Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2323: Ye Liandao

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Qi Ling brought the map in Baihua Valley into Fang Chen's mind.

In a blink of an eye, the latter knew everything about Baihuagu.

This time, if you can seize the opportunity, you should be able to step into the ground?

With his strength, once he stepped into the ground, what if he was the warrior behind the holy list?

"The leaves of Kao should be in the deepest part of the valley." Fang Chen said.

The thick mist, the other party Chen can not cause any influence, his speed is very fast.

However, after walking halfway, it happened to be blocked by the 99th warrior of the Holy Command.


The latter chased in the mist and found Fang Chen, his eyes shone with horrifying light.

Licking his dry lips, he grinned: "Boy, if you meet me, you're out of luck."

Let's just say, Blood's body flashed, and his big hand reached out, grabbing Fang Chen, and at the same time, blood mist spewed, killing breath filled.

"Phantom array."

Fang Chen sneered, waved his palm, and suddenly the psychedelic atmosphere of the whole body was directly transformed into a huge phantom array, which merged with the surrounding mist, trapping the blood in it.


Bloody attacked the phantom array frantically, but couldn't break it.

"Dare you enter the Baihua Valley with your strength? Really looking for death."

Facing the person who wants to kill himself, Fang Chen will naturally not keep his hand.

The Xingyin sword waved out, and the sixth stroke of Shura's swordsmanship was performed, violent to the ultimate strength, running through the body of Blood.


He didn't know until he died, how terrible he met him.

If he knew that the guy he met, even the ancestor of Puxin died in his hands, he would certainly not act lightly.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine.

After killing the blood, Fang Chen went on.

This time, it was not unblocked, and soon came to the depths of Baihua Valley.

"Leaf of Kao?"

In the depths of Baihua Valley, there is a bluestone platform with a colorful petal standing on it.

This is the legendary Kao's Leaf.

"Just a branch of leaves can release such coercion?"

Fang Chen was quite shaken, staring carefully at Kao's Leaf.

At this moment, Fang Chen felt his scalp numb, and seemed to be stared at by the strong.

He looked up, and suddenly his heart rolled, and there was a shock in his heart.

"Who is he?"

On the bluestone platform, an old man in black robe was looking at Fang Chen with a smile.

"The little guy who opened the sky can actually resist the illusion in the mist, not bad."

The old man in black robe said slightly, and immediately waved his palm to bring Fang Chen to the bluestone platform.

"Senior, who are you?" Fang Chen asked respectfully.

"I am the master of Kao's Leaf, you can call me Ye Lian Dao Ren." The old man in black robe touched his beard and said.

"Younger Fang Chen, meet Ye Lian Taoist." Fang Chen said.

Ye Lian Taoist nodded with satisfaction, "I have been studying Kao's Leaf here for tens of thousands of years, and finally achieved some time ago. However, I found out that the Canglan Castle is here again, and many people have poured into it.

"So, I want to choose a warrior and help me take the sentence out. If it succeeds, I will give him Hua Wang Dan." Ye Lian Dao Ren said.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen shook his heart.

"Is the mist of Baihua Valley the Yelian Taoist who tested the martial arts?"

At this time, Fang Chen looked at Ye Lian Taoist eyes, full of respect.

Being able to refine Huawang Pill is enough to show that Ye Lian Taoist is a powerful alchemist.

"Senior Ye Lian, don't know what you meant to bring me here?" Fang Chen asked.

"Your illusion has already initially passed my test. After I have selected three of them, the four of you will have the ultimate showdown. The last one is the one I chose." Ye Liandao said softly.

Fang Chen nodded and stood quietly.

Standing on the bluestone platform, he was able to easily see all the Holy Leaders in the mist.

"It seems that the most powerful illusion is the Fairy Flower Fairy, no wonder she is bound to get the leaf of Kao." Fang Chen said lightly.

After a while, the figure of Yuhua Fairy appeared on the stone platform.

"It's you?"

After seeing Fang Chen, Yuhua Fairy opened her eyes and was shocked.

Ye Liandao chose two people in succession. One was the 85th in the Holy Command, and the other was the 63.

