Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2378: Lei Sanjue

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As Qian Jue said, in some ways, Wang Yi and Fang Chen are no longer on the same level.

Fang Chen Ruo shot, he has no room to fight back.

However, Wang Yi didn't believe it at all. He looked at Fang Chen's eyes and a flash of color appeared.

Fang Chen stood indifferently on the Yanwu stage, and Qian Jue's hand was expensive as a warrior of Xuantian Realm, but he was smiling and communicating with Fang Chen.

Even, in his words, he seemed to be able to hear a hint of mystery.

Some smart people have already guessed that Qianjue is actively making friends with Fang Chen.

"Is it true that this child's strength is really as powerful as Qian Jue said?"

"Shouldn't you be afraid of losing to Wang Yi, so let Qian Jishou come out like this?"

The voice of discussion is endless.

On the performance stage, Wang Yi tried to calm down his inner surprise, and immediately said in a deep voice: "I don't believe you killed three martial warriors with one punch."

Wang Yi stated that he still wanted to challenge Fang Chen.


Qian Jue hand scolded, this is simply nonsense.

Fang Chen's strength, even if he does not have a full grasp of the upper hand, let alone a god.

"This matter, it is over." Qian Jue waved his hand.

Fang Chen nodded lightly, preparing to walk down to perform Wutai.

However, Wang Yi did not resign and said: "Are you afraid?"

Fang Chen's footsteps stopped abruptly.

He suddenly turned around and shot a cold look in his dark eyes.

Just when everyone thought he was angry and ready to fight, he said something unexpected.

"Your aggressive strategy is too bad."

After talking, Fang Chen went straight to Wutai.

However, when he stepped out a few steps, his head shook slightly.


Suddenly, he turned suddenly and punched.


The void collapsed, and the terrifying fist burst out in an instant.

Under Yanwutai, everyone was completely stunned, they felt an extremely depressed atmosphere.

"So strong."

Everyone was retreating, including Qianjue, who also evaded automatically.


A simple punch directly blasted Wang Yi.

When the crowd reacted, a word came from the air.

"If you want to challenge me, practice for a few years."

Qian Jue in the sky smiled bitterly when he saw the scene below.

He had long dissuaded Wang Yi, but the latter kept on.

Wang Yi fell to the ground, vomiting blood and pale.

"How can it be?"

He couldn't believe the facts in front of him, how could there be such a strong man in Heavenly God?

And this man is also a warrior who breaks the ground. He is not willing to work hard for decades, in order to be famous as a city of thunder.

Now, it ended like this.

"The punch just now is at most one-tenth of his true strength."

Qian Jue gave Wang Yi a faint glance and walked away.

On the square, countless shocking eyes looked at Wang Yi.

In their hearts, a turbulent wave was set off.

Soon, the news spread throughout the city.

Countless warriors call Fang Chen invincible in the heavenly god.

Wang Yi and other strong men can't resist his punch, but one can imagine how powerful he really is.

The night shrouded the earth.

On the edge of the thunder city, under a wall, two figures suddenly appeared.

"Master, be careful, this is the Thunder City after all."

An old man said in a low voice.

"Relax, it's just a **** in the sky, and some of my Lei San Jue is a way to kill him." Lei San Jue grumbled.

Soon, the two fell into the darkness.

Early the next morning, Lei Sanjue and his servants had pretended to be ordinary people and were hidden in the city of Lei.

They do n’t release the thunder system, and outsiders simply ca n’t find it.

Even if there is no residence token, you can live in the thunder city for seven days.

As long as within seven days, behead Fang Chen and then retreat.


Early in the morning, the servant heard the news and hurriedly told Lei Sanjue.

"Yesterday, Wang Yi set down the ring to challenge all Huntian gods and defeated ninety-nine Huntian gods in a row. The 100th challenger was Fang Chen." The servant said.

"The results of it?"

"As a result ... Wang Yi was blown away by Fang Chen. At that time, even a thousand masters appeared, and he said to Wang Yi that Fang Chen was invincible." The servant said.


