Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2322: The strangeness of the Jin family

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After seeing the token, Jin Family's face changed greatly.

They burned their own blood directly, and even Fang Chen didn't have time to start, the three of them blew themselves up.


Fang Chen froze for a moment, this matter is a bit strange.

Why did the three of them directly burn their blood and explode after seeing the token?

In such a situation, there is only one possibility, that is, Jin Shaoyang's token has something very important to them.

They were afraid that this thing would fall into the hands of others, so they exploded directly.

In this way, preserve the storage space of Jin Shaoyang?

Fang Chen was holding his chin, his face full of doubts staring at the storage space.

"What is there?"

Fang Chen's eyes are full of hot colors.

It seems that it is still difficult to open the storage space.

"Next time, catch the Jin family first and then talk."

Put away the token and say slightly.


Canglan Castle, southern area.

In a dense forest, countless towering trees stand, and some of the Jin Family's gods gather here to discuss important matters.

"Is the young master contacted?" Asked a groundbreaker.

The headed saint warrior shook his head, his face full of frustration.

They came here just to wait for Jin Shaoyang, but the latter has been unable to contact and did not know what happened.

There is a vague premonition in their hearts.

"Wait a minute, with Master's strength, as long as you don't blame the strong in the Holy List, it should be fine."

After waiting for a while, suddenly the most holy realm headed, his face suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

Several other people saw it and hurriedly asked.

"Ma Wu and the three of them, burning their blood and exploding themselves." The head of the most holy warrior, Shen said.

"What? Burning blood?"

As a Jin family, naturally, what does it mean to burn blood and explode?

Under normal circumstances, even if it explodes, it will not burn sperm blood. At most, it will urge the body to form a collision, and then explode.

"Has the young master an accident?"

Everyone's complexion was extremely gloomy.

Ma Wu burned their blood and exploded, which meant that they saw Jin Shaoyang's storage space.

Jin Shaoyang knows more about what storage space means for the Jin family than anyone else.

If he is alive, the storage space is definitely impossible to lose.

The only explanation is that Jin Shaoyang has fallen.


The martial warrior headed by the Holy Land suddenly blasted a punch and slammed against the tree beside it. The towering tree exploded and fell to the ground.

The other warriors are also angry, and hope that the warriors who have taken away the storage space will shatter tens of thousands of corpses.

"Master's Qiu Yaobao, but the top priority is to find the murderer and retake the storage space."

The saint warrior, headed by the most holy realm, said coldly: "In the storage space, there is the treasure that allows our Jin family to dominate the Canglan area. Once the adulterate gains, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Speaking of which, he paused for a while and continued: "From today, the people of our Jin family cannot be dispersed. If they encounter a person holding a token and are not enemies, they will burn their blood and explode directly. It opens the storage space. "


Fang Chen naturally didn't know that his own actions had caused the Jin family to shake.

He was walking on the barren plain.

In front of me, countless sounds of breaking the sky came, and the sound of sky-long discussion passed into Fang Chen's ears.

"Have you heard? Fairy Yuhua found the Kao's Leaf in the Baihua Valley in front of you. After the news came out, many of the strong players of the Holy Command have already gone.

"The noise is so loud, of course I heard."

"A lot of people go to watch the lively, the real protagonist is the strong leader."

Along the way, Fang Chen heard a lot of news about Baihua Valley, especially Kao's Leaf, which made him a little curious.

"This Xiongtai, do you know, what is the leaf of Kao?" Fang Chen stopped a martial arts opener and asked in a low voice.

"You don't even know Kao's Leaf?"

This warrior stared at Fang Chen with wide eyes.

Fang Chen smiled, and the latter said: "Let's go, let's talk while walking."

Along the way, from the mouth of this warrior, Fang Chen learned all the information of Kaozhiye.

It turned out that Kao's Leaf is a medicinal herb that, when taken alone, can kill human bones.

