Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 838: Phantom identity

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Virtual Shadow can't really think of it. In addition to the genius with the real meaning of the void, which can induce the twelve heavy robbery, what other genius can cause the twelve heavy robbery.

At the beginning, the Twelve Heavy Tribulation appeared, but it alarmed the whole Burial Sword State.

Countless Xuanwang realms have emerged one after another, and even some old immortals who can't appear in the hidden world have all gone out of this.

In short, the twelfth catastrophe, like a storm, swept across the entire buried Jianzhou in an instant.

After the end of the Twelfth Tribulation and the curtain came down, many Xuanwang realms rushed in and wanted to find the genius.

But it was discovered that the genius was gone.

Even many Xuanwang realm believes that the people who cross the robbery must have fallen under the twelve heavy robbery.

For this reason, many Xuan Wang realm can sigh and regret.

It can lead to the twelve major disasters, and it will be a big person in the future, but it fell into the twelve major disasters unexpectedly.

Of course, there are still a lot of old people who do n’t die, but they do n’t think so. They feel that this matter is extraordinary, and that the people who went through the robbery did not die.

The ghost image is one of them, he is the master of that fairy palace.

This time he came only as a doppelganger of his thoughts.

Originally, two elders, tall and short, gave him a voice, saying that a warrior with the meaning of the void appeared, but he didn't think much at the time, but he was shocked.

However, after seeing Fang Chen, Vague had an answer in mind.

This person should be the peerless demon who has survived the twelve heavy robbery.

"All people in the world think that the people who have crossed the robbery have fallen into the twelfth robbery, but who can think of this person is in the Golden Sword City." Xu Ying stared at Fang Chen and said to himself.

Fang Chen fell into silence, he did not answer the virtual shadow, nor did he deny it.

Fang Chen didn't want to have more trouble until there was no clear intention of the ghost image.

It seems that I saw Fang Chen's fear.

Xu Ying smiled slightly: "I want to kill you, one thought is enough."

Hearing the words of Fang Ying, Fang Chen was stunned and immediately focused on the head.

What Xuying said was just to express a meaning like Fang Chen, he didn't have any malicious intentions, otherwise Fang Chen could not stand here in good manner.

"Dare to ask Senior, are you?" Fang Chen asked.

Although Fang Chen knows, the strength of the people in front of him must be invincible.

However, he does not know the identity of this person.

"Finally can't help asking?" Xing Ying laughed.

Fang Chen said in this way that he had admitted in disguise that he was the one who had crossed the robbery.

"Have you heard of the Burial Sword Palace in Burial Sword State?" Xu Ying suddenly asked.

Fang Chen's eyes flickered, then he focused on his head.

The entire funeral sword state, I am afraid that no one does not know the funeral sword fairy palace, right?

Funeral Sword Palace is the most detached existence in Funeral Sword State.

It is said that the Burial Sword Palace is on a towering mountain, but the world has never seen the Burial Sword Palace.

The funeral sword fairy palace is very mysterious, but all the warriors in the funeral sword prefecture have changed color.

Because the Burial Sword Palace is the totem of Burial Sword State.

According to legend, the Burial Sword Palace is the heart of the Burial Sword Emperor and the core of the Burial Sword State.

Each lord of the Burial Sword Palace is extremely powerful, and the means are universal, which is to suppress the existence of an era.

Burial sword fairy palace has always existed in the legend.

"I am the owner of the Sword Immortal Palace." Virtual Shadow said slowly.

In Fang Chen's mind, there was a bang, and for a while he was actually in the void.

Looking at Fang Chenmu's face, Xu Ying smiled.

Fang Chen's reaction was completely within his expectations.

Above the huge funeral sword prefecture, anyone except the two elders, tall and short, would be shocked to hear the words of the master of the funeral sword fairy palace.

Because, no one has ever seen the palace owner who buried the sword fairy palace.


Fang Chen set off a stormy wave in his heart.

He never thought that one day he would meet the legendary burial sword fairy palace master.

"You, are you really the master of the Sword Immortal Palace?" Fang Chen asked, trying to suppress his inner vibration.

Xing Ha ha smiled and said, "Does anyone dare to pretend to be the Palace Master?"

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was also stunned.

Indeed, within the burial sword state, who dares to pretend to be the palace master?

The Burial Swords Palace is the totem of Burial Sword State, and it was transformed into the heart of Burial Sword Emperor.