Lei Sanjue's whole body showed a violent force.

But soon, he will breathe.

In his dark eyes, two flashes of thunder flashed, and said coldly: "Wang Yi's strength is weak, but in the most holy realm, he can rank well, and he even hits this kid Can't resist? "

At this moment, Lei Sanjue finally felt the power of Fang Chen.

In his heart, invisible pressure increased.

"But I didn't expect that those thousands of talents actually stepped into Xuan Tian Realm."

Wang Yi, Qian Jue, these are the younger generation who once had a fight with Lei San.

These two men were also well-known in the heavenly gods of the congenital realm.

"Master, does the plan need to change?" The servant asked.

Lei Sanjue shook his head, and his dark eyes were full of murderous intentions, saying: "I am Lei Sanjue fully prepared, let this son be my stepping stone and help me step into the level of Profound God."

After all, Lei Sanjue's figure disappeared.


At night, elegant courtyard.

Yingxiu is still in retreat. In order not to be disturbed, Fang Chen arranged several serial formations around him.

And he is practicing with his eyes closed.

Although the cultivation base is stuck in the bottleneck these days, his primordial spirit is growing rapidly.

He even felt that there was a sign that congenital inverse soul surgery was about to break through.


Suddenly, Fang Chen opened his eyes and spit out a turbid breath in his mouth. He immediately glanced at the dark corner.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a dark smile.


With a flick of his fingers, the formation model shot out instantly and got into the darkness.


With almost no signs, the Fentianjiu formation has been arranged.

"Come out."

At this time, Fang Chen stood up and looked at a certain void, said lightly.

Lei Sanjue and his servant, hidden in the void, were surprised.

"He actually found me?"

Lei Sanjue's eyes flashed and he thought to himself.

"Master, our Black Thunder family's concealment methods are super strong. I don't believe that a warrior who finds the ground can find it. It is very likely that he is arbitrarily trying." The servant said.

After hearing this, Lei San decided to suppress his body.

"Don't you come out?"

In the other court, Fang Chen stood quietly and waved his palm.

The Fentianjiu formation was exposed in an instant, and the violent fire swept across the earth, instantly illuminating the dark corners.

A horrible fireball struck in the direction of Lei Sanjue.


Lei Sanrui snorted and punched with a punch, which made the fireball fly.

Immediately, he stepped out and appeared opposite Fang Chen.

"Thunder means, are you from the Black Thunder family?"

The fist of Lei Sanjue contains the attributes of the Lei system, Fang Chen saw through.

"Hei Lei family, Lei Sanjue." Lei Sanrui said coldly.

"Huh? Are you Lei Sanjue?"

Obviously, Fang Chen also heard of Lei Sanjue's name, and learned from Yingxiu's mouth.

"Axiu?" Lei Sanjue asked.

"Why do you?" Fang Chen said.

"She is the woman of Lei Sanjue. Although she betrayed the British family, she is the one who has a marriage contract with me. After all, how can she leave a strange man casually?" Lei Sanrui calmly said.

The calm words contained a thunderstorm.

It is conceivable that once Lei Sanjue breaks out, anyone will be terrified.

"The so-called marriage contract is just a joke. Yingxiu has his own choice. Everyone should respect her choice." Fang Chendao said.

If it had been before, he was too lazy to control these.

But now it is different. He sees Yingxiu like his sister.

Especially when I learned about all the encounters with Yingxiu in the British family, I felt uneasy about it.

It is ridiculous that Lei Sanjue actually came to want someone.


Lei Sanjue's complexion gradually became cold.

"Dare you meddle with the woman of Lei Sanjue, believe it or not, I screw your head down." Lei Sanjue said strongly.

Fang Chen shook his head: "Lei Sanjue, you are too worthy of yourself."

"I thought you could ignore my Black Thunder family after killing the ultimate warrior in the most holy realm?" Lei Sanzhi walked towards Fang Chen step by step. The servant behind him rushed to Fang Chen and said: "Master, let the old come to take the lead for you. . "


With just one punch, the servants were bombarded.

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