Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2297: Conquer Ziyun Mountain

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During this period of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, Fang Chen also communicated with Xuantian Conical Spirit.

"Master, you must not underestimate the background of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect." Qi Lingdao said, "The Shadow Moon Immortal Sect at the peak of the peak period is still very strong, but with the death of the Shadow Moon Saint, abjection."

"Is this too shameful? Are you sure that Shadowmoon Xianzong will usher in a turnaround soon?" Fang Chen asked.

"The master, the mountain gate of the Immortal Sect of Shadow Moon, is occupied by other sect gates. Their details are unknown to the world. If they can recapture the mountain gate, they may be able to get the magic weapon you want."

Moreover, through the conversation with Qi Ling, Fang Chen felt that the latter was very confident in Shadow Moon Sect Master.

It seems that the latter can really break through to the level of the Profound God.

Three months later, a miracle happened.

The Shadow Moon Sect Master, who has been stuck in the bottleneck for hundreds of years, actually broke through to the level of the Profound God. This news shocked the entire Shadow Moon Sect.

All the disciples and elders gathered in front of the main hall, waiting excitedly for the patriarch to exit.


The door of the main hall opened, and the glory of Sect Master Yingyue walked out of it.


Elder Zipao and others were all covered with joy.

Fang Chen could feel that Sect Master Yingyue seemed to be very different from three months ago, and he had an awkward atmosphere even on Fang Chen.

"The inheritance of the Shadowmoon Saints is so powerful?"

"The body of the Shadow Moon Sect contains the blood of the Saint of the Shadow Moon, so it is very consistent with the inheritance, and it is nothing to break through to the level of the Profound God." Qi Lingdao said.

"Elder Fang, thanks to you this time, otherwise, when will you be able to see the rising day of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect?" The Sect Master greeted everyone with a smile, and then came to Fang Chen: "I don't know Elder Fang What is the ancestral guidelines mentioned earlier? "

Others also looked at Fang Chen intently.

Fang Chen smiled, leaned into the ear of Shadow Moon Sect Master, and said: "Merge Xiao Zongmen, strengthen Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, and then recapture the Mountain Gate."

"this one?"

"this one."

Fang Chen nodded, squinting at the face of Sect Master Yingyue.

The latter's face changed a bit, and then he gritted his teeth: "Since the ancestor said so, then do so."

"However, this matter has to be considered long."


Yingyue Xianzong, a simple meeting hall.

Around a long wooden table, stood all the Shadow Moon Immortals.

There is a map on the wooden table with some complicated patterns painted on it.

"There are a total of ninety-one forces in the Canglan District, including forty-nine forces, forty-nine forces, twenty-one, and elite first-class forces." Shadow Moon Sect Master Road, "Our temporary goal is forty. Nine third-rate forces. "

"Sect Master, you can't be sloppy. Behind these third-rate forces, they are complicated. If you are not careful, you will be killed." Elder Zipao reminded.

Sovereign Shadowmoon nodded and said, "Of the forty-nine third-rate forces, forty-two forces have backers. And our goal is the seven small forces without any backers. The other forces don't care about such small forces, but For our Shadow Moon Sect, it is very important. "

Revival is a long process and requires sufficient patience.

After deliberation, it was decided to start with a small ancestor headed by ground breaking.

"It's up to me to personally ..."

Before Master Ziyue finished speaking, he was stopped by Fang Chen. "Sect Master, such small forces, let me take action."

For a moment, Master Ziyue nodded.

The night was dark and the wind was high. Fang Chen was alone and left the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

This is what he asked for. The goal of this trip is called Ziyun Mountain, which is a very small force.

"The owner of Ziyun Mountain, cultivated in the later period of the ground." This was obtained from the information of Immortal Sect of Shadow Moon.

After three hours, Fang Chen came to the area of ​​Ziyun Mountain.

On Ziyun Mountain, the lights were bright, Fang Chen performed the time and space collapse technique, and quietly came to the top of the mountain.

"too weak."

Shaking his head, Fang Chen went straight to Ziyun Mountain's room.

In the room, the fat body of Lord Ziyun Mountain was lying on the bed and was enjoying the joy of fish and water with a young woman.


