Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2701: Invincible Kendo

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"The great sword contains great kendo power and shelters the stone chamber. If you rush to receive the phantom flower, you will be hurt by the sword gas." Fang Chen said lightly.

Fairy Ziqiong bowed his head in shame, and put the fantasy flower in his pocket.


The great sword swayed, and the breath of vastness came into Fang Chen's mind.


Fang Chen felt his scalp numb, endured the pain, and accepted the heritage.

After a moment, Fang Chen's face eased a little.

"Are you OK?"

Fairy Ziqiong asked worriedly.

Fang Chen shook his head, "The Stone Chamber itself is a powerful ban, gathering the sword qi of the heavens. For Jianxiu, it is a blessing. I plan to dive here for a while, how about you?"

"I've got the phantom flower, nothing is going on for the time being, just help you protect the law here." Ziqiong fairy said.

"it is good."

Fang Chen immediately crossed his knees, holding a giant sword, sensing the power in his mind.

"Killing Kendo?"

Among many kendos, the killing kendo is ranked high, and the Shura kendo can't compare.

"After all, external force is external force. The predecessors realized kendo, and we can learn from it. If we practice this way, we are destined to fail to reach the height of our predecessors, so why not set foot on the peak of kendo?"

This is the first sentence in Kendo inheritance.

After seeing this sentence, Fang Chen was like a divine initiation, and his heart was instantly clear.

"I got the Killing Sword Dao before the endless years, and have been practicing this way. However, when I reached the Xinggu Realm, I finally found the deficiency of the Killing Sword Dao. To get to the top, I must get out of my own Kendo. "

In the inheritance, a lot of supreme perceptions of Kendo are left, and the other party has a great effect.

"Own kendo."

Asura kendo, kill kendo, after all, do not belong to themselves.

"Predecessors can create their own swordsmanship, why can't they?"

Fang Chen was eager to try. He wanted to take advantage of this favorable opportunity to try to create Kendo.

My perception of Kendo has reached a very high level, and the potential of Kendo is also extremely high.

"First feel the killing kendo."

If you want to create kendo, you must start from these two kendos.

Time is passing, and Fang Chen's body is full of murderous intentions.

Fairy Ziqiong standing aside, all felt thrilling.

"The killing breath is so powerful, I feel like I have no courage to shoot him," Fairy Ziqiong murmured.

Half a month later, Fang Chen successfully realized the killing sword way by using the inheritance of the sword way left by the strong players of the ancient stars.

At this point, the two major swords are clear to the chest.

Next, he began to try to create Kendo.

Since you want to create kendo, then you must take its essence to remove its dross.

Intercept the essence of the two major kendos, then blend them together and put in your own kendo philosophy.

In this case, it will be a lot easier.

"The essence of Shura Kendo is that the gods are haunted and unpredictable." Fang Chen murmured: "And the essence of killing Kendo is **** killing."

Creating kendo is just like creating swordsmanship.

Fang Chen has his own method, and he is also using different concepts to perfect Kendo.

half year later.

Fang Chen has initially created a brand new kendo.

However, he was not satisfied with this sword, and continued to overthrow and recreate.

A year later, he once again created a kind of kendo, still unsatisfied.

During this period, Fairy Ziqiong witnessed Fang Chen's various performances, his eyes were dumbfounded.

"Demon, this is the real demon."

In a year, Ziqiong Fairy has completely refined the fantasy flower.

"This time I got the phantom flower, and when I return to Mingfeng, it will start to impact, and I will be able to succeed."

Thinking of this, Fairy Ziqiong's face was full of smiles.


Day after day, year after year.

One day after three years, Fang Chen's body suddenly had a powerful sword breath, bombarded, and the entire stone chamber was trembling.


Around the stone room, all eyes were broken, destroyed by the sword gas shot from Fang Chen.

The sword energy on his body contained a shocking power.

Fairy Ziqiong shook her head, she had never felt such a powerful sword spirit.

In Jian Qi, it seems to contain self-confidence, invincibility and powerful ideas.


Fang Chen opened his eyes, Jian Qi sent and received freely.

In his mind, sword qi is like a rainbow.

