Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 837: High and low combination old man

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"Ultra-real intentions, there is no warrior with super-real intentions in the entire Jianzhou." The tall man said excitedly.

"Are you saying that this person is the warrior who survived the twelfth robbery?" The dwarf asked suddenly.

"Very likely." The tall man's eyes flashed, said.

As the two old men spoke, Fang Chen was forced to appear above the ring below.

"Why don't you hide?"

Seeing Gu Jian appear, Lu Tianze's eyes were scarlet, and he roared coldly.

Gu Jian's face, with a touch of helplessness, immediately spread his hands.

The true meaning of the void is only a state of first grade, and it cannot exert its strongest power. Being bombarded by such an explosive force in a large area, he cannot hide in the void for too long.

"It seems that it will fail." Fang Chen said to himself.

At this moment, Lu Tianze's body once again appeared a terrifying breath, and then he did not hesitate to exhibit the Shura sword.

In the sky, four Xiuluo Jianguang directly pierced Fang Chen.

Click ...

The five-element sword light was shattered, and the green war spear transformed by the magic tactics was shattered, and even the void vandalism was shattered.

Fang Chen's figure keeps receding.

In the face of the powerful Shura Jianguang, he did not dare to confront head-on.

"This time, see if you are still dead?" Lu Tianze's complexion smiled when he saw this scene.

At this time, tall and short among the void clouds, saw this scene and shook his head slightly.

"This son hasn't grown up yet, but he is no match for this Lu Tianze."

"Lu Tianze has a killing intention in his heart, he wants to kill this son, it seems that we still need to shoot."

During the talk, the two old men suddenly appeared from the cloud, and then landed in the sword fighting field.

"Stop it," the tall man said loudly.

"This battle, let's end now." The dwarf waved his hand, and immediately resolved the terrible Shura Jianguang, and then said.

The sudden scene surprised Lu Tianze.

I thought I was able to kill Gu Jian, but I didn't expect the two old men to do good things.

"Ancient sword, die."

While the two old men looked at the rostrum, Lu Tianze quickly launched a ruinous blow, wanting to kill the ancient sword.


The tall man snorted coldly, with a look, let Lu Tianze's figure keep receding.

"Two, our Xiuluojian City and the younger generation of Jinjian City have a discussion. The two of you are intervening, I am afraid it is not right?" Xiu Yunteng stood up and said coldly.

"Oh? What do you want?" The tall man squinted and smiled.

The two of them haven't been born for a long time. Has anyone remembered them?

On the rostrum, Xuan Lao's eyes flickered, saying nothing, but Xiu Yun was a little unhappy.

"I also ask you two not to intervene in this matter." Xiu Yunqiang endured his anger and said.

"This matter is over here, we will take away this child." The dwarf didn't give Xiu Yun any words, almost grabbed Fang Chen, and disappeared into the void.

Everyone looked at each other, two old men suddenly, what is the origin.

"These two old men are extraordinary." Xuan Lao said secretly in his heart.

I don't know what happened when they took Fang Chen away.

At this time, Lu Tianze's face was gloomy and he turned his sleeves fiercely and turned to leave.

So far, the friendship between the two cities has ended.

Xiu Yun was very dissatisfied and bid farewell to Xuan Lao directly and left the sword fighting field.

After returning to the blood refining king's mansion, Xiu Yun directly found the blood refining king.

"Blood Refining King, you have also seen things. It is not that we don't want to kill the ancient sword, but that the two old men are blocking it." Xiu Yun said. "As long as you join Shura Jianzong, Gu Jian will die sooner or later."

After some consideration, the blood refining king finally agreed.

"Okay, I promise." Blood Refining King said.

Hearing that, Xiu Yun was very happy.

After all, the most important purpose this time is to win the blood refining king.

Although he did not slash the ancient sword, he succeeded in drawing the blood refining king, which is not bad.

"Okay, you clean up and we can start." Xiu Yun said.


In the void, three people flew quickly.

Fang Chen's heart was also quite shocked.

"Two seniors, I didn't expect you to be buried in Jianzhou." Fang Chen was shocked.

