Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 803: Tongtianfeng

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"Good boy, in five months, your strength has improved so much." Qi Ling smiled excitedly.

"Senior, junior pass customs?" Fang Chen asked.

Qi Ling nodded and said, "After passing the test of the fifth hurdle, you have already been approved by Tongtianfeng. Come with me."

After Qi Ling finished, Fang Chen found that his eyes were white, and the next moment he appeared on the top of Tongtian Peak. Around him, there were half-orcs and Qi Ling.


"You don't need to call me senior." Qi Ling said.

Qi Ling stopped Fang Chen's words, and then pointed his finger at a statue in the middle of the peak of Tongtian Peak, saying: "This is a statue of my original owner."

At this time, Fang Chen discovered that there was a statue in the middle of the peak.

"Master Tongtianfeng?" Fang Chen said for a moment, suddenly.

"Fang Chen, since you passed the fifth hurdle, you are also qualified to know some secrets." Qi Ling said.

"My master is a powerful person outside the realm, but in his later years he suffered some unexpected events. He was finally calculated by the enemy. Before falling, he tore the space and threw Tongtianfeng out of the realm. His purpose was to find a lineage disciple. "." Spiritual Tao.

"Don't disciples outside the territory be better?" Fang Chen asked.

"You are stupid, if Tong Tianfeng is outside the domain, can it still exist for so long? It has been destroyed by the host's enemy." The half-orc stared at Fang Chen and said.

Fang Chen heard the words, nodded, and stopped talking.

"It is very difficult to find a suitable successor in this projectile place. According to my master's will, every thousand years, the difficulty level of Tongtianfeng is reduced until someone passes it completely." Qi Lingdao said.

Fang Chen was stunned. It turned out that he had already passed the level he didn't know how many levels he had lowered.

"Although your strength is not strong now, but the potential is against the sky, and you have realized the superb true meaning, even if you are outside the domain, there will be great power to rush to take you as an apprentice."

"I didn't expect that after such a long time, I could actually meet a peerless demon like you here, and the master Quan knows, and I will be pleased." Qi Lingdao said.

After listening to Qi Ling's words, Fang Chen understood that this so-called Tongtianfeng breakthrough is actually the power of falling, recruiting disciples and inheriting his mantle.

"Come and see Master." Qi Ling said.

Fang Chen nodded and walked to the statue before bowing deeply.

Anyway, benefiting from Tongtianfeng.

"Fang Chen, the master once said that through the five levels of Tongtianfeng, it can only be used as the master's registered disciple." Qi Lingdao.

Remembering the disciples, Fang Chen was stunned.

How powerful is the owner of Tongtianfeng?

The warrior who realized two real intentions could only be his registered disciple.

"The master's disciples are divided into named disciples, ordinary disciples, and true disciples. The master is a mighty one, and he has his own disciples. There are many disciples, but there are no true disciples yet." Qi Lingdao.

"Then I am now a named disciple?" Fang Chen asked.

"You are different. Two real intentions you have realized, one of them is super real intention, so according to what the master once said, you can directly become the true disciple of the master." Qi Lingdao said.

Fang Chen heard it, but also stunned.

Become a true disciple directly?

"You still don't know the true meaning of super real meaning, and you will understand when you are outside the domain." Qi Ling finished and came directly to Fang Chen, saying: "You can refine Tongtianfeng now . "

"How to refine?" Fang Chen asked.

"This is the refining method." Qi Ling handed the refining method to Fang Chen.

After Fang Chen checked, he sat cross-legged and began to refine Tongtianfeng.

Fang Chen's body was full of breath, and the gray breath was filled.

Looking at Fang Chen's refining Tongtian Peak, the face of the half-orc was full of excitement.

"One day, we will be able to return to the outside world and restore our freedom." Half Orc said.

"Yeah, since the owner fell, we have never left Tongtianfeng." Qi Lingdao.

Fang Chen passed the fifth hurdle, and was approved by the spirit and spirit. Refining and refining has no difficulty.

After more than half a month, Tongtian Peak was completely refined.

After refining, Fang Chen suddenly discovered that this Tongtian Peak was much larger than he had imagined.

"So big?"

Fang Chen looked down at Tongtianfeng and was shocked.

"Master, Tongtianfeng is a treasure. Its internal space is much larger than your ancient sword continent." Qi Ling said with a smile.

After refining Tongtianfeng, Fang Chen also got a lot of information.

The owner of Tongtianfeng is the ancestor of Tongtian.

Fang Chen pouted, his master, his strength is too strong.

Tongtianfeng became a space, and the ancestor of Tongtian fell in that year, fearing that his disciples would be killed by the enemy, so they were all put into Tongtianfeng.

At this time, Fang Chen could see at a glance that in a certain space of Tongtian Peak, here is like a continent, inhabited by countless warriors. Some of these warriors are named disciples of Tongtian ancestors, and some are ordinary disciples.

Others are children born from the combination of disciples.

In short, this space is very prosperous.

"Master, this is the disciple zone." Qi Ling introduced.

