Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2704: Select task

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The formal disciples assessment finally ended with such a unique result.

Even Chixiu and Ziqiong Fairy fantasized about countless results, and still did not expect that they could lie and win.

When Qu Yunfeng lost three people, Chi Xiu seemed to be dreaming.

"I have become a formal disciple?"

Tianshuyuan is one of the most powerful forces in this void, standing side by side with such giant families as the Lin family.

In the vast crowd, I do not know how many warriors there are, and the highest goal is to become a disciple of Tianshuyuan.

However, if you want to become a formal disciple, you must start with a registered disciple.

Don't underestimate the famous disciples. The registered disciples of Tianshuyuan are placed outside. They are also well-known among the young generation.

However, if you want to be recognized by Tianshu Academy, you must become a formal disciple.

Once you become a formal disciple, you can be regarded as a real disciple of Tianshuyuan.

There is a huge gap between registered disciples and formal disciples.

Chi Xiu originally thought that there would be a fierce battle.

But who would have thought that they did not move from beginning to end and watched quietly.


Fairy Ziqiong shook her head and smiled brightly.

"Let's go."

Fang Chen said, immediately took the first step out of the mountains.

Chi Xiu and Ziqiong Fairy froze for a moment, only to recall that there was no point in staying.


Chi Xiu's mood at the moment cannot be described in words.

Named on the peak.

Many named disciples were completely shocked.

The top executives were even more excited, and even the elders responsible for the assessment nodded in satisfaction.

This is the strongest term since he was in charge of formal disciples assessment.

With his own strength, he crushed the three official disciples, which is enough to be included in the history of Tianshu Academy.

"These potentials are considered to be outstanding among the formal disciples." The elder in charge of the assessment whispered.

When Fang Chen's three men came to the famous peak again, everyone's eyes were hot, as if they were welcoming the return of the hero, watching the three of them.


The elder in charge of the assessment said: "From today, the three of you will be official disciples of my Tianshu Academy."

"Elder ..."

Among the crowd, some disciples said unconvinced: "They are cheating. Fang Chen is powerful. We have nothing to say, but the strength of Fairy Ziqiong and Chixiu are not enough to fight Brother Qu Yunfeng."

"To shut up."

Responsible for assessing the elder's complexion, he shouted loudly.

"The rules of the Tianshuyuan are not yet your turn."

Suddenly, the crowd was silent, and no one dared to question Chi Xiu and Ziqiong Fairy anymore.

Countless people watched the two with fierce eyes, especially the famous disciples who had been with them for the top ten for a while.

With such a strong teammate, even if they are replaced, they can fully become full disciples.


Some people cursed their teeth and missed the best time.

"Okay, go back and tidy up. Tomorrow morning, come to Zuofeng Report." The elder in charge of the assessment and Fang Chen said a few words and left.

On the peak of the name, the carnival is incomparable.

On this night, together with the high-ranking officials, many martial artists sang to the wine to celebrate the passing of Fang Chen's assessment.


The next day, early in the morning.

The three of Fang Chen came to Zuo Yifeng.

This mountain peak is not much larger than the famous peak. The whole mountain is enveloped by a huge formation, and the power of heaven is extremely rich.

"Great job."

Fang Chen couldn't help but talk, such generosity, only Tianshuyuan can get it out.

He can see that this formation can gather the power of the heaven and the Tao around him.

If placed in Chaos of the Ancient Saints, such a peerless array is absolutely priceless.

However, in Tianshuyuan, it was just a large mountain array.

"You are here?" Elder Lei came with a smile, he is the elder responsible for the assessment, and has a high status on the Zuoshan Peak.

"Elder Lei." The three greeted.

Elder Lei nodded, "Zuoshan Peak is not the same as Mingfeng, the rules here are more relaxed. As long as you do not betray Tianshuyuan, everything is free.

Along the way, Elder Lei introduced the formal disciples of Zuo Yifeng to the three.

