Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 887: Energetic

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The demon of the earth ignored the attack of the Folding Swordman, but instead gathered the power of the earth and punched him on the Folding Swordman.


The Folding Sword Player, aware of the power of the earth demon, leapt forward and returned to the sky.

"This **** earth demon, is invincible in defense, and its strength is still so strong." Folding sword said with anger.

In the face of the earth demons, there is no way to fold the swordsman.

Fortunately, the speed of the earth demon is not good, otherwise, it is the nightmare of many human warriors.

"Let me come." Suddenly, a burly old man stood up.

This man is the only warrior who cultivates the physical body among the eight extreme strongmen. His physical body has already surpassed the level of the nine-star Dao body and reached the legendary holy level.

Energetic Daoist, with immense power, hits with a punch, and can bombard the powerful who first entered the Xuanwang Realm.

In Burial Sword State, no one competes with him for strength.

Energetic Taoist shot, others nodded one after another.

"Earth Demon, let me meet you."

Dali Dao's figure flashed to the earth demon.

Before he could be attacked by the earth demon, he urged his physical strength and punched.

Fang Chen saw that when the vigorous Taoist urged the physical strength, there was a bright starlight around him.

As if the whole body, like the stars in the sky dome, a sharp breath emanated instantly.

"Is this the Holy Body?" Fang Chen said to himself, shocked.

Although he tried his best, he could fight against the Nine Heavy Martial Artists of Zhenwu Realm, but in the face of the eight extreme strongmen, he was unable to fight back.

This time, I saw two consecutive strong shots, and my heart was shaking.

Folding swordsman's attack is extremely tricky and strange.

The attack of Dali Daoren is very simple.


The strong Daoist roared, the power of the Saint-level flesh burst out instantly, and finally gathered on the fist.

I saw that the Dao Daoist made a simple punch.


The fist of Vigorous Daoist hit the earth demon directly.

The strength of its power directly caused the body of the earth demon to collapse instantly, turned into a 100-meter loess, and merged into the earth.

"The strength of Dao Dao Ren is really strong." Folding swordsmen and others praised them one after another.

The earth demon that was bombarded into the earth began to counterattack.


The ground is undulating and trembling constantly.

Standing on the ground, the Dadao Taoist grinned and said: "Compared with me, I don't believe that I won't die.

Dadao people are very confident in their own strength and say aloud.

Buzz ...

The earthy yellow breath instantly spread out from within the earth.

The demon of the earth displayed the true meaning of the earth, and the rich atmosphere of the earth instantly enveloped the Daoists.

"court death."

The body of Dali Dao was shrouded in the true meaning of the earth, and his fists kept bombarding the true meaning of the earth.

After a while, the real intention of the earth was dispelled.

At the same time, the earth demon once again condensed into a human form, and then punched with a punch.

This punch is equally simple, but it is much stronger than the punch just now.

Fang Chen, who was watching the battle, suddenly burst into his mind, and then he entered a state of epiphany.

"Strength, unparalleled strength, simple and rough."

Isn't this the ultimate meaning of one's own golden glory dragon?

Although Fang Chen has already succeeded in practicing Jinguang Tulong, he has always stayed at the point of being light.

On this occasion, he watched the battle of Dao Dao Ren, and suddenly realized what.

Fang Chen's whole body, a trace of breath filled.

The few extreme strongmen next to them didn't even notice that their eyes were focused on the strong Daoist.

"This earth demon is not strong, and should not be the opponent of the strong Daoist." Dark Sword laughed.

"Yeah, fortunately, it's a weak earth demon. If you encounter a perverted earth demon, it will be miserable." Tianhong really said.

Several others nodded.


The earth demon and the strong Daoist, their fists constantly banged.

In the bombardment, the earth demon's body is also constantly cracking, and his invincible defense is helpless in the face of the strong Daoist.


Finally, after lasting a quarter of an hour, Dali Taoist found an opportunity and punched out with a punch. The power of this punch was comparable to the strongman who first entered Xuanwang Realm.

