Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2376: My woman

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Lai Ren is the deputy patriarch of the Lei Lei Pavilion, and his cultivation base has reached a terrifying profound atmosphere.

With Fang Chen's face, it is naturally impossible for the deputy cabinet master to be close.

"Deputy Patriarch?"

After seeing the deputy patriarch, Fang Chen was stunned for a moment.

"The Lord Lord let me protect you." The Deputy Lord Lord said lightly.

At this moment, there was a wave in his heart.

The patriarch said it well, the potential of this child is extraordinary, and self-preservation is not a problem for the warriors of the Xuantian Realm.

I didn't believe it before, but now it seems to be the case.

"Although his weapons, after being tempered by the hands of the Pavilion Lord, are very powerful. But his own strength is not weak, otherwise, it is impossible to withstand the attack of the Xuantian Realm Warriors alone." thinking.

When Fang Chen started, he already knew the situation here.

I just want to see Fang Chen's ability, so I haven't shot.

"Thank you Deputy Master for his shot." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

Although the deputy attorney will not take action, he will not be in trouble, but the mysterious Xuanshen will save you personally.

The fighting moved and disturbed Yingxiu.

The latter opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Fang Chen blinking, very curious.

"Brother Fang Chen, what happened?"

Fang Chen was silent, and Ying Xiuqiao's face appeared a bit of pain.

She seemed to have guessed that the British must have sent someone to kill her and Fang Chen.

Thinking of this, Yingxiu was very painful.

Before, I still had a little affection for the British family.

But after this incident, that little goodwill disappeared.

"Brother Fang Chen, no matter what you do, I will support you." Yingxiu smiled and walked back to the room.

Seeing the girl's lonely back, Fang Chen clenched her fists, and she was full of hatred for the Ying family.

"Every family in Zhenyun District, dare to come to me, I will absolutely want to be arrogant." The deputy cabinet said: "You can rest assured, I am shocked, I think the British family should not dare to easily shoot you.


Ying Family, Jingyun District, in the meeting hall.

All the high-level leaders gathered together and their eyes were all concentrated on Ying Yuanxiong's hands.

At this moment, lying on his hand, it was the life fate of Elder Yinglong.

There is a trace of the elder Yinglong in the fate of Jane. The fate of Jane is in the person.

"Elder Yinglong will definitely succeed."

"Yes, with the strength of Elder Yinglong, killing the kid is easy."

"I'm afraid that it will be troubled to be discovered by Nai Lei Ge."

Everyone was talking, waiting anxiously.

Suddenly, the three life Janes near Elder Dragon's Life Jan, clicked and shattered one after another.

"Go ahead."

Everyone's eyes were hot, staring deadly at the fate of Elder Yinglong.

The fragmentation of the three fates also caused a sensation.

"Slash the three most holy realms in an instant?"

"Is that boy so strong?"

Many people feel unbelievable and trembling.

However, at this moment, something that shocked them even more happened.

What happened to them least happened after all.

The fate of Elder Yinglong cracked with a click.

"Do not."

Ying Yuanxiong's eyes were scarlet, and he roared wildly.

The other elders instantly died, and the elders of the English dragon in Xuantian Realm died in the other's hands.

"It must be the shots of the powerful Lei Ge Pavilion, otherwise, Elder Yinglong will not die."

After the anger, Ying Yuanxiong recovered and said coldly, "Give me a thorough investigation."

Congenital District, Black Thunder City, Black Thunder Family Mansion.

Since Lei Sanzhi learned that his fiancee had been taken away blatantly by others, he was very angry.

"Master, I have investigated clearly."

In a secluded room, Lei Sanjue stood in front of the window and admired the stars in the dark sky.

"This person's name is Fang Chen. Before the Yingjia convoy passed through the dragon-cutting platform, the son descended from the sky. He was seriously injured at the time and was suspected to have been sent across the sky array. So far, we have not investigated clearly. Where. "The servant said slightly.

"carry on."

