Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2638: Departure, Tianzunhai

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The deterrent of the rhinoceros patriarch played a great role.

Originally the tempting demon clan and the dark blood clan directly fell into silence, at least for a long time afterwards, they dared not arbitrarily aim at Shura Jianzong.

In this way, Fang Chen has no worries, and can let go of everything and enter Tianzunhai.

The five great kings, as well as the wind and thunder beast, also followed Fang Chen, preparing to enter the sea of ​​Tianzun.

In addition to them, Xiuluo Jianzong also has many strong men on the venerable list, so there is no need to worry.

Moreover, before leaving, Fang Chen also greeted the members of the Presbyterian Church, let them take care of one or two.

After all, Fang Chen is a member of the Presbyterian Church, the true core of the human race.

Entering the Tianzunhai this time is also for the future of the human race.

Can the six elders not care?

They patted their chests to ensure that no one dared to go to Xiuluo Jianzong to make trouble, so that Fang Chen did not have to worry.


The chaotic void south is very remote, and it is almost approaching the edge of the void.

The environment here is harsh and barren.

It is much worse than the virtual star sky.

This piece of heaven is the most inferior heaven in thirty-three days and can hardly survive.

This piece of heaven is famous because Tianzunhai is in it.

There is Tianzunhai in the south and Dongxi Mountain in the north.

These two great Jedi shocked the chaotic void.

In front of Dongxiu Mountain, you can often see some warriors, wanting to enter it, eager to move.

However, before Tianzunhai, almost no one could see a figure.

Tianzunhai is too dangerous. Even if Tianzun enters, it will be nine deaths, not to mention other venerables?

There is a total of six small realms in the great realm of Xuanshen.

Profound God Realm, as the last realm of the six small realms, is also the most detached realm.

Because the strength of this realm warrior is too large, it is divided into ordinary revered, top revered, extreme revered, and heavenly revered.

It can be called Heavenly Deity, that is already the strongest among the mysterious gods, the strongest under the ancient god.

Tianzunhai is said to be able to kill all His Holiness.

The ancient gods are among them, and they dare not act rashly.


On the edge of the void, there is a vast ocean, the breeze blowing, the tide clawing.

Suddenly, the void is distorted, eight figures, walking.

The headed person is the head of the rhinoceros. He is an ancient **** strongman who once came out of the sea of ​​Tianzunhai and is very familiar with this place.

"Is this Tianzunhai?" Fang Chen asked.


The Patriarch of Rhino Horn snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

"Is such a trashy ocean worthy of being called Tianzunhai?"

The rhinoceros clan said: "The real sea of ​​heaven is very vast, even if the ancient **** is in it, he can only feel the smallness. The ocean in front of him is just a disguise. The real sea of ​​heaven is in the deepest part of this ocean."

"Go straight in?" The warlord asked.

"Although this piece of ocean is weak, it is not able to break into it casually. The sea water contains extremely strong corrosive force, which can corrode everything." The Patriarch Rhinoceros explained: "There are two ways to enter the Tianzun Sea . "

"what way?"

"The first method, which is hard against the corrosion of seawater, rushes into the depths of the ocean and then enters the Tianzun Sea. The second method is to move over the ocean and then move, maybe when there will be a space-time storm, will roll you Entering the seabed, you can still enter Tianzunhai. "

There are only two ways to enter the sea of ​​Tianzun.

After hearing this, Fang Chen pouted.

Waiting for the space storm to get under the sea, it sounds a little unreliable.

At the same time, he had only guessed that his own brothers should have inadvertently broken into the ocean, and the knocked out space storm was involved in the seabed.

"Will space storms appear at any time?" Jian Wang asked.

"How is it possible? Space storms can be encountered and not sought, sometimes appear once every ten thousand years, sometimes not once every hundred million years." The rhinoceros chief said.

"Then just rush in."

After all, the five kings are ready to rush into the ocean.


The rhino horn patriarch said in a deep voice.

"Why are you stunned? Don't you take Dongsong Mountain out yet?"

The Patriarch of the Rhinoceros is a little speechless. What is the reason for Fang Chen to bring him to Dongsong Mountain?


Fang Chen froze for a moment, and immediately summoned Dongsong Mountain.

