Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2296: I want to be an elder

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If you didn't see this scene with your own eyes, you would really be touched by the justice and awe-inspiring words of these eight bastards.

"I succumb to your uncle."

Fang Chen's heart couldn't help cursing.

Anyway, it is also the sect of the shadow moon saints, which once became one of the best forces in the congenital realm.

Now that it is actually down to such a degree, it is no wonder that there is no sect to take in yourself, but instead, Yingyue Xianzong takes in so enthusiastically.

It turned out that I couldn't help but spit blood.

"Xiaoyou, I know you can't accept it for a while, but I believe that as long as you stay, you will surely look deeply at my Shadow Moon Sect."

Fang Chen tried to calm down his inner breath and asked, "How many people are there in Shadow Moon Immortal Sect?"

Wen Yan, the elder Zipao smiled and said, "Think back then, we shadow moon fairy ..."

Seeing this old man talking happily, Fang Chen hurriedly stopped. If he was allowed to continue, he would not know what year and month to talk about.

"Say the point."

"Now, I have a total of 19 people in the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect." Elder Zipao said: "With your words, there will be 20 people."

After hearing this, Fang Chen was completely dumbfounded. What sect is this Nima?

Are the outsiders called Huazi better than your clan?

Even this has always claimed to be a descendant of the Shadowmoon Saint, are you worthy of the Shadowmoon Saint?

If the Shadowmoon Saint has spirit, will you spit blood when you see this?

However, this is the end of the matter, what else can be done?

In order to get what he needs, he can only be wronged to join the Shadow Moon Sect.

The appearance of Fang Chen has aroused the attention of the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect. They saw Fang Chen and were very excited, as if they had not seen human beings for a long time.

"Do not touch me."

Seeing someone ecstatic, Fang Chen quickly rushed away.

Lao Tzu is not homosexual, Nima's too scary.

"Fang Chen, this is the lord of our Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, Master Ziyue." Elder Zipao introduced that on the way he came, he knew Fang Chen's name.

"How did you cheat this guy?" Master Ziyue asked directly.

Fang Chen's hair was black, and he couldn't help but refute: "I haven't been deceived. I came to find you Yingyue Xianzong."

"Sect Master, this guy is cultivating nearby, and was entrapped in the Shadow Moon Mountains by the power of the heavenly vision, and the meridians have been abolished, and the internal space is about to collapse. If not, he would have been robbed by other Zongmen.

After briefly explaining the ins and outs of the matter, Master Ziyue nodded slightly.

There is no way. Shadowmoon Immortal Sect wants to continue the inheritance. It must have disciples. Without disciples, it will not be long before it will be cut off.

Therefore, Fang Chen doesn't care anymore. At least he is also a warrior in the realm of heaven.

"Fang Chen, from now on, you are my third disciple of Yingyue Xianzong." Ziyue Shangren said.

After hearing this, Fang Chen couldn't help but have an urge to scold his mother.

"The meaning is before me, there are only two disciples?"

Master Ziyue nodded: "Before you, I have 19 people, 2 disciples, 16 elders, and me.

Almost breathing out an old blood, but Fang Chen still refrained.

"I want to be an elder." Fang Chen said directly.

He came to find energy gems. To be a disciple is too much restraint, it is better to be an elder directly.

If it is possible, by the way, help Yingyue Xianzong.


Who asked them to be related to Emperor Xuxuan?

"Fang Chen, although my Shadow Moon Immortal Sect is declining, but the elders can't just be alone." Master Ziyue said calmly.

Is this Nima fading? Is this about to disband?

"Furthermore, your meridians are broken, the space in your body is unstable, and there will be no progress in the future, so ..."

Fang Chen spread his hands and said: "No need to say anything, I think I am qualified to be an elder."

In fact, Fang Chen didn't want to do this at all, but the situation forced him to do so first.

"Fang Chen, listen to my explanation."

Elder Zipao said anxiously.

"You keep saying that my meridians are broken. Have you ever checked it carefully? I said that the space in my body is unstable, about to break up. Have you ever checked?"

He glanced at everyone, and then said, "None of you have checked it carefully, so I said I am not qualified to be an elder?"

