Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2637: Ancient God Shock

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Void tears, black holes emerge.

A few drops of blood came flying, and the wind and thunder beast retracted his claws angrily.

"It counts that you run fast."

Fenglei Thunder Beast glanced at his claws, and there were obvious traces of lightning bombardment in his palm.

His eyes flickered and he thought about it.

Was it the monster who possessed the thunder ancestor pupil who attacked Fang Chen?

"Are you all right?"

Seeing Fang Chen walk out of the Dongxi Mountain, Fenglei Wild Beast inquired.

Fang Chen shook his head, "I'm fine."

However, after this incident, Fang Chen can basically be determined.

The demon clan got the thunder ancestor pupil, and has been unable to suppress it, began to shoot him.


Thinking of the ancient gods of the Demon Race and the ancient gods of darkness no longer chaotic void, his heart was a sneer.

If it is urgent, he does not mind going to the two communities in person.


Fututian, the base camp of the demon race.

"Damn, that guy can actually urge Dongxiong Mountain."

At this time, even a stupid pig guessed that Dongsui Mountain was a treasure.

"As we guess, Dongxi Mountain is a treasure, controlled by Fang Chen." Lei Yao Tianzun said in a deep voice.

In fact, what he really cares about is not Dongxi Mountain, but the evil ancestor pupil in Fang Chen's hands.

If you can gather the three great to high ancestor pupils, you will be able to prove this and achieve the ancient god.

"He has discovered us, and the difficulty of the next sneak attack must be greatly increased." The Dark Chief said.

He looked at Lei Yao Tianzun's eyes, full of doubts.

Since the endless years, he has fought side by side with the demon patriarch many times. Never seen him use Thunder.

This time, he felt the power of his thunder.

"That kind of means, even if I face, there is no chance of winning." Dark patriarch thought to himself.

However, he did not show it.

"What's next?" Asked the Dark Chief.

"Don't act lightly, after this sneak attack, Fang Chen will be very careful. As long as he is in Da Mo Tian, ​​we will have no chance." Lei Yao Tian Zun said: "Wait, wait patiently, as long as he leaves Da Mo Tian , Is the timing of our shot, or ... "

"Or what?"

"My ancient **** strong return." Lei Yao Tianzun said slightly.

The chaotic void, calm.

After decades of shock, although there are still people talking about the Xiuluo Jianzong issue, it will not be as shocked as it was.

Asura's Jianzong, as the sixth largest tribe of the world, this is a matter of being determined.

Even if they are discussing, it will not help.

However, Fang Chen, one of the core presbyterian members of the human race, has become more familiar with the secrets of the human race in recent years.

This also strengthened his decision to enter Tianzunhai.

Over the years, Fang Chen has initially set two goals for himself.

First, finding a few good brothers is the top priority.

Second, look for opportunities to break through to the ancient gods.

Although these two goals seem simple, they are actually very difficult.

The vast chaotic void, from the ancient times to the present, how many people have broken through to the ancient gods since the endless years?

Want to break through? How can it be so easy?

Only the imaginary sword in my mind can give Fang Chen a little confidence.

Time is passing, during this period, Fang Chen accompanies his wife, daughter and friends while practicing.

Even Fang Chen received his two disciples from Shura Jianzong.

Needless to say, the big disciple Tianxin, although his strength is not too strong, at least he has the power to protect himself.

As for the young disciple Kang Jiu, it is slightly weaker.

However, he is a descendant of the Thousand Swordsmen, and the blood of the Thousand Swordsmen flows in his body. Once he is fully inspired in the future, he will surely become a swordsman of the famous Chaos Void Generation.

Fang Chen taught Xiuluo Jiandao to two disciples, and also directed them to practice. Under the guidance of Fang Chen, the two improved rapidly.

After the trip to Heishi prison, his wife Xingyue was already tired of the chaotic vanity life of the sword and sword.

She took the initiative to stay with Shu Luo Jianzong, accompanied her daughter every day, and practiced instantly.

And her daughter Fang Xi, with her versatile body and potential against the sky, has been appreciated by many giants, and she wants to accept her as an apprentice.

It is a pity that she refused everything and accompany her mother with peace of mind.