He grinned and stood up.

"As this predecessor said, one of the swords should have a brave heart and strong self-confidence in himself." Fang Chen murmured.

Always think that your future will be invincible.

"Invincible, just call it Invincible Kendo."

A flash of light flashed in Fang Chen's mind, and he gave himself a name for the brand-new kendo he created.

I'm afraid he didn't even think that after a few years, the invincible kendo trembles the entire starry sky.

The color change of everyone in Chaos.

Of course, this is something.


Fairy Ziqiong asked.

Fang Chen nodded, "This is not a small harvest, and I sincerely thank you here."

Fairy Ziqiong shook her head hurriedly, "I'd like to thank you for speaking. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get a fantasy flower."

Fang Chen shook his head. Fairy Ziqiong didn't understand it, but he knew it best.

To create an invincible sword, the opponent said that this is an important step on the sword road, and it is likely to affect his future cultivation career.

"Go back first."

On the way back, it was relatively smooth, and no crisis was encountered.

That night, Fang Chen and Ziqiong Fairy returned to Mingfeng.

"Fang Chen, thank you this time."

Fairy Ziqiong smiled sweetly and returned to the No. 3 Courtyard.

In the dark sky.

Dean Tianshu looked down at him, and the moment he saw Fang Chen, his eyes lit up.

"Huh? The breath on his body seems to have changed a lot." Dean Tianshu said in surprise: "The breath of Kendo is more strengthened and different from the breath he released before."

"Isn't ... he got some kind of powerful kendo heritage?"

Dean Tianshu didn't even dare to think about it, Fang Chen was able to create a brand new sword way.

Of course, all of this must benefit from the kendo sentiment left by the Xinggu Realm Powerhouse, and the other party's Chen has a great help.

In the number one hundred courtyard.

Fang Chen sat on the stone bench, carefully recalling the process of creating an invincible kendo.

"Invincible kendo, which blends my kendo philosophy, plus the essence of killing kendo and asura kendo, is so subtle."

Even Fang Chen didn't dare to imagine himself.

"call out!"

He just flexed his arms, and an invincible sword gas instantly appeared, flashing in the void, and then shot towards the sky.

Seeing that, the smile on Fang Chen's face was stronger.

"Although my cultivation base is the pinnacle of the empty ancient realm, if the sword is broken with an invincible sword, the attack power can definitely overwhelm the ancient gods in the early stage of the star ancient realm." Fang Chen said.

In other words, he now has the strength to fight against the ancient gods of Xinggujing.

Even, it can crush the ancient gods in the early stage of the star ancient realm.

"I can feel that the development potential of Invincible Kendo is great."

Fang Chen clenched his fists with confidence.

Invincible Kendo, invincible belief!

He looked up at the dark starry sky. "From the bottom, I can still walk to the top step by step."

His sentence seemed to be talking to himself, and it seemed to be talking to the dean of Tianshu.


On the quiet named peak, the undercurrent surging.

With the passage of time, formal disciples assessment is coming.

In particular, the disciples who live in Ziming Garden want to improve their cultivation.

This is an opportunity, if you miss it, I don't know how long to wait.

In the second courtyard.

Over the past year, the armored man has been there numerous times.

"Where did Brother Face go, why didn't he appear in a year?"

The armored man was sad and frowning, and he looked for a black face to discuss important matters.

However, the latter did not appear for a year.

"Don't you hide the face and practice, in order to impact the formal disciples?" The armored man can only comfort himself like this.

"Forget it, just wait."

The armored man turned and left.

He would never have imagined that a black face as powerful as a **** in his heart had already died in the hands of Fang Chen.

"Huh? He isn't ..."

As soon as he walked out of the No. 2 Courtyard, the armored man saw a person approaching.

He was scared to hide aside, lowered his head, and waited for the man to enter the second courtyard before raising his head.

"Qu Yunfeng, is actually a formal disciple Qu Yunfeng, he came to find the face brother, is it ..."

Thinking of this, the armored man was even more excited.

If Brother Face became a disciple with the help of Qu Yunfeng, wouldn't he have a strong backing in the future?

At that time, who dares to bully himself on the famous peak?

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