"The British team found him and Yingxiu was kind, so he let him follow the team. Who would have expected the boy to recover from the injury in just a few hours. After that, some talks with the British family happened. Dispute, leaving the British team. "

After a pause, he continued: "The British team was blocked by scars and other people when passing the dragon-cutting platform. During the crisis, this child appeared, and with great strength, he even cut the three sacred places of the dragon regiment. The ultimate warrior rescued the Ying family, but it also led to the head of the dragon-cutting. "

Wen Yan, Lei Sanjue's eyes flashed a strange color.


Next, the servant will explain the follow-up situation in detail.

After listening, Lei San decided to say in a deep voice: "Heijue ore is in Fang Chen's hands."

The servant nodded and said: "According to our analysis, although this person's realm is a realm, but it is really combat power, it definitely exceeds the limit of the most holy realm, and it is very likely to have the strength of the warrior called Banxuan Realm.


"But what?" Lei Sanjue asked.

"The strength of the warrior called Banxuan Realm Warrior is not enough to force the head of the dragon to be cut back. After rigorous analysis, we guess that there must be a treasure that even the Warrior Xuantian Realm will be afraid of. In order to kill the head of the dragon, swallow the black ore alone. "Said the servant.

Lei Sanjue thought in his mind.

The head of Dragon Slayer is a veteran of the Xuantian Realm, even if he is, he can't retreat in the face of the head of Dragon Slayer.

Unless, he took the treasure with him.

"Interesting, more and more interesting."

Lei Sanjue grinned, his voice very sensational.

"Master, he is now in the city of Thunder, and he will not come out at all. It is difficult to try to deal with it." The servant said: "Not long ago, the British sent an elder Xuantianjing to sneak into the city of Thunder, and shot him And failed in the end. "

"Jie Lei Ge shot?" Lei Sanjue asked.

"It is said that the deputy pavilion master of the Lei Lei Pavilion personally shot. The kid presented the sword wood in order to obtain the permanent residence token, and was summoned by the pavilion of the Lei Lei pavilion on the spot."

Hearing this, Lei Sanjue's complexion finally became dignified.

"This son, can't stay."

Lei Sanjue said coldly.


What the servant wanted to say, but was stopped by Lei Sanjue.

"I'm going to leave for a few days and give me all the information in the city of Lei," Lei San decided.

"Master, no." The servant dissuaded.

Lei Sanzhi shook his head.

"Yingxiu is my woman, no one can touch her."


Time has passed and it has been three months since I arrived at the Thunder City.

During this period, Fang Chen's cultivation practice has remained in the late period of ground breaking.

However, the distance is not far away, as long as he stepped into the limit, he can swallow the Huadan Pill and the six-claw beast's inner pill, and hit the holy realm.

During this time, under his guidance, Yingxiu's position achieved great progress.

In just three months, Yingxiu was able to arrange a simple sky-high array.

If this is placed in a microcosm, it is simply incredible.

However, here is after all a chaotic void, can it be compared with a micro universe?

"Axiu, when you just set up the formation, there were three mistakes."

In the other court, Fang Chen pointed at Axiu quietly.

"The first mistake is your unfamiliarity with the tactics of the formation, which leads to a much slower speed." Fang Chen said: "The duel of the masters is between the electric light and the flint. The other party will not leave you any chance to arrange the formation , So you have to create opportunities. "

"I know." Yingxiu nodded.

"Second point……"

"The third point."

After patiently explaining to Yingxiu for half an hour, Yingxiu's chick nodded at the rice and continued to enlighten.

Fang Chen grinned.

"Axiu's position potential is more powerful than I thought, but unfortunately, with my current position, she can't fully activate her body of ten thousand formations." Fang Chen said secretly.

It is conceivable that if Axiu's Ten Thousand Formations are fully activated, her formation will soar at a rocket-like speed.

Like the martial arts, the formation method focuses on the foundation.

When Fang Chen taught Axiu, he also worked hard to lay a solid foundation.

Realm is not important, because the foundation is strengthened, the perception is improved, and the realm will naturally go up.

Looking at Axiu's expression of seriously comprehending the formation, Fang Chen recalled when he was young.

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