Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2699: Magic sound

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After the annual party, Mingfeng was quiet again.

It's just that there are often named disciples who will mention Fang Chen's name.

This name, at the annual party, showed its limelight and dazzled.

However, Fang Chen is not idle, he has been studying the fusion of Qingtian swordsmanship and Shura swordsmanship.

After a few months.

Fang Chen is practicing in the Hundred Number One.

Around him, a layer of powerful sword qi halo emerged, and two distinct sword qi, cleverly merged together to form a more powerful sword power.


Fang Chen controls the strength of Kendo and condenses into a sword light.

At this moment, Fairy Ziqiong knocked gently on the door, and then Lian Bu walked in gently.

Seeing the fairy Ziqiong, Fang Chen moved, and the sword light in front of him collapsed directly.

There was a terrifying air of kendo remaining in the air.

After seeing this scene, Ziqiong fairy moved her heart slightly, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she was more charming. She smiled broadly and thought that she had chosen the right person.

Fang Chen is the person he is looking for, and he must be able to easily enter the ancient ruins.

"Can you leave?" Fang Chen asked.

Fairy Ziqiong nodded slightly, her red lips lightly said: "For a few months, although your limelight is still strong, many people have paid less attention to you, it is time to act."

"When to set off?"

"Right now."

Fang Chen nodded, and after a little tidying up, he followed Ziqiong Fairy and left Mingfeng.

In the No. 1 Beyond Garden, Chi Xiu dwelled down and looked down at the foot of the mountain.

The backs of Fang Chen and Ziqiong Fairy appeared in their eyes.

"The two of them are leaving Mingfeng now, what are they doing?"

Chi Xiu was full of doubts, but eventually shook his head gently.

Since you choose to cooperate with Fang Chen, then don't interfere with his life.

However, unlike Chi Xiu, in the other direction, the dark face hidden in the dark, also found Fang Chen and Ziqiong Fairy left.

"Humph, dogs and men."

The black face sneered, immediately vanished into the void, and quietly followed Fang Chen away.

After the named peak, Fairy Ziqiong's speed was pushed to the extreme, Fang Chen followed, and the two swept towards the depths of Qunfeng.

"The ancient ruins are deep in the continuous peaks. At our speed, it takes about an hour or so." Ziqiong fairy said.

Fang Chen nodded and looked around.

Suddenly, his ears moved slightly and felt the change in the void.


Fang Chen's consciousness spread and merged into the void, and suddenly found a black face behind him.


Lengheng snorted without pretending to be a snake, pretending not to know, and continued on.

An hour later, Fang Chen and Ziqiong Fairy came to the depths of the rolling hills.

Here, there is a huge mountain range.

"The ancient ruins are in the mountains, let's go in." Ziqiong fairy said.

"Wait." Fang Chen shouted.

Fairy Ziqiong was a little surprised and was about to ask.

"I'll clean up the annoying flies first."

At the end of the speech, Fang Chen gave a shit, a bright finger, whizzed out, pierced the void, and shot directly at the black face.


The black-faced chest was shot through, his figure revealed.

Blood spewed out, his breath weakened and he was seriously injured.

He widened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen inexplicably.

"You ... did you find me?"

The space concealment method that the black face is proud of is actually seen by Fang Chen at a glance, how can this not make the black face shake.

Forcibly controlling the bleeding, he retreated.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen pierced his chest, his injury was a bit serious, and his combat effectiveness decreased sharply.

Seeing the black face receding, Fang Chen sneered: "Since it's here, you don't have to leave."

call out!

The dazzling sword light exploded from the Xingyin sword.


When Jianguang whistled, the black face was horrified to find that his body could not move.

"Fang Chen, you can't kill me, we are the same."

Blackface finally felt the fear, he shouted loudly.

However, to no avail.

"Now we know that we are the same?"

Fang Chen sneered, Jianguang's power was not diminished, and he pierced the black face straight.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky, and the black-faced body exploded, destroying both form and spirit.


The fresh wind blew it away, dispersing the powerful force in the air.