In the funeral sword prefecture, the funeral sword fairy palace is sacred.

And the palace owner of Xian Palace is the spiritual leader of the entire Jianzhou state, and no one dared to impersonate.

Fang Chen's eyes stared hotly at the phantom, and he had not spoken for a long time.

In his heart, he was too shocked.

The palace owner who buried the sword fairy palace was in front of him, and he also talked to him as if dreaming.

"Now, can you talk about your deeds?" Virtual Shadow asked slowly.

Fang Chen sorted out his thoughts and then said: "The juniors are the people of the ancient sword continent ..."

Fang Chen was slain by Moyun Lianzhou on the ancient sword continent, and then brought to the Jianjian state by a three-legged two-eared tripod. After twelve heavy robberies, he told the palace master one by one.

Of course, he concealed his refining as a blood puppet by the blood refining king.

If you let the palace master know that he can be resurrected after being refined into a blood puppet, he will definitely check his body.

Maybe the golden heart will be exposed.

Before there is no absolute strength, Fang Chen will never let outsiders know his golden heart.

"It turned out to be the case." After Virtual Shadow heard it, he nodded slightly.

"Dare to ask the palace master, who is the founder of the Five Elements Academy? And who is the head of the tripod?"

These are all questions that Fang Chen has been puzzled about.

In the sword fighting arena, Xuan Lao stopped talking, saying that when he was buried in the sword city, everything would be known.

At this moment, it was difficult to meet the palace master, and naturally it was necessary to make things clear.

"The founder of Wuxing Academy was the city owner who buried Wuzhou Jiancheng in Jianzhou." Xu Ying said directly.

"Five Elements Sword City?"

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that the first dean of Wuxing College was actually the person who buried Jianzhou, and his status was still very high.

"You came from Wuxing Academy, should you practice Wuxing swordsmanship?" Xing Ying asked.

Fang Chen nodded, and Xu Ying continued, "If you want to enter the Burial Sword City, you must cultivate a Zhencheng city to the realm. Your golden and immortal swordsmanship has not yet been cultivated, and the five-element swordsmanship is a way to go. Just go to the Five Elements Sword City, get the general outline of the Five Elements Swordsmanship, cultivate the Five Elements Swordsmanship to the realm at the fastest speed, and then come to bury the sword city. "

"Thank you for your guidance." Fang Chen thanked.

"Your potential is extraordinary. You have survived the twelfth catastrophe. The huge funeral sword state. You are the only warrior most promising to be approved by the funeral sword emperor." The voice of Virtual Shadow was slightly excited.

The reason why the palace master looked at Fang Chen was because he had survived the twelve major disasters, and it is very likely to be recognized by the emperor Jianbu.

Since the death of the buried sword emperor, no one has been approved by the buried sword emperor.

"The Burial Sword City has a very strong ban, and I can't easily shoot it, so if you want to enter the Burial Sword City, you must rely on yourself." Xu Ying finished, a jade pendant appeared in his hand, and then handed it to Fang Chen.

"When life is in danger, crush the jade." After that, the ghost disappeared instantly.

However, before the ghost disappeared, a voice passed into Fang Chen's ear.

"The owner of the sword token is one of the commanders of the Xuanwang Realm that once buried Jianzhou's dark and unrest."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

His eyes were hot as he looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and then carefully placed it in the space ring.

Wow ...

After Virtual Shadow left, Fang Chen appeared from the void.

"Boy, you are very good, and have been appreciated by the palace owner. I hope you will work hard." The tall old man smiled.

"At first, when our two brothers met you on the ancient sword continent, you felt that you had an extraordinary temperament, and indeed you were right." The dwarf laughed.

"Being able to see the palace lord has lost two seniors." Fang Chen modestly said.

"Your kid doesn't need to be humble, hurry back to practice." The tall man waved his hand.

"Yeah, when you come to the Burial Sword City, come to us both." Said the dwarf.

After talking, the two disappeared instantly.

Fang Chen looked at the edge of the Burial Sword City in front of him, and the vibration in his heart could not be dispersed for a long time.

All the answers are gradually solved.

The first dean of Wuxing College, the heads of the three-legged two-eared ears, the identities of these people are all known by Fang Chen.

What's more, Fang Chen got some secrets of burial from the palace master's mouth.

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