Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2324: Kao Dan

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Ye Lian Taoist's body was covered with a faint halo. Although trapped for a long time, his breath was very powerful.

"I am from the Ye family in the congenital realm. The Canglan Castle was born ten thousand years ago. I entered here with the Ye family. However, who could have expected that he was trapped in the Baihua Valley just after he entered." Ye Lian Dao recalled. .

Fang Chen was stunned. This Ye Lian Taoist resembled Bai Wen, and was trapped in a prison as soon as he entered.

"I found the leaf of Kao in Baihua Valley, and was very surprised. Then I started to study alchemy together day and night. Finally, after seven hundred years, my alchemy technique was refined again, and finally Kao Dan can be refined. At this time, when I was preparing to pick Kao's Leaf, I was suddenly caught off guard by this wicked remnant of soul, and struck into Kao's Leaf. "

Ye Liandao said: "This remnant soul is formed by absorbing the evil breath of heaven and earth, and at the same time absorbing a large number of warrior souls, and it is full of hatred for human beings. He lives in the leaves of Kao, and uses the leaves of Kao to me Suppression. In the years to come, he has been forcing me to refine Hua Wang Dan, which I refused. Every time Canglan Castle opens, he will lure many warriors into Baihua Valley by means of absorbing their breath of life to continue his strength. "

"However, this method is a sidetrack after all, he must swallow Hua Wang Dan, in order to complete the defeat of the warrior, otherwise, he will definitely die. He continued to pressure me, I would rather not agree to death, until there is One day, he found a strong man who killed Modao Dao on the cliff, and left a special method on the cliff. As long as the warrior ascended the cliff, he would be attacked by the demon killer gas. The breath of life in the warrior's body is absorbed and merged with the spirit of the demon killing sword, condensing into a new breath, this breath can greatly delay the life cycle of the evil remnant soul. "

Speaking of which, Ye Lian Dao Ren also sighed.

For more than three hundred years, he has witnessed countless warriors, absorbed by the evil remnants.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen and Yuhua Fairy glanced at each other, quite shocked.

Especially Yuhua Fairy, who kept giving thanks to Ye Lian Taoist.

"You don't have to thank me. It's this little friend who should thank me. If it weren't for him to split the leaf of the flower king, I wouldn't be able to escape." Ye Lian Taoist said slowly.

Yuhua Fairy looked at Fang Chen's eyes with a complex look.

I still remember a few months ago, when the other party was in danger, she helped out.

Unexpectedly, to this day, the other party actually saved his life.

"Thank you." Yuhua Fairy said softly.

"Fairy Yuhua does not have to be polite. When I first entered Canglan Castle, I also encountered a crisis. Thanks to Fairy Yuhua for his rescue." Fang Chen said with a smile.

Fairy Yuhua naturally remembers Fang Chen once said that if there is any need in the future, just speak.

She didn't even care about it at the time. She shot because she couldn't see the strong man bullying the weak, that's all.

Who would have thought that it was such a good deed that gave her a new life.

Thinking of this, Yuhua Fairy felt a lot of emotion.

"Xiaoyou, your weapon is really extraordinary, and you can easily split the leaf of the king of flowers." Ye Liandao suddenly said.

Fang Chen smiled, and then said: "Things of the teacher."

Seeing that he was reluctant to say more, Ye Lian Taoist did not force him.

His gaze fell on the leaf of Kao, which was split in half, and said, "I was trapped in the leaf of Kao. It was you who shot me out of the trap. In order to express my gratitude, I will personally refine Kao Dan and give it to you."

After hearing this, Fang Chen was overjoyed.

Ye Lian Tao said it was done.

Immediately began to refine the Elixir, in his capacity, it was very easy to refine the Elixir.

After easily picking the leaves of Kao, it took about half a month to refine ten Kao Dan.


After a spit in his mouth, Ye Liandao showed a smile on his face.

"In my current way, I can only refine these ten flower kings. [Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Small ↓ Said △ Net]"

After all, Ye Lian Taoist handed one of them to Fairy Yuhua, and said, "You will be destined when you see him."

"Thank you Ye Liandao."

Subsequently, the remaining nine were given to Fang Chen as a brain.

