Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2377: You are not on the same level as him

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The next day.

Yingxiu team Xiaocheng, very excited, full of joy and noise, let Fang Chen take him out for a stroll.

"Brother Fang Chen, it's been a long time since I came to Juelei City. We haven't been shopping around yet." A Xiujiao said in a voice.

"Okay, take you to go shopping today."

Fang Chendao, in fact, his practice also reached a bottleneck.

Thunder City, there are warriors everywhere. However, among the many warriors, none of the thunder warriors.

The thunder, the thunder, the meaning is here.

Exterminate all the Thunder Warriors.

Moreover, the warriors who came to Lei Lei City basically came here admirably, and they knew the identity of Lei Lei Pavilion very well.

Thunder Warrior came, was n’t that death?

On the streets, people come and go, endlessly.

While Fang Chen was walking around with Yingxiu, there was suddenly a noise from the front.

"Brother Fang Chen, what happened?"

Yingxiu asked.

"Not clear."

Something seemed to happen in front of me, nothing happened, Fang Chen led Yingxiu towards the gathering place of the crowd.

After approaching, I discovered that there is a Yanwutai here.

"Huh? Isn't this person the same warrior who had obtained the residence token for 100 years?"

Fang Chen was a little curious. At that time, he felt that the black warrior was a bit extraordinary. Now, it seems so.


On the Yanwu stage, the black warrior punched his opponent with a punch.

"His physical body ..."

Fang Chen saw this, his eyes lit up.

He clearly saw that when the black warrior blasted this fist, there were countless complicated patterns on the fist.

Those patterns seem to have evolved from a powerful force.

"What a weird physical strength."

A glance at the flying warrior, his wounds, his clothes have been scorched.

"It seems okay, but the internal organs have been damaged."

Fang Chen thoughtfully looked at the black warriors on the Yanwu stage.

There was an uproar around, and everyone was talking about the black warrior.

"Is this the 99th?"

"Yeah, since Wang Yi three months ago, he played on the performance stage, challenging all the gods and never losing."

"In three months, ninety-nine gods were defeated by him."

"What the **** do he want to do? Do you want to use this to attract the one in the Lei Lei Pavilion?"

While many people guessed, their hearts were extremely shaken.

They did not know where Wang Yi came from.

Congenital Realm doesn't have any clan with a surname of Wang, but if he is a loose repairer, how can his strength be so strong?

Many people are puzzled, waiting for the 100th warrior to challenge.

After waiting for a long time, no one responded.

Everyone sighed and said, "It seems that no one dares to go up and fight."

"Just kidding, the man who was just defeated by Wang Yi is the black water **** who ranks second among the gods of the Thunder City, and even he is defeated. Who dares to go up?

"Yeah, the second-ranked Blackwater God is defeated and can only hope in Qianjue."

Thousands of hands, the strongest of the gods in the Thunder City in the Thunder City, is much stronger than the Black Water God.

However, Thousand Talents joined the Thunder Pavilion a hundred years ago and has never appeared in a hundred years.

No one knows what is going on now.

Just as everyone sighed, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Thousands of hands are impossible."


"Because ... he is already a mysterious god."

Upon hearing this, everyone exclaimed.

The potential of Qianjue is too strong, and everyone will never forget that he once swept the gods invincible.

"Dare you dare to fight me?"

On the performance stage, Wang Yi in black and cold eyes looked at Fang Chen and said coldly.

Fang Chen was a little stunned. He just looked at the excitement. Why did this guy challenge himself?

The Yingxiu on the side was very unhappy with Wang Yi's tone and said, "Brother Fang Chen, you go up and teach this guy who doesn't know how high and thick."

Everyone nearby heard this and shook their heads one after another.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense."

"Yeah, who is next to you to cultivate the situation and dare to teach Wang Yi?"

"Well, at first glance, it's the guy who hasn't seen the world."

Everyone satirized Yingxiu, originally Fang Chen did not intend to shoot.

However, hearing the sarcasm, he frowned slightly, and stepped on Wutai step by step.

