Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2292: Nineteen days

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Nineteen days, it lasted for nineteen days.

If this record is propagated, it will definitely cause the vibration of chaotic void.

The moment Fang Chen woke up and blessed his soul, his body had a profound change in the sword energy.

The control of Shura Kendo seems to be more proficient.

"Is it complete?"

Sword heart psychic state for nineteen days, equivalent to years of hard work.

With Fang Chen's swordsmanship potential so high, it is understandable that Shura's swordsmanship reached a state of consummation.

The Xiuluo Kendo of the consummation, let Fang Chen realize what Kendo is.

Asura swordsmanship has reached the point of being natural.

Even the warrior who pushes the limits of the ground, he still wants him to display all five moves.

"There is still follow-up, but I can't realize it with my current swordsmanship." Fang Chen said secretly.

He sensed it carefully, and was surprised to find that the Wanjian field has been expanded to 10,000 meters, and the strength of the field has been strengthened.

It only takes one thought to restrain the warriors who have broken the ground.

It's a pity that Wan Jian's body is still at level 4, and there is no breakthrough. This actually makes Fang Chen somewhat lost.

"Forget it, let it be."

The practice of Wan Jian's body is very difficult in itself. If you want to ascend, you need enough energy.

For the time being, don't want to think about this first, and wait for a chance to improve.

While Fang Chen was thinking about it, he suddenly felt countless fiery eyes. He looked up and suddenly found Jian Wuji and others, his eyes widened and looked at himself.

He touched his cheek subconsciously, and he smiled: "I have no flowers on my face?"

Suddenly, Jian Wuji and others quickly rushed towards Fang Chen, and they looked at the latter seriously, as if to see through the latter.


After a long time, Jian Wuji gave thumbs up to Chen Chen.

Even with his current state of mind, there was a trace of waves in his heart. Fang Chen's actions brought him a visual impact.

"I have been practicing Wujian for hundreds of millions of years, and I have never seen a demon sword repair like you."

In the past, those peculiar evil sword repairs only existed in legends.

Today, however, Jian Wuji finally saw it with his own eyes, and he was also a disciple of Wuji Sword Sect. How could he be unhappy?

"The Sovereign praises the error."

Fang Chen said modestly.

Sword Promise shook his head and said, "You don't need to be humble. With your current swordsmanship potential and looking at the chaotic void, you will attract the attention of the big gate. You deserve this praise."

Sword Wuji highly praised Chen Chen, unable to describe his inner joy with words.

The sword master on the side also kept talking to Fang Chen.

Soon after, the galaxy ancestor came.

He was very excited after learning that Fang Chen persisted for nineteen days in the state of Jianxin psychic.

The whole Promise Sword Sect is filled with joy.

While everyone was celebrating Fang Chen, the latter suddenly received a message and left Wuji Jianzong silently.

Wanmo Island.

Now Wanmo Island has become Fang Chen's back garden.

Under the leadership of Wanmo Island Lord and Mocha, the whole Wanmo Island is flourishing, and even many warriors in one state have appeared.

And the cultivation behavior of Master Wanmo Island has also reached the limit of unity, and only one step is needed to reach Kaitian Realm.

"Island owner, since Jiuxing Golden Dragon Mine suffered a heavy blow, its output is not as good as before. Just a few days ago, I got news that Jiuxing Golden Dragon Mine had bottomed out and it would not be mined in a long time.

In the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons, Moka groaned.

The master of black magic island Wan Modao nodded, his face calm, his hands attached to his back, raised his head and looked at the endless sky.

"I have sent a message to the owner, and I will wait until he comes."

The voice of Lord Wanmodao had just dropped, and his body suddenly shook, and his eyes were hot as he looked into the distance.

A figure walked out of the void.

"Do you have any news for me to come here, is there anything?" Fang Chen asked.

"Master, it's about the Jiuxing Golden Dragon Mine."

Master Wanmodao informed Fang Chen of the nine-star Golden Dragon Mine in detail.

