Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 804: Full battle

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Three days later, the twenty martial artists all returned to the Blood War City.

Then, under the leadership of Fang Chen, went to the Wuxing Peak.

On the way, Fang Chen introduced everyone to the newcomer assessment, and then placed them under the Five Elements Peak.

As for Fang Chen, he returned to Wuxing College early.

A few days later, a shocking news swept across the ancient sword continent.

The Sky Bone King appeared in Tianzhou, along with the master of the Huangquan Gate.

The master of the Huangquan Gate, during the peak period, was a strong king of the Xuanwang realm, but because of the resurrection soon, the strength was only restored to the realm of the prospective king.

The two joined forces to directly defeat the prospective strong man of Tianzhou. Fortunately, the prospective strong man of Mozhou arrived in time, so that he did not let the king of bones succeed.

After that, the King of Sky Bone and Master Huang Quanmen led the remnants of Huang Quanmen and began to confront the ancient sword continent.

The Huangquanmen warriors hidden on the entire ancient sword continent all appeared and gathered in a certain area of ​​Tianzhou.

Because of the strength of the king of bones and Lord Huang Quanmen, they occupied half of the territory of Tianzhou, and as their territory, they faced off with the ancient sword continent.

In Tianzhou, there is a wasteland called the Devil Plains.

In fact, it turns out that this plain is not called the Devil's Plain, but because the battlefields of both sides are here.

The corpses piled up like mountains and blood flowed into rivers, so it was called the Devil's Plain.

The number of quasi-kings on both sides is the same, and they dare not act rashly, while the people below are arbitrarily acting rashly.

On the Devil's Plains, there are wars every day.

When the Wuxing State heard of the news, it made an instant deployment.

Xingyue and others were also called back, and then led by Dean Wu Yun, went to Tianzhou to confront Huang Quanmen.

The Blood Gun Daoist stayed in Wuxing Prefecture to prevent the disturbance of Huangquanmen.

Huang Quanmen revived, and the war began in an all-round way.

The warriors of the three major states all gathered in Tianzhou to confront Huang Quanmen.

Behind the Devil Plains, a tall robe stands a figure of blood robe, and beside him, there is a monster of several feet tall.

"Sky Bone King, I have fought with the human race more than once. Don't worry, according to my plan, I will be able to destroy the human race." Blood robe silhouette, grinning sullenly.

"Master Huang Quan, you and I joined together to deal with the two quasi-Wang Qiang, more than enough, why not directly force shot?" Tian Gu Wang asked.

"The human race has a deep heritage. Once we hurriedly shot, we might fail." Huang Quanmen whispered.

Looking at the distant sky far away, he vaguely remembered that the collapse of the Huangquan Gate at that time was due to his arbitrariness, which led to such a situation.

This time, he has been resurrected with great pains, and will never let the same thing happen again.

"The people of Mozhou and Wuxing State have arrived. Can the warriors of Huangquan Gate resist it?" Heavenly Bone King asked.

"Relax, our Huangquan Gate is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. I have my own way. What I have to do now is to delay the time. When I return to Xuanwang Realm, what is the ancient sword continent?" Grumbled.

At this time, on this side of the Devil's Plains, on a tall city pool, stood many real martial arts giants, all of whom are the pinnacles of the ancient sword continent.

"I didn't expect that the Sky Bone King actually resurrected the Master Huang Quan, which is really damn." Mo Lao ghost face gloomy, said angrily.

This time the master of Huangquanmen and the king of Tiangu attacked Tianzhou, causing half of the territory of Tianzhou to fall. This made him very angry, but there was no way to do it.

"There are two quasi-kings sitting in town. The king of bones and Huang Quanmen should not dare to act rashly for the time being. The most important thing now is the battle on the devil's plain." Black Devil Ancestor said in a deep voice.

On the Devil's Plains, there are two battlefields. One is the battlefield level of the Lingxuan Realm, and the other is the battlefield of the True Martial Realm level.

For half a year, King Tiangu and Master Huang Quan awakened several of the eight kings of that year, and even found the other two venerables.

In the real martial arts battlefield, there are three venerable lords sitting in town. Even the Black Devil Patriarch and others join forces, they will not be able to break through in a while.

The Lingxuan Realm battlefield, with kings sitting in town, is also invincible.

After the arrival of the warriors in Mozhou and Wuxing Prefecture, the spirit whirling warriors directly joined the battlefield.

The real martial arts giant has also come to the battlefield of real martial arts.

"The Three Great Venerables are extremely powerful, we don't seek to kill them, just trap them and consume them." The Dark Devil Ancestor whispered.

"no problem."

Many real martial arts strongmen entered the battlefield directly.

"Ji Jie ... Finally someone came."

The Three Great Venerables, with a somber complexion, said with a smile.

Suddenly, a deafening voice erupted on the battlefield of the real martial arts.

Although the ancient sword continent has a large number of powerful real martial artists, Huang Quanmen is not worried at all.

The three great respecters are not only powerful, but also have a combined attack circle, even no matter how many real martial arts warriors can break.

Fang Chen was assigned to the Lingxuan Realm battlefield.


Countless warriors, loud roar.

They kept fighting with the remnants of Huang Quanmen, and the whole battlefield was bloodshed.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen shook his head helplessly.