One punch hit the earth demon, instantly smashing the earth demon's body, the rich earth's true meaning, and instantaneous collapse.

The earth demon had no chance to be transformed into the earth, so he was killed by the Daoists.


Seeing the earth demon being killed by himself, Daoist sighed with relief, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"I'm exhausted."

Dali Taoist looked up at everyone and said aloud.

The battle with the earth demon was almost incisive. Fortunately, the speed of the earth demon is very slow, otherwise he will not be able to kill it.

"Dali Daoren, you are the nemesis of the devil of the earth." Everyone laughed.

At this moment, Dali Taoist discovered Fang Chen in the epiphany.

"Is this kid epiphany?" Dali Taoist asked, staring at Fang Chen.

Only a few others reacted, turned around, and found that Fang Chen's body, golden light emerged, was in epiphany.

"It's worthy of being the first person to bury Jianzhou's talents. Watching the battle between Dadao and the devil of the earth can also fall into epiphany."

However, just as several people were discussing, suddenly the golden light on Fang Chen's body converged.

Fang Chen woke up from his epiphany.

"Curious feeling." Fang Chen said with a great joy on his face.

"Fang Xiaoyou, did you break through?" Asked the folding swordsman.

Fang Chen nodded slightly and said, "I have gained something."

Just now, Fang Chen slaughtered the golden light to the point of light weight.

If the weight is light, the weight is light, the difference does not seem to be much, but in reality it is very different.

If it is a child to lift light weight, then an adult to lift light weight.

Jin Guang Tu Long reached the state of light weight, Fang Chen's strength once again improved, but unfortunately, his cultivation behavior still did not break through.

"Jinguang Tulong, really broad and profound." Fang Chen thought secretly.

The master of the golden giant sword is really sacred. When condensing the real world, the self-made sword trick has such a domineering power.

Fang Chen felt that this type of sword move could last until he broke through to the Profound King Realm.

This is the gap.

When people condensed on the real world, they created a kind of sword move, and when they were in the real martial arts world, they felt very shocked after practicing.

However, Fang Chen did not say this.

"Fang Xiaoyou, your potential is really enviable." Niu nose said rudely.

Several other people looked at Fang Chen with envy.

Eight of them, in the eyes of the world, incomparably high.

But who can do it, they are trapped at the limit of the real martial arts for nearly a thousand years, and if they are not firm in their hearts, they will have collapsed long ago.

The most urgent thing for them is to get the heart of Xuantian and step into the realm of Xuanwang. Otherwise, they will come to the limit and it will turn into a loess.

And Fang Chen, talented against the sky, buried ninety-nine sword marks on the wall of the buried sword, one of the most evil geniuses in the history of buried sword state.

Of course, if they knew that Fang Chen had survived the twelve tragedies, then one or two words would be removed.

This kind of genius is sooner or later entering the realm of Xuanwang, and there is no need to worry at all.

Fang Chen is now less than thirty years old.

This kind of talent, placed in the universe of the extraterrestrial universe, is also a genius of evil spirits.

This is still their comment without knowing that Fang Chen has superb true meaning.

After a lot of praise, everyone continued to move forward.

Within the sixth floor, it is possible to encounter the earth demon at any time, so everyone chooses to fly and try not to touch the ground as much as possible.

The earth demon can be integrated into the earth and sneak in silently.

After flying for a while, the crowd met another earth demon.

In such a situation, it is natural to let the Daoist strike.

Not surprisingly, the Daoist people used their overbearing physical power to bomb the earth demon again.

However, as a result, Daoists consume too much and their bodies are very weak.

"We need to find the entrance to the seventh floor as soon as possible, otherwise we will be trapped here if we encounter a powerful earth demon." Tianhong said in a low voice.

"According to previous experience, the entrance of the seventh floor must be in the center of the sixth floor." Zhejian Shoudao.

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