"Okay, the four of you were selected by me." Ye Lian said.

Among the many strong players in the Holy List, these four have the strongest illusions.

"You listen well. From now on, I don't care what method the four of you use. As long as you can climb to the top of this cliff, you can get Huawang Dan." Ye Liandao pointed to the cliff in front.

The cliff is not too high, about 10,000 meters.

However, above the cliffs, there was a lot of fog, and there was still unknown power, and it felt numb at the first glance.

"Okay, start."

All four people knew the identity of Ye Liandao and were convinced of his words.


The sixty-three warriors of the Holy List rushed to the cliff first, and then began to climb.

After that, it was the strongest of the Eighty-five of the Holy List, and then the Fairy Flower Fairy.

Only Fang Chen stood quietly, his dark eyes staring at the cliff in front.

"How can there be such a familiar breath above the cliff?"

Fang Chen hadn't acted yet, he felt a familiar breath and was puzzled.

At this moment, Qi Ling spoke.

"Master, the familiar breath you feel is the breath of the demon killing kendo."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's head was shocked and nodded immediately.

"Why is there a breath of demon killing Kendo?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

"Master, what kind of person do you think Ye Lian Dao Ren is?" Qi Lingdao said.

"Master Alchemy." Fang Chen said.

"You are wrong. What you see is not Ye Lian Dao Ren himself, but a condensed wicked soul, but his Tao is high, you can't find it."


Fang Chen shook his heart, but his face did not show.

"You mean? Real Yelian Taoist, suppressed under this Kao's Leaf?" Fang Chen asked incredulously.

"Although I can't see it, I can feel it vaguely. There is a special breath under Kao's Leaf." Qi Lingdao said. "Master, what you need to do now is to split the leaves of Kao and rescue Ye Liandao."

"However, if I start, the evil remnants will definitely be blocked." Fang Chen said.

The strength of the evil remnant soul is powerful, if he shoots, he can't resist at all.

"Master, you can use the Xuantiancone to split the leaf of the king of flowers. As for the evil remnant soul, he can't resist it. When he reacts, the real Yelian Taoist has come out, you don't need to worry." Qi Lingdao.

"Is this really feasible?"

Fang Chen asked with some concern.

"Relax, no problem." Qi Lingdao said.

Fang Chen secretly observed some evil remnants, his face, with a hint of ridicule.

"What on earth did he want?"


At this moment, the strong man of the sixty-three sprint in the forefront suddenly exploded into a blood mist.

At the same time, the eighty-five strong men of the Holy Scriptures followed, and their bodies turned into blood mist.

Suddenly, the delicate body of Yuhua Fairy trembles and keeps retreating.

"Do it yourself."

Qi Ling said loudly, Fang Chen had already prepared Xuantiancone, and slashed towards the leaf of Kao.

"court death."

The evil remnant found Fang Chen's move, sneered, and punched Fang Chen's back.


However, the next scene completely shocked the evil remnants.

The indestructible Kao Leaf was actually split in half.

"Do not."

The evil remnant shouted loudly, it was too late, Ye Liandao who was trapped in Kao's Leaf burst out of the air instantly.

"Sinister, die."

Ye Lian Taoist slammed a punch with the evil remnant soul, and his body stepped back a few steps. After stabilizing his body, he looked straight at the evil remnant soul.

"Xiaoyou, can you borrow my weapon?" Ye Liandao asked.

Fang Chen threw Xuantiancong. Ye Liandao held Xuantiancone in his hands and launched a fierce offensive against the evil remnant soul.

In a blink of an eye, the evil remnant uttered a miserable cry, dying of death.

"Thank you friends."

Ye Lian Taoist returned Xuan Tiancong to Fang Chen, and then thanked, "If it wasn't a friend, I don't know when I can get out of it."

"Are you the Ye Lian Taoist? Can you tell me, what the **** is going on?"

Fang Chen was very confused and asked in a low voice.

"You listen to me slowly."

A wave of Ye Lian Dao's palm brought Fairy Yuhua to the bluestone platform.

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