War is terrible.

call out……

Just when Fang Chen entered the battlefield, suddenly a javelin, carrying terrifying power, stabbed Fang Chen instantly.

Fang Chen noticed this vigour, deep in the palm of his hand, suddenly grasped the javelin.

Then, flipped his hands out.


Suddenly, a miserable cry came out, and a whirlpool warrior from Huangquan Gate died instantly.

Fang Chen began to fight, and all the real martial arts strongmen who were near him punched one with a punch.

Wherever his fist passed, the warriors of Huang Quanmen died tragically.

Finally, after beheading more than a dozen Huangquanmen remnants, he was finally noticed by the king.

"King Black Sha, there is a terrible humanoid kid over there. You go to kill him." King Hanbing said to the King Black Sha side.

"it is good."

The Black Sha King nodded, and then came to Fang Chen.

"Boy, you can die."

On the battlefield of Lingxuan Realm, the king of Huangquan Gate dominates everything.

"It's you who died."

Fang Chen snorted, his figure flashed, and appeared in front of the King of Black Sha instantly.

Later, Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword and exhibited Musen swordsmanship.

Wow ...

The endless breath instantly shot out of the Xingyin sword, and then stabbed at the king of Black Sha.

With Master Huang Quanmen watching the Heaven Bone King, Fang Chen does not want to reveal his true meaning in the void.

call out……

Upon seeing this, the King of Black Shat burst out with a punch.

When the fist bombarded the sword light, it was suddenly pierced.

"Damn, do you dare to hurt me?"

The Black Sha King roared with a roar, and immediately the whole black Sha Qi surging around him, the next moment the Black Sha King broke out a powerful attack.

"I am the King of Black Sha, the ultimate warrior in the Spirit Vortex Realm, you will definitely die." The Black Sha King shouted.

Fang Chen sneered, sneered, and disdained: "On your strength, dare to claim to be the ultimate warrior of Lingxuan Realm?"

In the next moment, Fang Chenshi exhibited Void Destruction.

Suddenly, a sword light cut across the void and slashed toward the king of the Black Sha.


The King of Black Sha was aware of the danger of this sword light, his figure flashed, and he wanted to avoid it.

However, it was too late.

Thump ...

The arm of the king of Black Sha was instantly broken and cut off, and he made a miserable cry.

The cry of the King of Black Shakes alarmed the King of Ice.

"King of Black Sha?"

Seeing this scene, the Ice King realized Fang Chen's power, flashed his body, and came to the Black Shark in front of him, wanting to stop Fang Chen's attack.

"You can't stop it."

Fang Chen's figure disappeared in the eyes of the Ice King. The next moment he appeared behind the Black Sha King, and the Xingyin Sword saw a scorching flame around him.

The black flame filled the whole body, and the King of Black Sha was instantly burned clean, and the bones were not preserved.

"You killed the King of Black Sha?"

The Ice King was furious, looking at Fang Chen, his eyes scarlet.

Black fire attribute, the second attribute of Xingyin sword.

Black fire is the black flame in Fang Chen's body, which has the characteristics of immortal inflammation, which may be transformed into immortal inflammation.

Because Fang Chen once let the black flame into the Xingyin sword to attack, resulting in the black flame remaining in the Xingyin sword.

After being refined by the bone warrior, Xingyin sword became a pawn, and possessed the second attribute, the black fire attribute.

The power of this black fire attribute is much stronger than the moonlight attribute.

"I'm going to kill you to avenge the black king." The ice king roared angrily.

"Even the King of Black Sha can be beheaded, what are you?" Fang Chen sneered.

The situation here was discovered by the warriors of the human race, and everyone cheered.

As soon as the boy entered the battlefield, he killed a king of Huangquanmen.

"My human race spirit whirling warrior, finally someone can restrain the king of Huangquan Gate."

"Brothers, kill the warriors of Huangquanmen."

"The Ancient Sword Continent is our home, and the remnants of Huang Quanmen cannot be allowed to be destroyed wantonly."

Fang Chen's move brought a lot of motivation to many warriors.

The crowd rushed into the front line and started fighting with the remnants of Huang Quanmen.

"In any case, you will definitely die." The Ice King said darkly.

There are eight kings in Huangquanmen, and the kings of spirit pupils and the king of blood shadows have all fallen. Only six kings remain, and they are resurrected by the master of Huangquanmen and the king of heaven.

Originally, their six kings had ruled the Lingxuan Realm battlefield.

However, at this moment, the King of Black Sha was actually beheaded by this young warrior, and the King of Ice was angry.

"It's you who died."

Fang Chen once again exhibited Void Destruction, the black fire attribute exploded, and suddenly blasted towards the Ice King.

Compared to the black king, the ice king is more suffocated.

Because he majored in the ice system exercises, which was just restrained by Fang Chen's black fire attributes.

"Damn, how could his black flame be so powerful?"

The Ice King shouted in anger, trying to break free.

call out……

Wrapped in black flames, the Ice King is nothing to escape, and Fang Chen's star-hidden sword penetrates his head with a sword.

The continuous beheading of the two kings finally attracted the attention of Huang Quanmen.

The other four kings, eyes flashing, gathered together to discuss ways to deal with Fang Chen.

As for the human race, the morale of many warriors was greatly boosted, struggling to kill the remaining evil of Huangquanmen.

The arrival of Fang Chen completely changed the occupation of the Lingxuan Realm battlefield.

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