The sword spirit that ravages the air gradually dissipates.

Fang Chen condensed his breath, holding the Xingyin sword, and walked to the fairy Ziqiong, "Go, you can go in."

Fairy Ziqiong was stunned for a moment, and then recovered.

Her heartbeat accelerated, and an astonishing look flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Although he knew that Fang Chen was powerful, he did not expect that the latter was so powerful.

"Even Chixiu is not his place at all." Fairy Ziqiong thought.

Deep in the mountains, there is a huge ban.

This prohibition is very strong. If it weren't for Fang Chen, a martial artsman with extremely strong attainments, it would be difficult for ordinary people to break through.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen grinned, this ancient ruin should be left by the powerful Xinggu realm.

For Tianshuyuan, there is not much attraction at all.

In addition, the prohibition is a little special and has not been discovered so far.

It was accidentally discovered by Fairy Ziqiong.

"How? Can you break the ban?" Fairy Ziqiong asked quickly.

Fang Chen opened his eyes and scattered his breath. For a short time, he had seen the core structure of the ban.

"Banned together, together with the formation method, the same way."

Fang Chen calmly said: "This ban is arranged in a unique way. The defensive power is comparable to the strongest of the ancient ancient realm. Generally, the ancient gods of the ancient ancient realm cannot naturally break through their defense. But ..."

Speaking of which, Fang Chen paused.

Fairy Ziqiong's pretty face was covered with a smile.

Fang Chen said this, then it means that he has confidence to break the ban.

"let me try."

Fang Chen said.

"Do you need my help?" Fairy Ziqiong asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, "You back away."

Fairy Ziqiong retreated to a safe place, Fang Chen closed his eyes, and the rich air of the formation instantly diffused, and was in contact with the ban hidden in the void.


I saw that Fang Chen's hands were constantly waving, and afterwards, the fingerprints fell into the ban.


After a long time, Ziqiong Fairy heard a clear sound.

Immediately after, the ban revealed that there were signs of cracking.

"Did you make it?"

Fairy Ziqiong was overjoyed in her heart, her beautiful eyes flickered and she was very excited.


Suddenly, Fang Chen threw a punch, as heavy as Taishan, bombarded on the cracked ban.


There was a gap in the ban, Fang Chen called out: "Go in."

He stepped out in one step and jumped into the ban, and Fairy Ziqiong followed, and entered it.


Fang Chen and Ziqiong Fairy landed under a dark ground.

"Is this the ancient ruins?" Fairy Ziqiong asked, looking around in surprise.


An unbelievable voice came from beneath the ground. Ziqiong Fairy shivered and her face was pale.

"Don't listen."

Fang Chen shouted, and at the same time urged momentum to isolate both ears from the outside world.

Layers of ripples appear, and those forces hidden in the dark, like magic, destroy people's hearts and lungs.

"go with."

Fang Chenqiang endured the attack of the magic sound, leapt forward, and at the same time slashed out with a sword.


A statue in front exploded with a bang, and the magic sound stopped abruptly.


Fairy Ziqiong breathed a sigh of relief. The attack of the magic sound was just too strong, specifically targeting Yuanshen.

"Are you all right?" Fang Chen asked.

Fairy Ziqiong shook his head, "I'm fine, thank you."

"The magic sound just came from this statue, which is specifically aimed at Yuanshen. Your Yuanshen has not been transformed, so you can't resist the attack of the magic sound." Fang Chen said with a shrug.

Yuanshen is divided into nine realms, and above the nine yuan realm, it is the king level.

Fang Chen's Yuanshen, as early as the breakthrough to the empty ancient realm, has completed the transformation and reached the king level.

Therefore, the magic sound just made him a little uncomfortable and did not pose any threat.

On the contrary, Ziqiong Fairy Yuanshen is Jiuyuan Realm, and some cannot resist the attack of Magic Sound.

"It's a little weird here, be careful."

Fang Chen glanced at the statue shattered by himself, and then moved on.

"It seems like a passage here."

Fairy Ziqiong looked around and whispered.

They seem to have entered a passage to a mysterious area.

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