When we arrived at the three-person residence, Elder Lei said: "You have just become a formal disciple and need to complete the mission issued by Zong Men."

This is Zu Fengfeng's rule. Every newly-formed disciple must complete at least one task.

"You can take as many tasks as you like on this dossier. Of course, the more difficult the task, the more rewarding you will get."

After talking, Elder Lei turned and left.

The three Fang Chen returned to their respective residences.


"Hunting Star Ancient Realm Monster?"

Fang Chen saw such a task, which was almost the same as the assessment of elite disciples. Of course, the rewards given were also very rich, and many training resources.

However, Fang Chen was not tempted.

With his current cultivation practice, if he wants to go further, he must go through life and death.

He glanced over the file, and finally he saw a favorite task.

Looking at the task, he licked his dry lips, "Did the demon **** mountain experience?"

This task, according to the level, should be regarded as the most dangerous level.

However, Fang Chen likes to challenge high difficulty.

After reading the mission introduction in detail, Fang Chen also had a general understanding of Yaoshen Mountain.

"Desperate continent?"

Fang Chen's eyes sparkled with dazzling light.

After coming to Tianshuyuan for such a long time, I finally got a general understanding of the situation in this area.

Archaic Chaos is too large and is divided into countless land continents.

Each continent is almost the same size as the chaotic void of the wild land.

And the continent where Tianshuyuan is located has become a desperate continent.

The master of the desperate continent is the famous hand of despair.

"Hand of despair."

Fang Chen moved slightly.

"It is worthy of Taikoo Chaos and the competition is fierce."

Fang Chen lamented that in the ancient chaos, as long as you have the strength, you can open the frontier.

The desperate continent was forcibly occupied by the hands of despair, and finally changed its name.

In other words, as long as you have enough strength, you can open up a continent and become your own.

There are a total of 108 cities in the desperate continent. The owner of each city is a superpower in the ancient world.

"Blood evil?"

Fang Chen's pupil shrank, and he heard the name for the first time.

According to historical records, the 108th Lord of the City is the most desperate ancient territory of the desperate continent, known as the 108th Blood Fiend.

From ancient times to the present, the number of 188 blood evil places has not changed, but the personnel has been constantly changing.

Because the dream of countless powerhouses in ancient realms is to become a blood evil.

Therefore, they often challenge the blood evil, only to be able to defeat the blood evil, they can replace it.


Fang Chen exclaimed.

"Hundred and eight blood evils, claiming to be the strongest in the ancient realm, then the hand of despair in this desperate continent should be the strong man of the world beyond the ancient gods.

The hand of despair, in Taikoo Chaos, is also one of the most famous and super powerful.


Fang Chen took a deep breath, and Xuesha was still some distance away from him, not to mention the hand of despair.

So far, we have to be down to earth, step by step.

"After all, his own strength is still too weak."

With his current strength, it is okay to deal with the early warriors in Xingguo Realm. If it is against the warriors in the middle Xingguo Realm, it cannot be crushed.

"Since Dean Tianshu wants to protect himself from being discovered by the outside world, then this demon **** mountain must be a suitable place for him to grind." Fang Chen smiled on his face.

Demon God Mountain is also well-known in the desperate continent, and countless powerful people go away.

It is said that the peerless arrogance within the desperate continent will also enter the Demon God Mountain to look for opportunities.

"Just here." Fang Chen made a decision.

Although the demon **** mountain is dangerous, it is better than in Tianshuyuan.

Three days later, Fang Chen submitted the task application, and Elder Lei found him.

"You really think about it, going to Yaoshen Mountain?" Elder Lei Shen Sheng asked.

Fang Chen nodded, "The killing in the Demon God Mountain can make me sharpen."

Seeing Fang Chen's expression, Elder Lei no longer dissuaded.

"The time limit for this mission is one hundred years. You should pay attention to yourself and don't act recklessly when you encounter anything." Elder Lei said: "Also, you must be careful in the Demon God Mountain, because some blood evil will enter it."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

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