Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2698: Black face

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Named Peak, No. 2 Beyond House.

Darkness and gloom are the main theme of this other courtyard.

The dull air is full of killing power.

A man with armor, just entered the courtyard, his face completely dignified.

If you look closely, he is surrounded by a layer of cold sword energy, he is a sword repair.

He turned his head and looked, there was a gray ball in the west of the other courtyard.

Within this grey ball, there was a trembling force.


Just when he was surprised, the gray ball cracked and then collapsed.

A figure walked out of it.

The named disciple of Mingfeng Peak ranked second, black face.

As the name implies, his face is extremely dark, standing there, like a rainbow.


The armored man walked quickly to the black face and whispered, "I want to get Fang Chen's swordsmanship."


Black face turned to look at the armored man, eyes blinking.

After a long time, he said: "Do you think his swordsmanship is strong?"

"When he performed swordsmanship, the breath of kendo in my body was oscillating and resonated. And I can feel that he did not exert his full strength. If I can get his swordsmanship, I will definitely be among the top ten." Armored man said.

He glanced at the black face glaringly, waiting for the latter's reply.

Hearing that, the black face grinned, "I promise you, who made me owe you a favor?"

"Thank you, brother."

The armored man was overjoyed and thanked.


On the peak of registration, because the formal disciples assessment is coming soon, every disciple is diligent, and at a glance, the entire peak of registration is extremely silent.

The darkness shrouded the earth, and the stars flickered under the night sky.

Fang Chen sat on the stone bench and looked up at the void.

With one thought, he could sense everything that happened within the ancient chaos.

The deity shares with the doppelganger and Yuanshen. The deity realizes that the doppelganger can also benefit.

"Yun'er, Han'er."

Fang Chen's face showed a happy smile.

"After waiting for the father to gain a foothold in Taikoo Chaos, he will pick you up." Fang Chen murmured.


While Fang Chen was thinking about it, suddenly his expression slightly moved.


Fang Chen did not panic, nor did he show any abnormalities on his face.

His consciousness gradually spread, looking around, and suddenly found a dark face hidden in the dark.

"King Mingfeng's second black face?"

Fang Chen's mouth turned up, revealing a dark smile.

"Come out."

Fang Chen took the wine glass on the stone table and sipped it out.

In the darkness, the black face came out in surprise.

"Can you spot me?" Blackface asked.

Fang Chen sneered, "You want to hide me at this level? Why? Want to get my sword skills?"

"It seems that you are much smarter than you think. My black face likes to deal with smart people the most. You already know my intention, then you also know what to do compared to it?" Black face said.

Fang Chen nodded. "Yes, I already know what to do."

Blackface stretched out his palm, "Hand over your swordsmanship, I can spare you a life, and then I will take shelter of you on the named peak."

Fang Chen slowly stood up, his dark eyes, looking at the black face, "I use your shelter?"

The palm with the black face stretched out suddenly stiffened.

His whole body exuded a terrifying breath.

"So, are you planning to hand over swordsmanship?" The black face gazed at Fang Chen playfully, ready to shoot at any time.

Fang Chen shook his head gently, no longer talking.

Ignored by Fang Chen, the black face was completely irritated.

"Damn it."

The black face murmured, and immediately he stepped out, and the other courtyard was suddenly filled with strong breath.

His big hand grabbed Fang Chen's head.


call out!

At the gate of the other courtyard, a fist came roaring with a bang and resisted the black-faced attack.

"Chi Xiu?"

The black-faced body kept receding, and after stabilizing his body, he saw that the person who shot was Chi Xiu. He shouted angrily, "Do you want to stop me?"

"Fang Chen is a disciple of me named Feng. Is it too much for you to act so openly?"

Chi Xiu went to Fang Chen and confronted the black face.

Fang Chenfeng was light and light, and he didn't look at the black face from beginning to end. He had a faint smile on his face, as if watching a play.