Fang Chen nodded. A disciple's area is just like a continent. It is worthy of Tongtian Peak.

"Why did I find that I refined Tongtianfeng, but could not fully control it?" Fang Chen asked.

"Master, your cultivation level is too low. If you want to take full control of Tongtianfeng, you should at least have Xuanwangjing cultivation level." Qi Ling replied.

"It turns out so." Fang Chen nodded.

How difficult it is to reach the level of Xuanwang Realm.

After a while, it was impossible to take Tongtianfeng away.

"Master, Tongtianfeng has all kinds of treasures left by the old master. I don't know if you need it?" Qi Ling asked.

"Is there a treasure of the wood attribute?" Fang Chen thought a little, and then asked.


Kirin's wrist shook, and countless panacea, and the anti-celestial grass, all appeared in front of Fang Chen.

"Master, these are the wood-based Lingdan and Lingcao after my screening."

"So many, you help me choose, I want to realize the mood of wood." Fang Chen said.

Although Qi Ling didn't understand, Fang Chen already had the true meaning of the void, why should he still understand the mood of wood.

In its view, the artistic conception is too weak to enter its eyes.

However, this is the master's request, and it immediately selected more than ten kinds of spirit pill and spirit grass suitable for the master.

"Master, these more than ten types all meet your requirements." Qi Lingdao said.

Fang Chen looked around these ten kinds of wood-based spirit grass and spirit elixir, and finally Fang Chen's eyes fixed on the first blue elixir.

"Wood Divine Pill?"

Fang Chen took Mu Shendan in his hand and said to himself.

"Master, Mushen Pill is a very precious panacea. After swallowing, you can instantly understand the mood of wood." Qi Lingdao said.

The voice of Qi Ling just fell, and many of the spirit pills around him disappeared.

"Master, you as the new owner of Tongtianfeng, the resources here are all yours. But before you have full control of Tongtianfeng, you can only choose it once for free. In the future, you need to work hard to get resources." Road.


Fang Chen was a little stunned, and immediately shrugged.

"The original owner didn't want you to use immortality to improve your cultivation, wasting talent." Qi Ling explained.

Fang Chen nodded, expressing understanding.

Elixir is always a foreign matter, only its own strength, it will always belong to you.

Fang Chen put away Mu Shen Dan, and then said: "I'm going first."


Tongtianfeng is an unexpected joy.

Fang Chen did not expect that he had passed through the Tiantian Peak, and actually got the inheritance of the powerful outside the region.

But for the moment, Fang Chen didn't think much, and went back to Yin Jianfeng directly to devour the wooden **** pill.

Hissing ...

After Mu Shen Dan swallowed, the effect was obvious.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen found out that there was a breath of wood's mood in his body.

"Sure enough."

Fang Chen could not help sighing.

It took about a quarter of an hour before and after, and Mu Zhiyi was completely mastered by Fang Chen.

At this time, Fang Chen could not wait to practice wooden swordsmanship.

The Five Elements Swordsmanship is a masterpiece of the Wuyuan Academy. Fang Chen is looking forward to it.

Musen swordsmanship.

With the cooperation of the wood's artistic conception, the cultivation of Musen swordsmanship is very fast.

Moreover, after the golden heart metamorphoses, Fang Chen's perception of Kendo is even more unfavorable.

A week later, Fang Chen cultivated Musen's swordsmanship to the point of insignificance.

One day, Fang Chen stopped practicing. After counting the time, it has been half a year since the Blood Warfare Space opened.


There are countless geniuses in the blood war space and blood war mountain.

They are all geniuses who have survived on the verge of life and death. They have experienced **** battles.

It is really not easy to be able to reach this point.

Rumble ...

Just as everyone was waiting, suddenly a gap appeared in the sky, and Fang Chen entered it.

Compared with half a year ago, Fang Chen gave people a deeper breath.

When everyone saw Fang Chen, they slammed their hands.

"The half-year period has arrived, and this time Wuxing College will recruit 20 students."

Fang Chen's voice just fell, and suddenly the **** battle on the mountain, twenty copper pillars broke out of the earth, standing on the mountain peak.

"let's start."

Fang Chen suspended in the sky and said softly.

Suddenly, many outstanding disciples under the mountain began climbing.

The battle was violent and fierce.

In the end, out of hundreds of warriors, 20 warriors stood out.

These 20 people will join Wuxing State's supreme Wuxing College.

All of a sudden, time is up.

Fang Chen glanced at the twenty students on the copper pillar and nodded with satisfaction.

"Although you can't join the Five Elements Academy, don't give up on yourself, and practice it all the way, it's against the sky, as long as you work hard, it's the same everywhere."

Fang Chen's words greatly inspired everyone's morale.

Subsequently, Fang Chen took 20 disciples and left the **** battle space.

In the Blood War City, Fang Chen looked at the twenty martial arts and said, "Give you three days to solve worldly things."

After talking, Fang Chen took out twenty flying treasures and handed them to everyone.

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