Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2705: Domineering car

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Demon God Mountain, in the northwest of the desperate continent, is far away from Tianshuyuan.

However, Fang Chen was not in a hurry, and left Tianshuyuan the same day.

As for Chixiu and Ziqiong Fairy, they did not choose to go crazy with Fang Chen.

For the sake of stability, they chose a relatively simple task.

Has become an official disciple, they will not take risks in a short time.

Over Tianshuyuan.

Dean Tianshu looked down and looked at the back of Fang Chen's leaving, the corners of his mouth turned up, a smile appeared.

call out!

Dean Tianshu's fingers flicked, and a subtle light that was invisible to the naked eye penetrated through the air and quietly fell into Fang Chen's body.

"I hope this mark will save your life at a critical moment."


Demon God Mountain.

A towering mountain peak looks like a mountain in the distance, but in fact the interior space is huge.

Moreover, at the entrance of Yaoshen Mountain, there is a huge black vortex. Within the vortex, there was a terrifying to suffocating breath.

Before the Black Vortex, there were countless warriors who were watching carefully.

Because, inside the demon mountain is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be killed.

"A lot of people have come to the Demon Mountain recently."

Fang Chen was also in the crowd, carefully watching the situation of the demon **** mountain.

He could feel that Demon God Mountain gave him great pressure, and it would be difficult to resist that terrible breath without the sword body of Hunyuan.

"Remains of Demon King?"

Fang Chen's mouth turned up, showing a smile.

According to his knowledge of the Demon God Mountain, the place is extremely cruel and the environment is harsh.

But now, there are so many people.

Moreover, from time to time, there are strong people coming.

"Look, it's the son of Fu Family in Southwest China."

Suddenly, someone in the crowd exclaimed.

In the distance, a huge crowd swarmed.

In the middle of the crowd, there is a brilliant car, slowly coming.

The car was very domineering, with four pure-blooded aliens pulling in front of it, and the vast breath spread out. On top of that car was written a big Fu character.

The Fu family in Southwest China, on the desperate continent, is second only to the superpowers of the Lin family and Tianshuyuan.

It is said that the current head of the Fu family in Southwest China is a powerful blood evil.

"Southwest Fu Family?"

Fang Chen was also stunned for a while. It was worthy of the superpower behind Tianshuyuan. The car alone was so trembling.

The pure blood of the four-headed cart is alien, and its strength is almost empty.

Ancient **** pure blood xenocart? Only the forces like the Fu family in Southwest China have such a generous effort.

"Go away."

A cold voice came from the front of the car.

Suddenly, many warriors on the sidelines retreated and gave way.

"It is said that the second son of Fu Family entered the demon mountain this time, and his strength reached the level of invincibility in the ancient and ancient realm."

"Actually he? Fu Jia dare to let Er Gongzi go in for an adventure?"

"What do you know? The Fu family secretly dispatched the Xinggu Realm strongman to follow, who can hurt the second son of the Fu family? Or, who dares to do anything with the Fu family?

"that's true."

Many warriors whispered.


The four-headed pure blood are heterogeneous, the pupils are scarlet, and an angry roar is emitted, the space is broken, and everyone is frightened.

The car did not stay, and slowly drove into the black whirlpool, flashing away.


After the Fu family's people left, the people were relieved, and the burden on their shoulders was suddenly put down.


However, just now, Fang Chen actually felt a wonderful breath.

"what happened?"

His double pupils beat uncontrollably.

Since his eyes have evolved into the highest ancestor pupil, he has not been out of his control.

Now, the double pupils are completely out of control.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Chen forcibly suppressed to Gaozu Hitomi, but still could not stop it from beating.

Boom Boom Boom!

The highest ancestor pupil released a breath of palpitations.

However, this beating lasted only one second and disappeared.


When Fu Jiache disappeared into the black vortex, Zhi Gao Zu Tong returned to calm again.

"Is it the strong man in Fu Jiache's family who found my highest ancestor pupil?" Fang Chen wondered, "Or, is there anything that attracts the highest ancestor pupil?"