"Chi Xiu, you don't have to do much business."

At this step, if the black face recedes, what other faces will be mixed up in the future?

Therefore, even if the person in front of him is Chi Xiu, he has to fight one.


Chi Xiu shot, he blasted dozens of punches in a row, each punch contains a powerful force.



The deafening voice sounded, and the black face urged all the strength to withstand the fist of Chixiu.

"Chi Xiu, do you really want to do right with me?" Blackface shouted.

"It's not that I am right with you, but that you are right with me."

Chi Xiu spread his hands and said: "When I saw Brother Fang at the first sight, I regarded each other as a confidant, but you openly shot him, how can I just ignore it?"

"Well, who wouldn't say the sounding words? Chi Xiu, I looked at you high, but I didn't expect you to be a decent guy. In order to get the treasure of Fang Chen, he would not hesitate to use this method." Blackface sneered.

"I have a black face and disdain to be with someone like you."

At the end of the conversation, the black face shook his sleeves and turned to leave.

"This matter is not finished, we will see the official disciples."

Looking at the back of the black face, Chi Xiu sneered: "arrogant guy."

Immediately, he condensed his breath, turned his head to look at Fang Chen, and smiled and said: "Brother Fang, I also passed by, and happened to find that the black face shot you, so I stopped you."

"But I believe that even if I don't shoot, the black face can't be your opponent Fang brother." Chi Xiu smiled.

Fang Chen nodded. Although Chi Xiu was deliberately making friends with him, he could also see that he treated himself sincerely.

"Brother Chixiu, I have received your kindness." Fang Chen said: "I will let you see my sincerity during the formal disciples assessment."

"Where did Fang speak?" Chi Xiu said.


The Second House.

"Brother, how is it?"

Seeing the black face coming back, the armored man hurriedly asked.


The black face snorted coldly, his face full of gloom, and his heart was full of anger.

"Damn Chi Xiu, dare to spoil my good deeds." Black face gritted his teeth.

"Chi Xiu? He helped Fang Chen resist your brother's attack?" The armored man shouted aloud. "Did he also stare at Fang Chen?"

Thinking of this, the armored man panicked.

If Chixiu got Fang Chen's inheritance treasure, where could he be?

"Relax, Chixiu is still not in my eyes. My killer is used for formal disciples assessment. When I wait, I will let him know that Chixiu will do the right thing with my black face. Blackface said in a deep voice: "During this time, you should not be anxious, we have time."

Despite his unwillingness, the armored man nodded.

Chi Xiu made it clear that he could only rely on the black face, otherwise the chance was even slimmer.

Above the named peak, the three giants looked down.

Since the three of them returned, they have received the attention of Dean Tianshu.

They can bring back 17,000 years of emptiness and arrogance. They have made contributions, and now their status in Tianshuyuan is rising.

"This guy only came to the Mingfeng Peak in such a short time, so there was such a big noise." Wu Yu smiled.

"With his strength, there is no problem in being among the core disciples. He is wronged at the named peak." Wu Qian said.

"The Dean did this naturally, and he had his reason. Lin Jiahu looked at it, and if he was found that Fang Chen was still alive, he would furiously counterattack." Bai Ling said indifferently: "The Dean has cultivated Fang Chen as a disciple."

Wu Yu and Wu Qian also nodded when they heard the words.

Indeed, although Fang Chen is marking the peak, Dean Tianshu is watching his movements all the time.

"Remembering the name peak is also a kind of sharpening." Bai Lingdao said: "I just came to Taikoo Chaos, and it's easy to lose myself. The dean asked him to start from the named disciple, in addition to protecting him, it is also a baptism of his heart. . "

"I really look forward to this guy's rapid growth." Wu Gan's eyes filled with a hot look.

Such a natural pride, once grown up, will definitely shock the entire Taikoo Chaos.

By that time, they will also benefit from Tianshuyuan.

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