Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2321: Are all good things

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The dragon magic formula, the creator should be based on the dragon magic body refining technique, and then through countless improvements, the resulting body refining technique.

Although it can't be compared with the dragon demon body refining technique, it is enough to make many heavenly gods jealous.

But obviously, Qin Yifeng has not yet reached home, otherwise, it is impossible to be so vulnerable.

After searching Qin Yifeng's Xu Mijie, he moved to Jin Shaoyang's Xu Mijie.

To the surprise of Fang Chen, there was nothing in Jin Shaoyang's Xumi ring, and only a token of full weight was placed.

"What is this?"

** Yes, an eagle is drawn on the front and a brocade is written on the back.

"Jinjia's token?"

Fang Chen has some doubts. Why is there only one token in Jin Shaoyang's Xuya ring? Does Jin Shaoyang know that he will die and deliberately put everything else?

It ’s not right, what happens if you do n’t bring something with you?

There should always be a message for Yu Pei? But Xu Mi is empty, which is really puzzling.


After studying the token carefully, nothing was found.

"Master, this token is a special storage space." Qi Ling reminded.

It followed the emperor Xuxuan for a lifetime, recognized the token.

"It looks like it should be the storage space of Jin Family's characteristics." Qi Ling continued: "Jin Family should have a master who is good at refining equipment, and can produce storage space comparable to that of Xumi, which is not bad. However, this kind of special storage space can only be opened if the blood line fits. "

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was a little helpless.

Doesn't it mean that unless someone from the Jin family is used, it's useless for outsiders to get it?

"This Jin Family is worthy of being the first-class force of the 11th National Congress."

Fang Chen said with a deep voice, without thinking about it, the trait token seemed to be inside Xumi.

There are many warriors in Jin Family entering Canglan Castle. If they meet in the future, they can use their blood to open the token.

Later, Fang Chen's eyes looked hotly at the Xu Mi ring of the Puxin ancestor.

The ancestor of Puxin is the eleventh strongest in the holy list. With his strength and strength, he must have the greatest treasure in his precept.


Xumi Jie opened easily, and everything inside was suddenly printed in Fang Chen's eyes.

Compared with Qin Yifeng's Xu Mi ring, the Pu Xin ancestor's Xu Mi ring is obviously much clearer.

"This is the refiner area."

Fang Chen's eyes fell on the area on the left, where the three words of the refining zone were written on the logo.

The materials inside are all rare materials of the refiner.

"this is……"

Fang Chen picked up a piece of yellow wood, and his face was full of excitement.

"Is this the legendary golden wood?"

Fang Chen said excitedly that he soon determined that the yellow wood in his hand was indeed golden wood.

Rumor has it that gold wood and wood of sword have similar functions, and they are all rarer materials for chaotic void.

It's just that the sword wood contains a strong sword spirit, while the gold wood contains a gold breath, which is very sharp.

If the gold wood can be smelted into weapons, the grade will be greatly improved, and even the unique gold attributes of gold wood can be inspired.

"What is this?"

Putting down the golden wood, Fang Chen picked up a piece of dark metal in front of him.

"Hei Jinjin?"

Fang Chen's heart is excited, even if the golden wood, even the Puxin ancestor can even get Heizhenjin.

Heizhenjin does not know how many times it is more precious than gold wood.

It is said that Heizhen Jin is a powerful material specialized in refining chaos-level weapons, which is extremely precious to the Profound God.

If the outside world is known, the existence of Heizhenjin will surely cause a **** storm.

Holding the black vibration gold, Fang Chen's heart is excited, don't look at the size of the slap, so a little black vibration gold can also make a set of armor for Fang Chen, and the rest can be smelted into weapons.

This is the characteristic of black vibration gold, which can be infinitely reduced.

Fearing the inner excitement, Fang Chen put down Hei Zhenjin.

Then, after a rough scan, after being shocked by Hei Zhenjin, seeing other materials, basically there will be no waves in the heart.

Soon, bypassing the refinery area, came to the alchemy area.