The latter heard the words and nodded gently, then said: "I'll go and see."

"Master, this is your Nine-Star Golden Dragon Ore."

After receiving the Xu Mi ring presented by the owner of Wanmo Island, Fang Chen swept away and found that there were ten billion pieces of nine-star golden dragon ore lying inside.

With a grin, he disappeared on Wanmo Island.

"The host is getting deeper and deeper."

Master Wan Modao thought secretly, thinking that the latter's cultivation practice was not as good as him, but now, he needs to look up.

Lord Wanmodao's heart is more firm, and he follows the footsteps of his master forever.

In the chaotic void not far from Wanmo Island, the place where the nine-star Golden Dragon veins are located.

Fang Chen floats in the sky, looking down, some miners are mining.

I have n’t seen it in a few years. The Jiuling Jinlong vein has a little left. It will be mined in at most three months.

"I don't know what is at the bottom of the nine-star Golden Dragon vein?"

With a move of heart, Fang Chen got into the vein.

A nine-star gold dragon mine appeared out of nowhere, which filled Fang Chen's doubts.

However, he hasn't discovered anything for a long time before. This time, his strength has soared, and he thinks he can explore it more deeply.

In a blink of an eye, I reached the deepest part of the vein.

He used the time and space collapse technique to penetrate the vein and came to the bottom of the vein.

"what is this?"

Fang Chen's heart trembles, the bottom of the vein is a dark void, and the entire vein is suspended in midair.

Two months later, there was only the last large chunk left in the vein.

Fang Chen dismissed the miners and asked them to return to Wanmo Island.

And myself, he personally came to mine this last large ore.

In the past two months, Fang Chen has carefully explored the bottom of the ore veins and discovered some mysteries.

Eventually, his eyes were on the last huge vein.

This is also the only mine vein close to the dark void, Fang Chen is mining one by one.


When he mined to the end, the ore veins suddenly changed.

The huge ore exploded in an instant. Pieces of gravel chips were suddenly in the void, surrounded by a circle. Above the round ore, a colorful color appeared, and a horrible attraction emerged from it. .


Fang Chen screamed badly and wanted to retreat, it was too late.

His body was instantly shrouded in violent attraction, and then disappeared into the colorful ore.

After a while, the colorful ore restored calmness.

If anyone is here, they will find that a five-colored altar composed of ore appears in the place where the nine-star Golden Dragon Mine disappeared.

Fang Chen disappeared from this five-color altar.


The fresh wind blew, cracks appeared in the five-colored altar, and a click sounded.

In a few breaths, the five-colored altar collapsed into nothingness, and the smoke disappeared.

There was a lot of turbulence in this chaotic void, but it soon recovered calm and became dark and dead.

As if nothing has ever happened.

Chaotic void, somewhere.

An old man, riding a **** dog, is playing chess with a stubborn old man.

"Hahaha, you guys, come to me on a big dog ride every time."

The stubborn old man dropped the black spots in his hand on the chessboard and laughed.

This is a dead end, he won.

"How is it? Has my chess skill improved much?" The old man with a stubborn face smiled.

"Don't you see that, did I deliberately make you?" The old man grinned: "Just because of your broken chess skills, my **** can win you."

The old man said this, the old man with a scumbag on his face deliberately sternly said, "It's really boring, I won't play with you."

The old man jumped on the **** dog and was about to leave.

"I'm leaving first, and I'll come to you next time."

However, at this moment, his face suddenly changed slightly.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, the old man with a stubborn face asked quickly.

Although they often quarrel because of playing chess, they are brothers of life and death.


The old man smiled, pinched his fingers, and said to himself.

"what are you saying?"

"Before, when I was traveling, I passed by the celestial sky and found a good swordsman seedling. He gave me a nine-star stone, and I inherited the magic sword's Asura swords and gave him." Old man said.

"and then?"

"Unexpectedly, he actually repaired Shura Kendo to perfection." The old man said with joy: "And, he went to the stars."

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