Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2332: Six Claws

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The Black Realm Sect's pursuit of Fang Chen is persevering.

Because of Fang Chen, the prisoners and others will pay attention to Yuhua Fairy in Yumanlou.

The fairy of He Yuhua also disappeared, which made the prisoner very angry.

The Little Black War Front was broken, and after the news spread, it caused a great shock.

Prior to this, although Fang Chen was dazzling, the strong players of the Holy Rank would not care.

However, this time it was different. He was able to break through the Little Black War, which also meant that his strength was enough to be on the holy list.

Moreover, at least the top powers in the Holy List.

Unconsciously, many warriors have regarded Fang Chen as the top 50 strong in the holy list. Some weaker holy warriors want to deal with Fang Chen, but they are weak.

In a continuous mountain range, towering forests stand tall.

Deep in the mountains, from time to time there were sounds of roaring beasts, and the air was filled with trembling dangerous breath.

Generally gods of heaven, will not enter here at all.

Even the most powerful players in the Holy List must be cautious when they come in.

On an ancient towering tree, the foliage is dense, and the leaves are constantly falling down, covering the entire ground.

The silver-gray fallen leaves covered the earth with a layer of color. At first glance, it was instantly beautiful.

On the branch, there are several little birds, and twittering keeps calling.

The sky was bright, the sun had just crossed the horizon, and a ray of sunlight in the morning gradually shone on the towering trees.

Through the gap between the branches, it shines on the ground.

The good times of nature are undoubtedly revealed at this moment.


In the calm mountains, a deafening roar of the beast came out suddenly.

The roar of the beast was so shocking that it frightened the few birds on the branch to spread their wings and escape.

At the same time, the sound of roaring beasts roared in the nearby area.

The monster world also has its own principles. Their territory does not allow anyone to cross, even if they are also monsters, they are also distinct.

Looking at the sound of the beast roar, on a piece of empty ground, a man holding a long sword was fighting a demon beast.

This monster has a terrifying breath, with four horns on its head and six claws, and its attack power is amazing.


When the beast rushed over, the man's palm slammed with a sharp sword, suddenly chopping on the claw of the beast.

Suddenly, two claws were cut off, and blood spilled over the sky.

The sound of the beast roared through the sky.

"This guy is very powerful."

Fang Chen said secretly in his heart, his body flickered, and turned into a stream of streamers. He was practicing Shura swordsmanship against this monster.

He was chased and killed by the underworld sect and fled all the way to this unknown mountain.

Originally planned to take a break, who could have thought that such a big monster would appear.

"Aren't you just resting on your site? As for this?"

Fang Chen is a little speechless, although the big monster is strong, but he can't catch his trail.


Another sword, the other two claws of the big man were also cut off, and the sound of howling was endless.

At this time, the big man seemed to be in a state of madness, the big eyes of the gong, covered with blood, and it opened the big mouth of the blood basin and suddenly rushed to Fang Chen.


The sixth stroke of Shura ’s swordsmanship appeared, a seemingly simple sword light, when striking the big monster monster, a powerful inch of force suddenly broke out, and suddenly penetrated into the big head.


The big monster fell to the ground unwillingly.

With a bang, the dust was flying.

Fang Chen wiped the sweat beads on his forehead and looked at the big man, panting.

"Should this be the six-claw beast recorded in the book?"

Fang Chen sat on the ground and said slightly: "The book says that the most powerful of the six-claw beast is the physical defense. The defense of the adult six-claw beast is comparable to the strong level of the Profound God. Fortunately, this time I encountered An underage six-claw beast. "

The strength of the six-claw beasts, but the stupid attack moves, making their survival more difficult.

Unless it is a powerful six-claw beast, otherwise, once discovered by human warriors, they will kill them all.

Because their fur is the best material for forging weapons.

The whole body of the six-claw beast is a treasure. With only fur, it is possible to refine the best open-grade weapons. If you are lucky, and if you have superb refining means, even Lingtian is not a problem.