In the black vortex, Fu Jiache's progress is still steady.

A man suddenly opened his eyes.


His eyes were beating, and there was a trace of surprise in his heart.

After a moment, he murmured, "Does the highest ancestor pupil?"


After the Fu family in Southwest China, the Fengfeng Pavilion Tianjiao also came.

"This Fengfeng Pavilion is awesome." There was a discussion among the crowd.

"Yeah, I heard that not long ago, there was a terrifying battle in the desperate continent, and the protagonist was Lord Fengfeng."

"Although it is not Xuesha, its strength is comparable to that of Xuesha. In the battle that challenged Xuesha, it persisted for three days and three nights."

Everyone praised the Fengfeng Pavilion.

Fang Chen watched the people of the Rongfeng Pavilion entering the Demon God Mountain. They were relatively low-key, not as high-profile as the Southwest Fu family.

Next, three, three, and five forces poured into the Demon God Mountain.

The inheritance of the demon king has attracted many forces.

Of course, those who are really interested in the inheritance of the demon king are basically the ancient warriors, and there are very few star ancient realms.

As for the ancient world of life, and even the 108 blood evils, they simply disdain the inheritance of the deity.

They are in Demon God Mountain, in order to understand the supreme rule and improve their cultivation.

"about there."

Just when Fang Chen felt almost ready to go in, there was another riot in the crowd.

"Lin family, are they also fancy the inheritance of the demon king?" Someone exclaimed.

Fang Chen took a closer look, and suddenly found that a car no less than the Fu family in southwestern China appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Lin Shaozhong's family?"

Fang Chen murmured.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a cold killing intent.

At the beginning, when starting from Chaos of the Ancient Saints and heading to Chaos of the Ancients, he was intercepted by Lin Shaozhong while riding on the Void Warship.

Void warships were destroyed, and they even fell into the chaos of Jinyun, and almost died in a space storm.

It can be said that Fang Chen and the Lin family, although they have never known each other, are already dead enemies of the blood.

"The Lin family is also here. It seems that there is a good show in this battle of demon inheritance."

Fang Chen could not hear the voices in the crowd.

After he watched Lin's car enter, he stepped out and got into the black vortex.


In the black vortex, the power of heaven and earth rotates wildly.

Fang Chen urged the Hunyuan sword body to the extreme, surrounded by layers of sword gas halo, barely resisting the invasion of the black vortex.

"What a strong force, just this black vortex, can resist most of the martial arts."

Fang Chen speechless.

Under the ancient god, it is almost hopeless to enter this place.


When Fang Chen was advancing in the dark vortex, he suddenly saw a blood red light burst into the distance.

"So strong."

Over a long distance, Fang Chen could feel the scalp tingling.


The powerful shock wave almost overturned Fang Chen.

Fortunately, that trembling blood-red light flashed away.

As if tearing the world and suppressing everything, the blood-red light was too trembling.


Fang Chen exclaimed.

Only one hundred and eight venomous blood, can such a powerful force erupt?


After advancing for a while, he finally entered the Demon God Mountain.

As soon as the eyes were white, the dazzling sunlight shone on Fang Chen's face.

In front of him, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, with some peaks that are not too high, and there are winding rivers below.

"Is this the demon mountain?"

Fang Chen murmured.

"Lonely, what a demon mountain here?"

Suddenly, behind Fang Chen, came a sneer.

Fang Chen turned his head, and a black warrior was in his eyes. He looked at himself jokingly.

"Stupid warrior, here can only be regarded as the outer periphery of Demon God Mountain, the real Demon God Mountain, the momentum is tremendous, just like your strength, the body will be directly broken after entering.

The black warrior walked towards Fang Chen, "Well, no more nonsense, just hand over all the valuable things in your body."

Fang Chen was stunned, just came in, and met a robber.

"Robbery? Are you a robber?"

"Less nonsense, I'm different from robbers. I only rob money and are selective." Men in black said.

Fang Chen stunned, nodded immediately.

It is indeed selective, specially picking soft persimmons.

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