As for the Qinghou and the barbarians, they are very comfortable. They are used to fighting in the Quartet and cannot adapt to a comfortable life for a while.

Therefore, after a short stay in Da Mo Tian, ​​they each returned to the retreat.

After arranging all the people properly, Fang Chen was ready to decide to enter Tianzunhai.

"Rhinoceros Patriarch."

Inside the Dongxi Mountain, Fang Chen stared at the Patriarch of the Rhinohorn.

"Why? Decided to go?" Asked the Patriarch Rhinoceros.

He was ready, just waiting to enter Tianzunhai.

Fang Chen nodded, "Everything has been arranged properly. Those of the rhino horn tribe, who want to go out and sharpen it, I also sent them out. As for the rest, I don't want to go out."

The Patriarch of the Rhinoceros is very satisfied with this.

At least, Fang Chen did not violate his promise and slaughtered his people.

"Before leaving, I was a little worried about the dark blood and demon clan." Fang Chen said his worries.

"The two great ethnic groups have deep heritage, and I want to destroy them. I need to go all out. And all I have done in these years is to prepare to enter the Tianzun Sea, so I can't do my best." , A little shock, it ’s okay. This is the second thing I do for you. "

The Patriarch of the Rhino Horn promised to make three shots for Fang Chen.

The first time is to subdue the wind and thunder beast, this is the second time.

As for the beginning of Shura Jianzong's opening, it just came out to deter it, not counting it.

"it is good."

Fang Chen grinned.


On the occasion of the coming of the 100-year covenant, an abrupt vortex appeared suddenly in the sky above Futu.

Within the whirlpool, a black figure emerged.

He looked down like he looked down on the ants.

"Demon Race."

The head of the rhino horn clan whispered in his mouth, and his whole body immediately swayed, and his big hand pressed down.


The trembling force roared out, pressing down layer by layer, and the whole Futurian seemed to be crushed.

Thunder Demon Tianzun, who was practising within the days of Futu, felt panic for the first time.

"What's going on? Did the ancient human race take action?"

Thunder Demon Heaven Sovereign rushed into the sky, roaring wildly.


Lei Yao Tianzun urged a powerful force, but was slap in the air.

His heart shook and his body shook.

"If you dare to pay attention to Xiu Luozong, there is no need to wait."

Thunderous sounds came from the sky, and the suppressed breath gradually disappeared.

The huge Fututian, all the warriors, felt the fear from the depths of their hearts.

They will never forget this day, let them feel the death threatening day.


Lei Yao Tianzun clenched his fists, and his heart was furious.

Shura Jianzong actually disregarded the agreement, the ancient **** strong shot.

However, for the ancient god, he had no way.

"Submit the order, don't provoke the big devil Tian Xiuluo Jianzong." Lei Yao Tianzun ordered.

At least, it must be impossible to provoke in a short time.

The ancient **** was furious and the blood was splattered thousands of miles, which was terrible.

The same thing happened on the dark day.

The ancient **** strong descended and deterred the dark blood clan, making the dark blood clan extremely trembling and turbulent.

In the end, the dark blood clan bowed their heads and promised not to invade the Shura Jianzong before the ancient **** strongman left.

This news quickly spread throughout the chaotic void.

All the warriors shook.

The three major ethnic groups are relatively calm.

The six elders converged above the territory of the Netherworld in Qingxutian.

Across the endless void, looking at the dark sky and Futu sky.

After a long time, the six people looked at each other and immediately smiled: "It seems that Fang Chen is ready to enter the Tianzun Sea, and finally let the ancient **** strong deter the two major ethnic groups.

"Yeah, if he leaves, Xiuluo Jianzong will be concerned about it. Therefore, we must put an end to all future troubles."

"I just don't know if he can succeed on this trip."

To be honest, the six people not only did not want Fang Chen to enter the Tianzunhai, but also desperately hoped he could enter.

Thoughts are quite contradictory.

He didn't want to let it in because Tianzunhai was too dangerous, and it was a nine-death life for Tianzun to enter.

He is the hope of the future of the human race, and there must be no loss.

The reason why he wants to go in is because only by entering the sea of ​​Tianzun can he gain a first-line life and have the opportunity to step into the realm of the ancient gods.

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