Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 888: Earth Demon King

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Within the sixth floor, there are many earth demons.

These earth demons are as powerful as they encountered before.

At first, Dali Dao was able to bomb alone, but in the later period, his power was too much.

Therefore, after encountering the devil of the earth, other people are responsible for containment, and the Daoist people are fully committed to killing.

Only the holy-level physical strength of the strong Daoist can break the defense of the earth demon.

The group continued to walk, but at a certain moment.

Suddenly, the earth shivered rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd saw a towering peak suddenly appearing ahead.

This mountain peak, surrounded by earthy yellow breath, directly blocked everyone's course of progress.

"No, it's the earth demon." Dark Sword screamed, and several others stopped.

"Stupid human."

A soaring voice came from the towering peaks.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts and immediately stared at the mountain.

In the eyes of everyone, this soaring mountain peak instantly turned into countless real meanings of the earth, and then condensed into a human form.

The appearance of this humanoid earth demon made all of the eight extreme warriors change their complexions.

"The Demon King of the Earth." Tianhong lively shouted.

"How come there is the demon king of the earth?" Folded swordsman asked puzzled.

Niu nose said in a deep voice: "It seems that this earth demon king should be the strongest creature in the sixth layer."

The demon king of the earth, as the name suggests, is the leader of the earth demon, and is also a earth demon in the Profound King Realm.

"You are all going to die." The demon king of the earth, said eeriely.

It controls the human body and walks towards the people step by step.

At the same time, it clenched his fists and banged out with a punch.

Rumble ...

The deafening voice directly tore the void, and let everyone land on the ground one after another.

At this moment, the strength of the Daoist people has almost recovered.

He glanced at the others and then said: "Help me to contain it."

Others heard the word and focused on it.

In the hands of the real man of Tianhong, a blood-red long sword appeared, and then he exhibited his unique skill, Tianhong sword tactics.

Suddenly, there were countless horrifying sword lights in the sky, which contained the true meaning of the vast sword.

Tianhong Jianjue can shoot countless horrible sword lights in a very short time.

Its advantage is that it is extremely fast.

The real man of Tianhong has already cultivated Tianhong sword tactics to the extreme.

Throwing his wrist, thousands of sword lights were shot inside the blood-red long sword.

These sword lights, the power contained in each, can easily kill a warrior who has entered the real martial arts nine times.

If thousands of sword lights are concentrated and attacked on a single person, even the strongman who first entered the realm of Xuanwang can't resist it head-on.

This is the power of Tianhong.

Tianhong real people control thousands of sword lights, directly blasted to the demon king of the earth.

Rumble ...

At this moment, around the body of the demon king of the earth, the earth really shrouded.

Thousands of sword lights, carrying the majestic power, stabbed the body of the earth demon.

However, what is shocking is that these sword lights did not break the defense of the earth demon.

"This defense is too strong, right?"

Fang Chen, standing in the distance, was quite shocked.

The power of Tianhong's sword tactics is so powerful that it can't break the defense of the earth demon king.

How strong is the demon king's defense?

Upon seeing this, Dali said that his brows were frowning, and he immediately shouted loudly, "Go together."

Suddenly, other strong men also started.

Tianhong's real face was somber, and he once again exhibited Tianhong's sword tactics.

On the other side, the whole body of the dark sword is also full of dark power, and the breath has risen to the peak.

As for the bull nose and the sword-bearer, they also showed their full strength.

Just when Fang Chen was surprised, she suddenly encountered a brilliant light, and shot out from the body of a certain strong man.

This brilliant light contains a vast breath.

"this is……"

In Fang Chen's heart, a turbulent wave was set off.

For the first time, he saw the eight biggest extreme shots at the same time.

It is enough to see how strong this earth demon king is.

The strongest person who emits brilliant light is the lowest-key and highest-key among the eight extreme strongmen.

He is said to be low-key because he is clearly strong, but he rarely communicates with others.

And his high profile is because of his name.

Burial Sword State is the transformation of the body after the death of Burial Sword Emperor.

And this powerful man with brilliant light is called Burial Sword.

After reaching the limit of the real martial arts, he buried himself as the king of swords.

According to the story of the Folding Swordsman and others, this person has great ambitions.

His goal in this life was to become a strong man like a buried sword emperor. By that time, his title would also be called a buried sword emperor.

Of course, everyone knows that this is impossible.

Because, if you want to become a strong man like the Burial Sword Emperor, you don't just need to work hard.

Burial Sword first shot, his strength is too arrogant.

The brilliant light emitted from the body instantly hit the demon king of the earth.


The attack of the other powerful ones could not break the defense of the Earth Demon King, and the attack of the Burial Sword actually made the Earth Demon King back a few steps.

Seizing this opportunity, the fists of the vigorous Taoist slammed into the demon king of the earth.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The demon king of the earth did not expect that these ants like humans in front of him actually forced him to retreat.

"Damn man."

The stable body of the demon king of the earth, surrounded by the whole body of the earth, roared angrily.

At this time, the eight extreme strongmen stood side by side, while Dadao Dao looked at the buried sword with a smile.

"Buried sword, how many times can you use the kind of attack you just made?" Asked Dali Taoist.

Burial Sword slightly pondered for a moment, and then said: "Three times."

Burial sword attack is too powerful.

Therefore, the consumption is also great.

Therefore, it can only be performed three times, and then it cannot support such a powerful attack.

"You can try it." Dali Daoist looked at others, and then said: "It depends on everyone whether he can kill the demon king of the earth."

As the Daoist spoke, suddenly the demon king of the earth shouted angrily, and his fists burst out.

At the same time, the Folding Swordsman took the lead.

Folding swordsman is best at folding swords.

I saw his body, close to the demon king of the earth, holding his arm directly with both hands, a powerful force burst out instantly, and wanted to break the arm of the demon king of the earth.

Seeing the Folding Swordsman's shot, the Dark Sword also shot.

Darkness was overshadowed, and he exhibited the strongest attack, dark invasion.

Rumble ...

A rich dark breath emerged from the body of the dark sword, and then shrouded the demon king of the earth.

The real man of Tianhong exhibited Tianhong's sword tactics. Thousands of swordsmanship spurred the earth demon king.

Niu nose Lao Dao exhibited the sword of Fu Lu, which is his fame and fame, and is also the result of the hard work of his life.

I saw a short blade in his hand, and then activated instantly.

Between Fulu, there is Fulu, also a sword technique, the combination of the two, the attack power is outstanding.

"Blizzard is coming."

Among the eight extreme strongmen, the only female strongman chants the wind, and she exhibits the Blizzard swordsmanship.

Suddenly, the air temperature between heaven and earth dropped sharply, and the snow flew all over the sky.

Then, these snowflakes, wrapped around the earth demon king, directly turned into ice, and temporarily frozen the earth demon king.

The Ice and Fire King exhibited the Ice and Fire Swordsmanship. This swordsmanship is derived from the two true meanings of Ice and Fire. With the help of Blizzard Swordsmanship, the power is greatly increased.

Finally, Burial Sword shot.

Fang Chen didn't even see him shoot, he found that a brilliant light shot from his body.

Dali Dao has long been waiting. Once the sword is shot, he will.

The brilliant light makes people shocked. Its appearance directly merges with the attacks of several other people.


Brilliant light, heavily bombarded the demon king of the earth.

Suddenly, a slight crack appeared on the body of the earth demon king.

"go to hell."

The fists of Vigorous Taoist slammed into the Demon King of the Earth.

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