The vast cavernous mountains exuded majestic power, and the vaguely swayed seawater shook.

A circle of ripples appeared on the surface of the sea water. In a blink of an eye, the powerful force caused a big vortex in the sea water.

Within the vortex, vast powers emerged, and the faces of Fang Chen's seven people were solemn, and his heartbeat accelerated.

"So strong."

Before he reached Tianzunhai, he felt such a powerful force.

How about entering the sea of ​​Tianzun?

For a time, everyone's heart became more and more heavy.

Previously, their fantasy was too simple and too beautiful.

"Dongxia Mountain is the pinnacle of the treasure. The strength of the seawater corrosion cannot be eroded at all. We only need to control the Dongxia Mountain within the Dongqi Mountain and sink to the bottom of the sea." The rhinoceros clan said.

In fact, the strength of the rhinoceros patriarch can completely resist the corrosion of seawater.

But, he has to take care of Fang Chen seven people.


The Dongxi Mountain opened, and Fang Chen and others entered it.


The heart of Xuan Ming flickered, and Dongsui Mountain entered the ocean.


Dongsong Mountain has been sinking. Through the boundary wall, you can see the pressure outside, which is very shocking.

"Dongxi Mountain is really a good thing."

Even the wind and thunder beast's eyes are hot.


The head of the rhino horn closed his eyes to raise his mind.

If Fang Chen was killed out of the sky, Dongxi Mountain has been controlled by him, and it will not become the way it is now.

However, it is too late to say anything.

"The ocean is very deep. At our current speed, it takes at least ten years to sink to the bottom of the sea." After the patriarch of the rhino horn finished speaking, he closed his eyes and nodded.

Several other people looked at each other, and their hearts were more shocked.

time flies.

In a flash, three years have passed.

One day, Fang Chen and others were practicing, and suddenly they felt the Dongxi Mountain shaking.

"what happened?"

Brother Fang opened his eyes and instantly discovered that Dongxi Mountain had been attacked.

Through the boundary wall, I saw countless sea monsters in the ocean around Dongsong Mountain.

Every Kraken has the fighting power of the Supreme Venerable.

"Too strong?"

Fang Chen was stunned. The Kraken who besieged Dongshang Mountain alone had eighty-one statues.

Moreover, they are all Extreme Venerables, even if they are placed in the chaotic void, they are definitely the dominant power.

"So many Extreme Venerables? No wonder that Tianzun came in, all died in a lifetime." Fang Chen couldn't help voicing.

The threshold of Tianzunhai is too high, let's not talk about how dangerous it is.

This ocean alone is so dangerous.

Many people probably didn't sink to the bottom of the sea and were eaten raw by these powerful sea monsters.


The sound of tremors passed into everyone's ears.

"Won't these Krakens bite Dongsong Mountain?" King Qing asked.

"A bunch of idiots, Dongxie Mountain is the pinnacle of treasure, just because you want to bite it?" Wu Wang sneered.


Dongtze Mountain is shrinking continuously, and finally it is just like a small hill, which is sinking continuously.

The surrounding sea monsters are ruthless attacks.

"Informing the king, we found an unknown object in the shallow sea area, which is very hard. Eighty-one Extreme Venerables can't destroy it."

In the deep sea area, above a certain reef, a supreme venerable sea monster is reporting to a guy covered with countless tentacles.

"Huh? Is it the treasure of the human race?"

Thinking of this, Tentacle Siren said: "Take me to see."

Soon, the tentacle siren came to the shallow water area and saw the Dongxi Mountain.

"That is……"

He was dumbfounded and his heart was trembling.


He roared loudly, and all the eighty-one Krakens that had besieged Dongsong Mountain suddenly retreated.

"Don't you want to live? Hurry up."

Tentacle Siren hurriedly took a lot of Siren and left here.

"King, what is that hill?" Asked the Siren.

"This is the territory of our Kraken, are we still afraid of the human warriors?"

"Since the endless years, many human warriors have been eaten raw by us, even if the Heavenly God among them came to our site, they are all robbed."

Some Krakens think they are super powerful and have no fear of humanity.

However, the tentacle siren swept sharply across many siren, and then scolded: "Shut up."

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