In addition, the internal organs of the six-claw beast have a great tonic effect on the physical body of the warrior.

If it is swallowed, it can greatly stimulate the hidden power of the warrior and make it change.

Of course, the most exciting thing for Fang Chen is the six-claw beast's inner pill.

Its inner dan is very small, like the size of an egg, which contains a strong power. Generally, the warrior stuck in the bottleneck will choose to swallow the six-claw beast.

Of course, if it is outside, the six-claw beast is extremely rare, let alone its inner pill.

After a short break, Fang Chen began to dissect the six-clawed beast.

Soon, the fur of the six-claw beast was completely dissected, and after a glance, it was included in the Xu Mi ring.

Later, Fang Chen took out the internal organs of the six-claw beast.

"Remove Nei Dan first, and then devour the internal organs." Fang Chen said slightly.

Soon, a black inner pill appeared in Fang Chen's hands.

"A very strong force, with Hua Wang Dan engulfing, breaking through to the ground, is almost a matter of rigidity." Fang Chen said secretly.

After thinking for a while, Fang Chen sorted out the next cultivation plan.

The dragon and demon body refining technique has never been broken through. It is imperative to devour the internal organs of the six-clawed beast to enhance the physical strength to break through.

Afterwards, he swallowed Kao Dan and the six-clawed beast.

Hua Wang Dan's medicinal effect is very strong, and only a strong physique can bear its powerful power.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen directly crossed his knees and began to practice.

In the rolling mountains, every monster has its own territory, and the six-claw beast is no exception.

Within a ten-mile radius, it is a six-clawed beast's territory. Other monster beasts dare not break into it without permission.

Although the six-claw beast was beheaded by himself, the breath left by it still exists and will not dissipate for the time being.

This will also form a safety barrier for Fang Chen, at least in a short period of time, he can rest assured to practice.


Taking a deep breath, Fang Chen took out the internal organs of the six-claw beast and swallowed it directly.


Bite the internal organs bite by bite and swallow into the stomach.

Suddenly, the abdomen felt a fiery burst of heat, and then Fang Chen discovered that a powerful force emerged in the universe inside the body, covering the internal organs and dissolving the internal organs step by step.

Fang Chen nodded with satisfaction, everything is in the plan.

After about half an hour, the internal organs were completely disintegrated, and the powerful force spread all the bones in the whole body.


With a low sip, Fang Chen's heart moved, and the visceral power that spread throughout his body began to work. The powerful force constantly stimulates Fang Chen's flesh.


The sound of bones lingers in the ears.

Fang Chen's face was pale, and there was pain in his body. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain.


A voice like a war drum sounded in his heart.

"hold onto."

This is the process by which the visceral power stimulates the flesh. As long as it persists, the flesh power will become stronger, and then the dragon demon physical exercise can also be improved.

Dragon magic formula.

Fang Chen's heart moved, and the formula of the dragon magic formula immediately appeared in his mind.


Suddenly, a loud noise sounded, and Fang Chen's heart trembled.

At this moment, Fang Chen was also shocked to find that the visceral power had completely merged with the flesh.

His physical strength is constantly improving.

At this moment, the dragon magic trick is also running smoothly in the body.

The original obscure dragon magic formula was fully understood in a flash.

"It turns out so."

After the dragon magic formula has been running in the body for a small week, Fang Chen finally realized.

He smiled slightly, and immediately formed a complex seal of his hands, quickly guiding the power in his body and converging with the dragon magic formula.


The violent force was led by Fang Chen, and the surrounding ground was smashed into a big pit by the force of the explosion.

The dragon magic formula is complete.

Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and felt the thin power in his body, his face full of smiles.

"No wonder you haven't been able to understand it all the time. The original problem is here."

At the same time, Fang Chen also had to sigh, the internal organs of the six-claw beast, the effect is very strong.

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