At this time, the owner of Ziyun Mountain had almost no defense and devoted himself to the young woman.

"This fat pig can also be a mountain owner? Really a dog."

Fang Chen couldn't help complaining, he must immediately change the environment in front of him.

Or, upgrade to cultivation and leave Canglan District.

Fang Chen used the time and space collapse technique, came quietly to the bedside, and at that moment a light flashed.

The owner of Ziyun Mountain on the bed suddenly started and pushed away the young woman in her arms.


The Lord Ziyun Mountain punched hard and bombarded in the void.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's figure was forced out.

"who are you?"

With a wave of his palm, Lord Ziyun put on his clothes, jumped to the ground, and confronted Fang Chen.

"Not bad."

Fang Chen did not answer the words of Lord Ziyun Mountain, hehe laughed.

The miraculous woman on the bed wanted to scream loudly, but found that her throat could not make a sound, and her heart was extremely frightened.

"Dare to destroy the master of the mountain, you are going to die."

The main body of Ziyun Mountain's breath surged and quickly gathered on his fist, then he punched Fang Chen suddenly.


The two fists collided and a deafening voice erupted.

The body of Lord Ziyun couldn't help but step back a few steps. His dark eyes stared at Fang Chen.

"who are you?"

"I am the elder of Yingyue Xianzong. If you surrender and lead Ziyun Mountain to join my Yingyue Xianzong, I can spare you not to die."

"Shadow Moon Sect? Will you spare me?"

As if he heard the most ridiculous joke, Master Ziyun laughed.

call out!

Holding the Xingyin sword in his hand, he quickly waved it out.

In a blink of an eye, five horror sword lights spread out, all aiming at the Master of Ziyun Mountain.


The deafening business is endless, and the movement here is so great that it shocked everyone in Ziyun Mountain.

When they rushed in, they suddenly discovered that the door of the room was open, and the Master of Ziyun Mountain and Fang Chen smiled side by side, and came out with a smile.

"Master, what happened?" Everyone asked.

"It's okay. I have a discussion with Elder Fang." Master Ziyun laughed, "You are just here, I have something to announce."

Everyone looked at Fang Chen suspiciously. Where did this elder come from?

"Starting today, Ziyun Mountain will join Shadowmoon Xianzong."

"Master, why is this?"

Many people disagree, but this is no longer Fang Chen's business.

He let Lord Ziyun solve it by himself. As for whether he would betray, he didn't have to worry at all.

Fang Chen defeated the owner of Ziyun Mountain with great strength, and forced him to make a vow of martial arts.

The martial arts vow is very restrictive for the warriors.

Three days later, Ziyun Mountain quietly joined the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

"Haha, it's worthy of Elder Fang. His shot is amazing."

Although Ziyun Mountain is nothing, it is a good start.

"Elder Fang is really good at opening the sky to cultivate, and he can actually defeat the Lord of Ziyun Mountain."

"Yeah, I have Elder Fang in Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, why don't you worry about rising?"

A few elders said with a smile.

After Fang Chen and Master Ziyun said a few words, he returned directly to his residence.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, spreading his palms, a black ball the size of a thumb, lying round in the palm of his hand.

"Such a small force would have such a treasure."

This bead, called the Soul Pearl, is similar to the Soul Stone.

Fang Chen was worried about having no resources, but unexpectedly got the Soul Pearl.

Congenital Rebellion Soul has already been practiced to the third level, just take this opportunity to improve again.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and began to absorb the soul power inside the soul beads.

At the same time, in front of Ziyun Mountain.

The two ground-breaking warriors looked gloomy and looked at Ziyun Mountain.

"Damn, the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect is one step ahead."

"Isn't Shadow Moon Immortal Sect also for Soul Pearl?" Said another.

"No matter what, I am bound to get the Soul Pearl. If the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect gets it, let him spit it out."

"However, it is said that Master Ziyue broke through to the level of Profound God, we ..."

"Relax, I have my own sense."

Having said that, the two disappeared into the darkness.

The news that Ziyun Mountain was recovered by Yingyue Xianzong still spread in secret.

The eyes of some third-rate forces are also focused on Yingyue Xianzong.

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