Moreover, the most important thing is, no matter how many injuries you have, as long as you still have a hint of thought, if you swallow Kao's Leaf, you can get back to life.

The leaf of the king of flowers is the leaf of the king of flowers. Although it is just a leaf, it also caused a great shock.

Fairy Yuhua is bound to win Kao's Leaf. She has already gone into Baihua Valley to find Kao's Leaf.

Other strong players in the Holy List also came one after another.

Of course, because of the occlusive nature of the news, some of the strong men in the top ranks have not yet heard the news because they are far from Baihua Valley.

Yuhua Fairy and others also want to use this time difference to get Kao's Leaf in one fell swoop.

If you let the Canglan Wuhu and other powerful people know, you don't have to think about it, there is no chance for everyone.

Of course, if Kao's Leaf can be refined into a panacea, the effect will be more powerful.

Another point is that it really attracts many warriors.

The elixirs made from the leaves of Kao are called Kao dan, and the most powerful in the Holy Realm swallows this elixirs.

Even the warriors who open the realm and open up the realm can successfully break through if they swallow Hua Wang Dan.

"That's it."

Fang Chen's heart is also a bit tempting.

However, he understands his strength well, and has some gaps with Yuhua Fairy and others.

If you want to get Kao's Leaf, you need to act by chance.

"Look at the situation first."

As you can imagine, the battle for Kao's Leaf must be fierce.

Half a day later, Fang Chen and the martial artist came to Baihua Valley together.

There have been a large number of martial arts here, both open to the realm and open to the realm. As for the strong men of Shengbang, they have already entered the Baihua Valley.

"These mists seem to be illusions."

Fang Chen's attainments in illusion are extremely strong, and at a glance he can see the terrible place of the mist.

"If you don't know much about illusion, or the Yuanshen is too weak, it is difficult to get out of Baihua Valley." Fang Chen said secretly.

Many warriors are watching because of their weak strength.

"I heard that Kao's Leaf is spiritual? It would be great if it was lucky."

Many weak warriors are watching with such a mentality.

They look forward to picking up leaks in the battle of the Holy Command strong men.

"Brother, do you want to go in?"

The warrior on the side whispered and asked: "Forget it. With your strength, you don't even have the qualification to bring shoes. You will definitely die if you go in."


Fang Chen didn't say anything, just looked straight at the mist.

"The mist is good news for me. It is not possible that the strong players of the Holy List are all good at illusion, and I can effectively use these mists." Fang Chen thought to himself.

He is thinking about how to enter the Hundred Flowers Valley and compete with the many powerful players of your Holy List for the leaf of Kao.

"Master, there are thirteen warriors in the Baihua Valley." Qi Lingdao said.

"Thirteen? Not many."

Fang Chen murmured, and then he stepped out and walked towards Baihua Valley.

"Brother, don't go." The warrior shouted loudly, but it was too late.

Many warriors saw a samurai who walked towards the entrance of Baihua Valley, his face covered with ridicule.

"Is this kid an idiot? Everyone in the Valley of Flowers is a strong player in the Holy List. He goes in to find death."

"Huh, a baby who is not so stinky, thinks that if you reach the limit of opening the heavens, can you be invincible?"

"There are so many people who are not afraid of death."

Ignoring the ridicule of everyone, Fang Chen stepped out and entered the Baihua Valley.

Before the mist approached, Fang Chen exhibited a powerful illusion and instantly dispelled the surrounding mist.

"This mist is very powerful, and it also has a certain influence on the most holy warrior." Fang Chen said slightly, his whole body was full of hallucinatory breath, driving out the dense mist.

Under the guidance of the spirit, quickly rushed towards the depths of Baihua Valley.

At the same time, in the Baihua Valley, the thirteen strong contenders of the Holy Communists have launched unprecedented fierce competition.

Especially the Fairy Flower Fairy, the leaf of Kao, is bound to get.

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