"Are you going to challenge me?" Fang Chen asked.

"I don't know if the person who gets the permanent residency token will get a fake name," said Wang Yi in black.


There was an uproar below, when all the people recognized Fang Chen.

For more than three months, Fang Chen was basically in the other court.

Although many people are very familiar with him, he has never seen him.

"He is Fang Chen?"

"No wonder Wang Yi wants to challenge him by name."

"There is a good show now, this guy must be able to get a permanent residence token."

"That's not necessarily, I heard that he took out the sword wood, only to get the permanent residence token."

The voice of countless arguments spread.

On the performance stage, Fang Chen gently shook his head and said indifferently: "You are not my opponent."

"Are you holding back?"

Wang Yi in black, do not resign.

Fang Chen shook his head gently, no longer talking.

Seeing this, Wang Yi was even more annoyed, thinking that Fang Chen was underestimating him.

The voice of the discussion below is more, all looking at Wang Yi.

"Before, I defeated ninety-nine Heavenly Gods, and you are the one hundredth." Wang Yi in black said: "Originally, I was going to leave this hundredth battle to Thousand.

"But from the beginning to the end, Qianjue has never appeared, so my 100th opponent is you."

"What do you want to prove?" Fang Chen said, "Are there invincible gods?"

"Even if you defeated a hundred Huntian gods and swept the thunder city, then what? That is just a respect among the thunder gods. The vast congenital realm, the powerful Hunten gods stronger than you, there are countless, you can't prove what."

Fang Chen's words pierced Wang Yi's heart.

His dark eyes shining even more, staring at Fang Chen dyingly.

"So, are you afraid to fight me?"

"I said, you are not my opponent."

After talking, Fang Chen turned and left.

"Stop." Wang Yi snorted, and his palm slammed out, the power of terror blasted towards Fang Chen.


The latter easily resisted the attack of Lord Wang Yi, and immediately turned around, his face cold and said: "If you were not looking at the face of Jue Lei Pavilion, you would have died."


Wang Yi sneered and didn't believe Fang Chen's words at all.

"He is right."

Suddenly, a voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a figure suddenly appeared in the void.

"Thousand hands."

Below Yanwutai, there was a sudden noise.

Many people recognized Qianjue, but they were shocked to find that the latter had reached the level of Profound God.

"The rumor is true, Qianjue has stepped into Xuantian Realm."

On the performance stage, Wang Yi shrank his pupils when he saw Qian Jue's hands, and immediately smiled bitterly: "I originally thought that there was no gap between you and you. I came to Jue Lei City this time to defeat you, now It seems that I am too naive. "

Everyone has stepped into Xuantian Realm, and they still stay in the Most Holy Realm. This is the gap.

"Your strength is good. If you are in the same realm, you will win or lose." Qian Jue hand said lightly, and highly evaluated Wang Yi. "However, you are not Fang Chen's opponent."


Wang Yi was puzzled and looked at Qianjue.

Everyone under the entire Yanwutai was puzzled.

"Although Fang Brother is trying to cultivate the ground, but it is really fighting, it has already approached Xuantian Realm." Qian Jue said with a smile: "It is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible in the heavenly gods."


There was an uproar below, and everyone was shaking.

Many attentive people have noticed that Qianjue does not say that it is invincible in Thunder City.

Rather, it means that there is no invincibility in the gods, what does this mean?

They don't think that Qianjue said the wrong thing. How could the strong at the level of the Profound God not understand what he said?

"How is it possible? His strength is so strong?"

Not only everyone underneath, even Wang Yi did not believe it.

"Why? Don't believe it?" Qian Jue asked.

"If it is said that he has the combat power of the Most Holy Realm, I will believe that if he has the combat power of the Xuantian Realm, I don't believe it." Wang Yi shook his head.

"Brother Fang once punched three extreme martial arts warriors." Qian Jue said softly.

Suddenly, everyone trembled.

Thousands of talents set off a turbulent wave in everyone's heart.

The power of one punch, bombard the three extreme martial arts?

How much power does this require?

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