"Good guys, some rare materials of alchemy."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, how long did this Puxin ancestor collect before he could collect so many rare materials.

Pick up a herb, which is a rare herb from the outside world.

After searching for a while, Fang Chen found a lilac petal.

"what is this?"

Fang Chen was a little surprised that he had never seen such a petal, but his intuition told him that this petal must be extraordinary.

Moreover, he can clearly feel that there is a strong breath around the petals, and other herbs are afraid to come close.

"When you leave Canglan Castle, find an alchemist and ask."

Although he is also an alchemist, he has little contact and does not know this flower.

After half an hour, Fang Chen basically completed the inspection of the Puxin ancestor's Xuya ring.

In his hand, playing with a black thumb-sized ball, Qi Ling told him that this ball had something to do with His Holiness.

"Master, you imprint your consciousness into the orb." Qi Ling said.

"Is there anything wrong?" Fang Chen asked worriedly.

"Relax, I'm here." Qi Ling said vowedly.

Fang Chen nodded, his consciousness spread, enveloped the ball, and then entered it.


Suddenly, Fang Chen felt strange information pouring into his brain.

He hugged his head in both hands and made a miserable cry, and so much information flooded into his head that his brain hurt.

However, after enduring for a while, it finally got better.

"Cang Yuanzhu."

At the same time, Fang Chen learned about the black ball the size of a thumb.

This bead is called Cangyuan Pearl, but it was made by Master Canglan. There are a total of twelve such beads. If they are gathered together, they can form a twelve Cangyuan array, which is super powerful.

At the same time, this Cang Yuanzhu can also nurture Yuanshen and enhance the state of Yuanshen.

"Good stuff."

Fang Chen grinned, although it was unclear what kind of formation the Twelve Cang Yuan Array was, it was enough to bring Fang Chen excited.

"It seems that if you want to get the inheritance of Sovereign Canglan, you need to gather twelve Cangyuan beads."

Fang Chen said to himself.

Only by condensing the Twelve Cangyuan Array, the inheritance of the Clan Lord Venerable will appear in this world.

According to the information, twelve Cangyuan beads were scattered in every corner of Canglan Castle.

"The ancestor of Puxin is really lucky. It only took him a long time to come into Canglan Castle, and he got the Cang Yuanzhu." Fang Chen said slightly.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Chen put away the Cang Yuanzhu.

The next goal is already very clear.

Find the Cang Yuanzhu, condense the twelve Cangyuan array, and seize the inheritance of the Canglan Venerable.

In the process, it is bound to be intercepted by the strong players of the Holy Command, but martial arts go all the way and move forward bravely.

If you are afraid, how can you pursue the top of martial arts.

"It's time to act."

Fang Chen said slightly.

Below the mountain, several figures are approaching.

"I don't know where Master Shaoyang is, and the summons will not be returned."

"Yes, we have received important information and must report to Master Shaoyang immediately."

"Go, let's go to rest for a while."

Looking at the clothes of the three people, it is the Jin family.

Just as Fang Chen was about to leave, the three martial fighters of the Jin family came to the peak.


After seeing the three people, Fang Chen's eyes lit up.

Jin Shaoyang ’s special storage space cannot be opened, and the blood of the Jin family is needed. Is n’t this person from the existing Jin family?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen smiled and walked towards the three.


The violent breath was instantly released and directly enveloped the three.

"not good."

The three screamed and looked at Fang Chen with vigilance.

"You are the Jin family?"

Fang Chen asked.

"Knowing that we are Jin family members, dare to take action against us? Who are you?" Jin family person Shen Sheng said.

"The storage space of your Jin family needs blood to fit in order to open it. I want to ask you to open it for me."

After all, Fang Chen took out the token.

After seeing the token, the faces of the three Jin families changed greatly.

Immediately: "What's wrong with Master Shaoyang?"

"This is Master Shaoyang's storage space."

"Jin Shaoyang? He wanted to kill me and was killed by me." Fang Chen said indifferently.

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