Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2334: Wake up

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Fang Chen took the black gourd and hesitated.

At this time, the old man had finished eating a large piece of barbecue, "rest assured, I will not poison the wine."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was a little embarrassed, immediately pulled the plug, and took a sip.

Suddenly, the chest felt hot and almost spit up.

Resisting the fiery feeling in his stomach, Fang Chen secretly urged the body's strength, trying to force these wines out of the body, but failed.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen was puzzled.

"How is it? Is my wine strong? I tell you, the average person will get drunk with a sip, but I feel that you should be able to drink two." The old man said mysteriously.

"Bake some meat for me." The old man said with a smile.

Fang Chen felt a little confused in his head, and a little vigorous.

However, when I heard the old man's words, there was no objection and I continued to barbecue.

The six-claw beast is very large, and he is divided into many pieces of meat, which will not be roasted at all for a while.

After roasting a piece of meat, Fang Chen handed it to the old man, and immediately picked up the jug and wanted to drink.

But it was blocked by the old man. "Boy, please give me barbecue first. After roasting, you can drink whatever you want."

Fang Chen nodded, put down the jug and continued to barbecue.

However, what he didn't expect was that the old man seemed to like grilled meat very much, piece by piece.

In a blink of an eye, he ate no less than ten pieces of barbecue, but his body did not have any abnormalities, which also surprised Fang Chen.

"You bake faster, I will starve to death."

The old man ate like he hadn't eaten for a long time.

After a few hours, the huge six-claw beast was completely eaten by the old man.

From beginning to end, Fang Chen only ate three barbecues.

Fang Chen rubbed his eyes vigorously, before looking at the fire in disbelief.

There wasn't even a piece of shredded meat left, and it was all eaten up.

"Senior, you ..."

Even if it is the top strong in the Holy List, it is impossible to eat so many barbecues, right?

The meat of the six-claw beast contains a very strong force. If a person eats so much, it will definitely be propped up.

However, the old man was safe and sound.

"Boy, you are very nice."

The old man smiled and patted his round belly, and then threw the black gourd to Fang Chendao: "Drink, just drink it, as long as you can drink it."

Fang Chen felt dry, and after drinking, he felt the whole person was muddled.

After receiving the black gourd, there was a voice in my heart, it seemed to be urging him to drink quickly.

Lifting the stopper, he lifted his head and grunted.

After Fang Chen took three sips, the old man's complexion changed slightly, "Huh? Three sips? Good."

The old man looked at Fang Chen thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, instead of nothing, Fang Chen drank faster.

When the old man reacted, the black gourd was empty and was thrown on the ground by Fang Chen.


Fang Chen burped, looked at the old man with a confused look, and said with a smile: "Senior, your wine is delicious, is there any more."

Just as the old man was about to speak, Fang Chen's body fell directly to the ground.

"You guys, didn't I just eat your barbecue? As for drinking all my wine?" The old man picked up the jug and shook his head helplessly.

At the same time, he bit his finger lightly, and then placed it at the mouth of the jug. A drop of blood dropped into the jug.

"You drank my blood," the old man said.


Not knowing how long it has passed, Fang Chen feels that he had a dream.

In the dream, an old man forced his blood out of the body and let himself drink it.

The old man told himself that his blood contained great strength. After drinking, ordinary martial artists could strengthen their bodies and improve their strength.

After drinking, the arrogant warrior can change his physique and even inspire talents hidden deep in his mind.

Moreover, the old man told him that this kind of wine can drink up to two sips.

As for those who can drink three, they are basically top-notch, and those who can drink four are already rare.

Can drink five ...

So far, no **** has been able to drink five bites.

However, after today, this record will be rewritten.

"It must be a dream."

Fang Chen said, holding his head in both hands, very painful.

There was needle-like pain all over his body, and his head seemed to blow up.

He opened his eyes a little, the dazzling sun shining on his face.

"Where am I?"

After a short adaptation, Fang Chen struggled to get up and murmured.

Looking around, he was relieved to be sure he was still on the six-claw beast's site.

"Huh? What about that old man?"

Fang Chen was a little puzzled. In his memory, he was drinking and eating barbecue with the old man, why was the old man gone.

"I remember that after drinking the old man's wine, I passed out."

Thinking of this, Fang Chen took a breath.

If this is the case, then the old man's wine is too domineering?

Ordinary wine, will not drink the gods.

"I don't know how long I slept." Fang Chen thought to himself.

The old man has long disappeared. Only the firewood on the ground can prove that the old man has appeared.

"The old man who wanted to come should be a hidden power."

Fang Chen secretly said, then he began to check his body.


It's okay not to check, and it's a shock to check directly.

After sleeping for a while, Xiuwei reached the ground in a confused way?

"No way?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened and he carefully checked. After a long time, I finally determined that I really broke through, and the universe in the body expanded again, and the power of rules and rules has also initially appeared.

This is beyond doubt.

After checking the Xu Mijie, he found that the Flower King Dan and the Six Claw Beast's Nedan are still there.

At this time, Fang Chen recalled the strange dream he had made.

"Are dreams real?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's heart was terrified.

If the dream is true, does it not mean that the old man can enter his own sleep? This is too scary?

"There is a problem with the old man's wine."

Thinking of the old man's wine, Fang Chen hurriedly checked his body.

After a while, he shook his head vigorously and found that there was no foreign object at all. In other words, the wine he drank seemed to evaporate.

"Does the old man's wine break through?"

Fang Chen murmured, his eyes flashing with golden light.

If this is the case, the old man is too strong?

"Damn, I knew that, and I should have had more sips."

Fang Chen pouted, said regretfully.

However, what he did not know was that he had finished all the pot of wine of the old man.

"I don't know what the old man is, and if he has the opportunity to meet again, he must thank him in person." Fang Chen said secretly.

He can already be sure that his cultivation is a breakthrough, and it must be the old one. Otherwise, how could he break through after a sleep?

"It just happens that the saved Hua Wang Dan and the six-claw beast Nei Dan can wait for cultivation to reach the pinnacle of taking the ground."

With a grin, he put away the complicated thoughts in his mind.

After glancing at the fire on the ground, Fang Chen shook his head, bowed to the void, and then walked deep into the mountains.

The rolling mountains are huge. Longitudinal deep, after three days of walking, there is no end.

However, there were shocking discoveries along the way.

In the rolling mountains that were hard to reach, we often heard shouts of monsters and beasts.

At the same time, there are also many monsters that will block their way forward.

However, this time, actually unimpeded, he accidentally entered the territory of a certain monster at the beginning and was glared at by him.

But as the monster was about to start, a sudden panic flashed in his eyes, and he quickly fled.

In the following time, almost no monsters dare to approach.

"They are afraid of my breath?"

Fang Chen frowned, this thing is a bit incredible.

After a long time, Fang Chen thought a little.

"Is it because of the old man's wine?"

His inner shock, the old man's wine can deter many monsters, is this too domineering?

What kind of wine do you drink? Never heard of such a mysterious wine.

Who is the old man? Is he close to himself just to eat barbecue?

A series of questions came to Fang Chen's mind.

I want to answer these questions unless I meet the old man again.

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