Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2636: Robbery

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After some explanation, Fang Chen learned that the two ancient **** strongmen of the demon clan and the dark blood clan, no longer chaotic void.

They entered Tianzunhai, looking for opportunities, hoping to counterattack the human race.

The three ancient gods of the human race, the ancient **** of the void, always resides in the chaotic void, and there is no hidden world. It is the true human race pillar.

The remaining two ancient gods also entered Tianzunhai.

After all, if the human race wants to advance, it must resist the threat from Tianzunhai.

That's why, the world knows that Tianzunhai is like Jeongdong Mountain.

However, there are not many people who enter the Tianzunhai.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, no wonder that the demon clan and the dark blood clan did not dare to act rashly.

"In our human race, whenever Tianjiao is born, they will be sent to the sea of ​​Tianzun to sharpen, hoping to take this opportunity to break through to the realm of ancient gods." Xu Wei Tianzun said.

His eyes fell on Fang Chen.

The latter shrugged and said, "Twenty years later, I will enter Tianzunhai."

Twenty years later, the date he agreed with the Patriarch of the Rhino Horn.

Over the past few days, the Seven Elders have been working together on businessmen's plans.

At the end of the talk, basically the development of the next tens of thousands of years has been clearly planned.

This Human Race Congress is about to end.

Suddenly, Wan Lei Tianzun asked curiously: "By Fang Chen, who is your mysterious ancient **** who cultivated Jianzong Sect?"

Wan Lei Tianzun's words successfully attracted other elders.

They also looked at Fang Chen with hot eyes.

Yeah, to put it in perspective, I actually forgot this ancient god.

If he is an ancient human race, then the entire strength of the human race is bound to rise again.

"Do you know the rhinoceros family?" Fang Chen said.


Everyone shook their heads, expressing ignorance.

"What about Dongxi Mountain?" Fang Chen said calmly.

"You mean? The rhino horn tribe comes from Dongxi Mountain, and the ancient **** strong man is the rhino horn tribe?" Xu Wei Tianzun asked.

Fang Chen nodded, "Everyone should have speculations in their hearts, why did Dongxi Mountain disappear for no reason at Bolan Lake and appear in Damotian?"

Hearing Fang Chen's words, everyone nodded.

"Actually, Dongxi Mountain is not what the outside world said, the ancient **** strongman moved it personally." Fang Chen said: "Because, Dongxi Mountain itself is a peak treasure, I refined the core of Dongxi Mountain, control Dongdong Mountain. "

After hearing this, the six elders were shocked.

They stared at Fang Chen dumbfounded, which is definitely a big secret.

It's so shocking. The Jedi, who is as famous as Tian Zunhai, is actually a pinnacle, and it is also controlled by the youngest elder in front of me. Isn't it incredible?

Everyone trembles in their hearts and looks at Fang Chen dignifiedly.

"If Dongxie Mountain is a treasure, what about his master? Isn't it like the ancient gods?" Wan Lei Tianzun said.

Yeah, what really attracted the attention of the six elders was the original owner of Dongxi Mountain, the mysterious strongman.

Fang Chen said bluntly: "The original owner of Dongxi Mountain seems to have left the chaotic void and explored in the depths of darkness, striking a higher level of martial arts. After I took control of Dongxi Mountain, I used the power of Dongxi Mountain to suppress the rhinoceros. Finally, the rhinoceros were forced to bow their heads and reached an agreement with the rhinoceros. "

After listening to Fang Chen's explanation, everyone suddenly.

No wonder, with Fang Chen's strength, how could it be possible for the ancient gods to do it for him?

Now I want to come, there is still such an inside story.

The six elders did not ask what Fang Chen and the rhino horn patriarch agreed.

As long as they do not endanger the interests of the human race, they will not ask private questions.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that this little guy in our Presbyterian Church was so capable."

Xuwei Tianzun and others laughed.

Seven people stood side by side and left the Baiyun Palace. So far, this session of the Human Race has come to an end.

On the top of the sky dome, Fang Chen and Zhan Tianzun looked at each other, and the bodies of both sides exuded a terrible fighting intention, which was very shocking.


The battle was on the verge, and the two were fighting in a closed, independent space. The outsiders could not see anything at all.