When he was in the Iron-Blood Empire, he dealt with the remnants of Huangquanmen. Two old men appeared in the sky, helping Fang Chen defeat the remnants of Huangquanmen.

At the beginning, Fang Chen guessed that the strength of the two old men must be very arrogant.

It's a pity that at that time, the two old men had hidden breath, and Fang Chen didn't even know that these two were the power of Xuanwang Realm.

"Your boy, came to Burial Sword State so quickly?" The dwarf smiled.

The tall man also glanced at Fang Chen and said, "The two of us, by chance, coincided before we reached the ancient sword continent, looking for something."

Swish swish ...

The speed of Xuanwang Realm is very fast. After flying for about an hour, he stopped moving.

The three landed on the ground. The dwarf pointed to the plain road in front of him: "This is the edge of the Burial Sword City. Entering here, you enter the Burial Sword State."

"Senior, where are you going to take me?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

"You will know when you go," said the tall man.

The three of them walked quickly, and when they came to the edge of the plain, a ripple suddenly appeared, blocking Fang Chen.

The two old men had entered the plain, and Fang Chen was stopped outside.

"Huh? Blocked?" The tall man looked at Fang Chen in surprise.

"Boy, have you been in the Golden Sword City for such a long time, haven't you practiced the gold indelible swordsmanship?" The dwarf reacted instantly, asking.

Fang Chen shook his head slightly and said, "Not yet."

The two old men glanced at each other, and then said: "Well, then wait here."

After that, the two old men closed their eyes slightly, not knowing what they were doing.

In a blink of an eye, the two old men opened their eyes, and then said: "We have notified the palace owner that he will be there soon."

Just when the words of the two old men had just fallen, suddenly a repressive breath suddenly filled Fang Chen's heart.

Fang Chen shook his heart and looked around, and found nothing.

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly found that a terrifying sword light directly penetrated the heavy void and pierced himself.

"too strong."

Fang Chen's soul is shaking, this sword light is the strongest sword light he has ever seen.

Without thinking about it, he directly urged the true meaning of the void and hid in the void.

It was at this time that that horrible sword light dissipated in an instant, and countless sword spirits condensed into a ghost image.

"Palace." The two old men shouted at the phantom in front of their eyes.

"This son really has the true meaning of the void, you are waiting here." The palace master said softly, and disappeared into the void in the next moment.

Fang Chen used the true meaning of the void to hide in the void, and his heart was shocked.

"Who the **** are you going to kill yourself?"

As Fang Chen pondered, suddenly a ghost appeared in front of him.

Fang Chen was frightened, conditioned reflexively wanted to start, but was blocked by the ghost.

"Little fellow, I am not malicious to you." Xu Ying grinned.

"You ... are the palace masters in the mouth of the two predecessors?" Fang Chen then reacted and asked hurriedly.

"Yes, I am the palace master. They brought you here just to meet me." Xing Ying said.

"That horrible sword?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

"That's me trying to test you." Xing Ying said: "I didn't expect that when you were young, you actually realized the true meaning of the void."

The real meaning of the void is super real, let alone burying Jianzhou, even if it is outside the starry sky, it is a shocking real meaning.

"Dare to ask the palace master ..."

Before Fang Chen finished speaking, he was stopped by Phantom.

"You have the true meaning of the void, it is worth seeing myself, of course, I still have a question, I want to ask you." Xu Ying smiled slightly.

"Palace please say." Fang Chen said.

This kind of power can enter the void.

His void's true meaning, in the eyes of the other party, had nothing to hide.

As long as the other party has a thought, I am afraid he will die?

Seemingly seeing Fang Chen ’s thoughts, Xing Ying explained: "The true meaning of the void is super real, and it is very powerful. Unfortunately, you are buried in Jianzhou. I have a natural advantage and can sense your existence. Outside, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to find you even if I try my best. "

Fang Chen suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Some time ago, the twelfth heavy robbery appeared outside the Golden Sword City. Are you the one who crossed the robbery?" Xing Ying's next words made Fang Chen's heart move.

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