"You hold these nine." Ye Liandao said humanely.

Before waiting for Fang Chen to speak, Ye Lian Taoist directly shifted the topic, "I will take the rest of the Kao Ye, as for you two little guys, I can guide you a clear way."

"Did you see it? Although this cliff is extremely dangerous, there are no caves in it. It seems that there is a heritage of demon killing Kendo." Ye Liandao humane, "If you two want to go in and see, you can try it."

After talking, Ye Lian Taoist was about to leave.

"Senior Ye Lian, are you leaving?" Fang Chen asked.

"I've been trapped here for ten thousand years, it's time to go out and walk. If you encounter any difficulties, just report my name." Ye Lian said.

The Ye family in the congenital realm is also regarded as a famous family. He was a master of alchemy in the past.

Baihua Valley.


Ye Lian Taoist's wrists were shaking, and all the mist suddenly disappeared.

"You are all gone, the leaf of Kao was picked by me." Ye Lian Taoist spread his hands and said.

"What kind of thing are you? Dare to swallow Kao's Leaf alone?"

"Quickly hand over Kao's Leaf, otherwise you will die."

"Let's go together and kill this old guy who doesn't know where."

Suddenly, more than a dozen powerful players of the Holy Command shot together, and the violent power suddenly struck.

"I am ... Ye Lian Dao Ren."

Like the thunder, Ye Lian Daoren's voice passed into everyone's ears, and also spread outside the Baihua Valley.

"Who is Ye Lian Tao?"

"Huh? Why is this name so familiar?"

Suddenly, one of the powerful Shengbang strongmen who were attacking changed his face, and his body continued to explode.

"The Ye Family of Innate Realm, the Master Alchemist Ye Lian Taoist, is him."

"What? Ye Family of Congenital Realm?"

After this person's reminder, everyone remembered it.

Congenital Realm indeed has a famous Ye family, but they never dreamed that Ye Liandao, who had long disappeared, was actually in Canglan Castle.

"It's Ye Liandao, go away."

Just kidding, Ye Lian Dao Ren's strength has been very strong 10,000 years ago.

After thousands of years of diligent cultivation in Canglan Castle, the ghost knows that his strength is so strong?

Many of the strong men in the holy list were scattered.

Including many warriors waiting outside the Baihua Valley, when they heard the words of the Ye Family of the Congenital Realm, they also fled.

Afraid of angering Ye Lian Taoist, he died here.

"I'm gone, goodbye."

Ye Lian Dao Ren's voice just disappeared and disappeared into Baihua Valley.

Fang Chen and Yuhua Fairy glanced at each other, and then said, "I don't know what a fairy means?"

"We entered Canglan Castle just to find the chance. Ye Lian Dao Ren gave us some guidance. How can we miss it?" Fairy Yuhua smiled slightly and became more beautiful.

"Okay, then we will work together temporarily."

The two came to the cliff one by one, and entered the cliff according to the guidance of Ye Lian Taoist.


Outside Baihua Valley.


A few days later, sounds of broken air came.

Canglan Five Tigers, there are many top ranked strong men.

They gazed at the Baihua Valley hotly, and everyone's heart was very interested in the legendary Kao's Leaf.

However, they stopped outside the Baihua Valley and dared not go in.

"Is it really the Ye Lian Taoist from the Ye family of Congenital Realm?"

"It should be true, no one dared to impersonate Ye Liandao."

"Legend of Kao, Ye Lian Dao Ren, these two are connected, it should be true."

The presence of the top strong list of followers who heard the news, they knew better than anyone how terrible Ye Ye Dao Tao people are.

"The Ye Family of Innate Realm can't offend."

Including the Canglan Five Tigers, all reached a unified decision.

The Ye family has endless years in the congenital realm, and it is too powerful. Such a strong man in the holy list is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Ye family.

"This should be the cultivation dojo of Ye Lian Taoist, you can't step in."

"The Ye family can't be offended, so leave here quickly."

"Yes, Kao's Leaf is important, but life is more important."

For a time, the top strong men in the Holy List retreated one after another.

However, what they did not know was that Ye Liandao had already left. / alert-c ">


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