As for the other five elders, they returned to their ethnic groups one after another, and embarked on the previously negotiated plan.


It is said that someone felt a powerful impact near the independent space.

Through the space diaphragm, the air currents rushed out can cause ordinary Venerables to be injured. It is conceivable how fierce the two are fighting.

The battle lasted three days and three nights, and the last two walked out of the independent space.

No one knows the result.

They just knew that after Zhan Tianzun came out, he didn't say a word, and went directly into the void.

And Fang Chen, with a smile on his face.


Da Mo Tian.

After exhausting along the way, Fang Chen finally returned to Da Mo Tian.

Just stepped on the land of Da Mo Tian, ​​suddenly the sky oscillated, and a circle of ripples appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying thunder came out.


The thick thunder swooped down, bombarded Fang Chen's body, and suddenly shattered the sword energy around him.

"Hunyuan sword body."

Fang Chen urged the Hunyuan sword body to raise the defense to the strongest.

At the same time, he began to fight back.

"Thunder Patriarch."

As soon as he fought, he found the ancestral pupil in the air.


Fang Chen cursed secretly, and immediately waved a sword.

At the same time, he urged the evil ancestor pupil.

The rich evil power spread out in an instant and wrapped the entire void.

Two shadows appeared from the cracks in the void.

"Quick battle and quick decision."

The strength of the two is very powerful, and the attack is joint, and the fighting power is comparable to that of Zhan Tianzun.

Unfortunately, Fang Chen's state of mind broke through at the human race and his strength soared.


Seeing a dark shadow roaring, Fang Chen recognized the other party.

"Dark Patriarch."

Fang Chen said with a deep voice, promptly activating the dark blood within his body, converging on his fist, and punching out with a punch.


Void tremor, violent force, exploded in an instant.

Two kinds of dark blood veins hit hard together, triggering the collapse of the void.


When the Dark Patriarch saw this, his face changed greatly, and he cried out in silence.

"Your dark bloodline?"

The Dark Patriarch's heart was crying and roaring.

A martial art warrior only needs to have a dark bloodline, and actually has such a high-purity bloodline.

"Damn it."

As the head of the dark blood clan, how could he not see how pure Fang Chen's dark blood was.

This kind of dark blood vein is also rare in the dark blood race.

"Must die."

In the heart of the dark patriarch, the murderous intentions are vertical and horizontal.

With the dark blood vein as a guide, the dark blood clan's secret method was urged.


The violent flame instantly burned, and the dark blood veins continuously poured into the sea of ​​fire.

In an instant, the sea of ​​fire spread and wrapped Fang Chen.

At the same time, Lei Yao Tianzun urged the pseudo-ancestral pupil to release the endless power of thunder.

For a time, Fang Chen was caught in a crisis.

Da Mo Tian, ​​Xiuluo Jianzong.

"What a powerful breath."

"Yaozu breath, is it the Yaozu invasion?"

"There is also the breath of dark blood."

When the wind and thunder beast felt the breath of breath erupted, an arrow step rushed into the sky.

At a glance, I saw Fang Chen in crisis.


The wind and thunder beast roared upwards and roared.

Fang Chen, who was trapped in the sea of ​​fire, suffered a strong attack from the thunder ancestor pupil.

He could barely resist the opponent's attack with the evil ancestor pupil.


The congenital Otoki at the neck radiated a soft light, and Otoki breathed into Fang Chen's body, spreading out, and healed all of Fang Chen's injuries.

At the same time, the heart of Xuan Ming also began to move.

"Dongxi Mountain."

Fang Chen snorted, shaking across the huge dragon and the huge caves and mountains.

All warriors in Damotian can feel the vibration.

They were shocked, thinking that the end of the world had arrived.

call out!

Dongxi Mountain rose into the sky and roared.


When Dongxie Mountain arrived, Fang Chen got into it directly.


All the forces bombarded the Dongqi Mountain and broke apart.


Upon seeing this, Lei Yao Tianzun and the Dark Patriarch cursed and felt the wild breath coming, they looked at each other, the task failed, they could only retreat.


The two stepped out and stepped into the void.

"Where to go?"

The wind and thunder beast came roaring, roaring up in the sky, tearing the void with both claws, bombarding it across the sky.

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