a new name.

Shura swordsmanship!

The current complete swordsmanship is based on Shura Kendo, with the aid of time and space collapse technology. The two combine with each other and walk out a different road.

Next, Fang Chen set out to use the five tricks of Shura swordsmanship, to blend them together and strengthen them again.

The longer the Jianxin psychic state lasts, the greater the warrior's potential in Kendo, and the more he goes against the sky.

Looking at the endless years, the longest in the history of the virtual star sky is only an hour.

However, Fang Chen broke the highest record without knowing it.

Jian Wuji and others looked at Fang Chen stunned.

Their inner shock has reached an incomparable level.

It was really shocking, two hours, this was never thought of before.

"God, how strong is this guy's kendo potential?"

"It seems that we still underestimated his kendo potential before."

"God bless my Promise Sword Sect."

Including Jian Wuji, many high-level executives are ecstatic.

If such a peerless demon, if he can continue to grow, his journey is not a star sky, but a sea of ​​stars.

One day, he can stand on the peak of Kendo.

By that time, he will be qualified to look down on the entire chaotic void.

The Promise Sword Sect will naturally rise with strength.

Two hours, three hours, four hours ...

Suddenly, after a day, Fang Chen was still in the state of being psychic.

The dazzling light of his heart still exists, and everyone's face has returned to calm.

They have sobered up from the shock and looked into Fang Chen's eyes, full of complex looks.

"Don't know how long he can hold on?"

Before Fang Chen, the length of time that Jianxin was in a psychic state was calculated according to time.

Now, however, they have calculated in days.

One can imagine how shocking changes Fang Chen brought.

"The dazzling light at the heart is still very strong. According to my speculation, it can last for at least three days." The sword master said slowly.

"Three days is too long. Even if you look at the chaotic void, few people can stick to three days." Another elder from the Holy Land.

"Yeah, I guess about two days."

A few people said to me, when they were guessing when Fang Chen could wake up from the spirit state of Jianxin.

However, only Sword Wuji remained silent.

However, his eyes had fully revealed what he thought.

In his heart, he has a crazy idea. Can Fang Chen break the historical record of chaotic void and persist for ten days in the state of Jianxin psychic?

So far, the longest recorded psychic state of Jianxin is ten days.

Of course, the chaotic void is too huge, and this record is not necessarily true and accurate.

Jian Wuji is just a hearsay.

However, no matter what, from the depth of his heart, still hope that Fang Chen can persist for ten days, or even longer.

Three days later, the sword master and others were completely stunned.

Their hearts are full of shock.

Five days later, they have completely calmed down, as if Fang Chen was retreating in a closed retreat.

Jian Xin psychic is not considered as one thing at all.

In a flash, nine days have passed.

It takes only one hour to reach ten days. Jian Wuji is calm on the surface, but he is very excited.

"hold onto."

Jian Wuji's heart shouted, he hoped that Fang Chen could persist for ten days.

In this case, his future swordsmanship achievements will inevitably shake the entire chaotic void.

Time ticked off, and when the tenth day came, Jian Wuji jumped up.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen really insisted for ten days, which is incredible.

Who can compare this kind of kendo potential?

In the Promise Sword Sect, vaguely enveloped by a strong sword energy.

Jian Wuji and the construction department looked at each other, and their eyes were full of excitement.


The sword master suddenly called softly.

Jian Wuji nodded, he knew the meaning of the sword master, without any thought: "rest assured, even if it is dead, we must protect the safety of Fang Chen. I immediately contact Xinghe ancestors, unless Qiu's headquarters is dispatched, there will be a clueless Branch, it is absolutely impossible to escape the palm of the galaxy. "

It is said that the sword master focuses on the head.

Fang Chen's status in the Promise Sword Sect is very different now.

The history he created also created infinite hope. He is the future of Promise Sword Sect.

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