When Fang Chen said this, Master Ziyun was stunned for a moment, and then his consciousness enveloped Fang Chen.

After all, Master Ziyun is the ultimate powerhouse of the most holy realm. If he takes the last step, he can reach the realm of the Profound God.

Therefore, it was soon discovered that Fang Chen's meridians were intact, and the body space was not only stable, but also very vast.


Master Ziyue suddenly froze, "Who said he was a waste?"

"How can it be?"

Elder Zipao and others, with wide eyes, looked at Fang Chen in disbelief.

Are the judgments of the two great gods wrong?

"What's going on?" Elder Zipao asked Fang Chen.

"This is a long story, let me talk about my elders first." Fang Chen shifted the topic.

"Fang Chen, your meridians are not broken, which is a good thing, but elders ..."

As soon as the voice of Master Ziyue fell, he heard a bang, and then a figure flew out, making a miserable cry.

"Is it qualified now?" Fang Chen asked.

Master Ziyue looked at a ground-breaking elder who flew backwards, stunned on the spot.

After a long time, he focused on his head, and then he was ecstatic: "Haha, I have picked up the treasure in Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, and it is just around the corner."

Immediately, he ordered: "From today, Fang Chen will be the elder of Yingzong Xianzong for me."

"Elder Fang, I did not expect that your potential is so strong." The Sect Master said with a smile.

Fang Chen was too lazy to talk to the suzerain, and directly told what he had seen in Shadowmoon Valley.

"What? You came out of Shadowmoon Valley?"

At this moment, the Sect Master was completely shocked, and his face became extremely dignified.

"I saw the dead bones of the Shadowmoon Saints, and at the same time I got something, which seems to be useful to your Shadowmoon Sect." Fang Chendao said.

As Fang Chen took out a amputated finger, Shadow Moon Immortal Sect went up and down, and immediately knelt on the ground.

"Ancestors are on top."

A sound came from behind, and they could be seen. They were very religious.

"Get up," Fang Chen said.

After the Sect Master got up, he looked at Fang Chen's eyes and became more and more hot.

Their Shadow Moon Immortal Sect has ancestral training. Whoever can get the relics of their ancestors can become the next Sect Master of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

This cutoff refers to that the Shadowmoon Saint left them with Shadowmoon Sect.

They have regarded Fang Chen as the young master.

After putting away the broken finger, the Sect Master said: "Elder Fang, you will never forget the great grace and great virtue of the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

"Okay, you see if there is any inheritance here, if you have some, hurry up and practice, and expand the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect as soon as possible." Fang Chen urged.

"Relax, with the guidance of our ancestors, our Shadow Moon Immortal Sect will definitely become stronger quickly."


In an instant, it has been more than half a month to come to Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

During this period, Fang Chen asked a lot about Canglan District.

Fortunately, the forces in Canglan District are not very strong in themselves. Although there are great forces in the mountain gate, the heritage is not as good as Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

Fang Chen aimed at these Xiaozongmen.

There is no energy gem in Shadowmoon Immortal Sect. To obtain it, you must obtain it from other Sects.

For the time being, Shadow Moon Immortal Sect has not yet had the strength to fight against the Sect of the Profound God.

"Secretly included Xiaozongmen and developed Shadow Moon Immortal Zong." Fang Chen said.

A month later, the Sect Master ecstatically found Fang Chen.

"Elder Fang, you found the relics of the ancestors you brought out, and we found the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect lost its mastery. If I practice it, I have confidence to step into the level of the Profound God." The Sect Master said with a smile.

After hearing this, Fang Chen nodded.

This is the most gratifying news I have heard since this time.

If the Sect Master stepped into the level of the Profound God, it would be regarded as the strength of the initial expansion of the mountain range, at least no longer fear the harassment of other Sects.

"Sect Master, you quickly practiced the lost school and stepped into the level of the Profound God as soon as possible." Fang Chen mysteriously said: "The Shadow Moon Saint has given you a little guidance. Only when you step into the level of the Profound God can the plan be implemented. "

"Oh? Can Elder Fang disclose it in advance?" The Sect Master was curious.

Fang Chen shook his head and said, "Buddha said: Unspeakable."

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