Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 890: Lightning

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Ignoring the shock of the eight extreme strongmen, the little mouse directly crushed the energy spar that made all eight helpless, and then swallowed it.

At this time, the eight extreme strongmen stopped their feet one after another, filled with shock.

"This ... is it okay?" Even the funerary sword that didn't open easily said in surprise.

"It's so full, but there is only one."

The little mouse was very satisfied after eating the energy spar and grinned.

Hearing its words, the crowd froze for a while.

The mouse swish and jumped on Fang Chen's shoulder.

At this time, eight talents reacted.

"Fang Xiaoyou ... Is this your darling?"

Eight people saw the little mouse standing on Fang Chen's shoulder, and asked dumbfounded.

Fang Chen nodded, the eight were surprised.

"Your darling, is it too abnormal?" Dark Sword couldn't help it.

"Yeah, eight of us can't break the spar of energy. You, the darling of your spirits, swallowed directly in two or three times." Tianhong said humanely.

"Fang Xiaoyou, your darling is not easy." Niu nose said rudely.

As for the others, they were shocked.

The only female strong, staring at the little mouse with a smile.

"What a cute little mouse." Yin Feng said.

To the shock of the eight, Fang Chen just explained it slightly, saying that the mouse's teeth were relatively hard, and then he took it in one stroke.

With the fighting power of the little mouse, the eight extreme strongmen are very excited.

"The destruction of the demon king of the earth, this sixth floor, is no longer dangerous." The Ice King said.

Several other people also grinned.

They were in a good mood and thought they would fail, but did not expect to succeed in the end.

Moreover, the crisis was actually a little mouse.

Everyone looked at Fang Chen, his eyes full of smiles.

It seems that taking Fang Chen is a wise choice.

If you think about it carefully, if there is no space-like real intention of Fang Chen this time, the eight of them can't get the energy spar of the earth demon king.

If there is no mouse, the earth demon king will condense again, and they will be forced to retreat to the fifth floor.

Fortunately, there are little mice and Fang Chen.

"Right now, the sixth floor is no longer in danger. Look here first to see if there is any chance." Dark Sword suggested.

Several others nodded.

"Fang Chen, thanks to you this time, if there is something for you, we will keep it for you." Tianhong said.

"Thank you seniors." Fang Chen thanked.

In the end, the eight men discussed and prepared to search the heritage within the sixth floor.

"Fang Chen, be careful. Although the demon king of the earth is dead, the burial of God Jian Hei is extremely dangerous. Be careful of other dangers." Yin Feng said with a smile.

Fang Chen nodded, and the eight disappeared instantly.

Fang Chen also left here with the mouse.

Within the entire sixth floor, there was a gray area everywhere.

The earth is full of the true meaning of the earth. After the death of the demon king of the earth, all ordinary earth demons are hidden and dare not come out.

The huge sixth floor is empty.

Fang Chen flew comfortably over the sixth floor, and from time to time he could hear some complaints.

"A lot of bones."

Flying in the sky, Fang Chen saw that there were countless corpses on the ground, scattered on the ground.

These corpses were earth-shattering powers during their lifetime.

It's just that it fell here and turned into a piece of loess, who can remember in the end?

The little mouse stood on Fang Chen's shoulder, constantly looking around.

With the sense of smell of the little mouse, it is easy to find the hidden treasures inside these corpses.

One person and one mouse, looking quickly.

In a flash, three days passed.

Everyone agreed to meet in the place where the demon king of the earth died seven days later, and then went to the seventh floor.

Now that three days have passed, Fang Chen and the mouse have some gains, but overall, the gains are not great.

"Boss, I noticed something is wrong." Suddenly the little mouse said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

The mouse's dark eyes looked at a mountain in the distance and whispered: "I feel that there is a strange breath on that mountain."

"Go, look over."

After Fang Chen finished speaking, he flew in a hurry and came here soon.

Climbing up the mountain, Fang Chen found that there are countless bones, and these bones were scattered on the mountain.

At first glance, nothing was found.

However, after careful observation, Fang Chen was surprised to find that the arrangement of these bones actually formed a formation.

"Body formation?"

Fang Chen was astonished in his heart. Why did these decayed corpses of the mighty person form such a horrible formation?

The corpse formation is a very evil formation. Although the formation level is not high, it is extremely evil.

This kind of formation can gather the grievances of the dead. The stronger the grievance, the more dangerous it is.

"Wow ..."

As Fang Chen pondered, suddenly an illusory big hand suddenly rushed in the face.

Fang Chen saw this, the Xingyin sword waved out violently, and Jin Guang Tu Long shot immediately.


Xingyin Sword slashed into this unreal big hand, and let the unreal big hand collapse directly.

Later, Fang Chen felt that there was a strange breath here, which instantly filled.

"this is……"

The mouse seemed to recognize these breaths, and immediately jumped into the formation, and then absorbed these rich breaths frantically.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen did not disturb, and looked around alertly, protecting the little mouse.

In the corpse formation method, countless dead people complained and gathered together.

With the crazy absorption of the mouse, these complaints are constantly struggling, but to no avail.

"The little mouse seems to be transforming."

Fang Chen whispered.

Unexpectedly, the little mouse was able to absorb these complaints.

For a full hour, the corpse formation collapsed on its own, and the mouse's body, purple gloss surging, within his eyes, emitted a terrifying light.

"How is it?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

"Boss, the grievances in this corpse formation method seem to have contaminated me with the breath of the Sky God Rat, so I can absorb it." The little rat said in a deep voice.

Fang Chen heard his words, and his heart shook.

Why did these complaints come from, and why did they contaminate the spirit of Devouring Rat?

You have to know that looking at the entire universe outside the territory, there are only two Sky Devouring Rats, one of whom is the one who followed the Sword Emperor.

It fell into the burial sword state, perhaps these complaints had been in contact before.

Can only be explained this way.

The little mouse told Fang Chen that after absorbing these grievances, its strength soared again, and the number of talented supernatural powers was increased a little.

Fang Chen is very happy. The little mouse is the deity rat, and if it grows up completely, it will definitely shake the entire extraterrestrial universe.

"Let's go."

After talking, Fang Chen took the mouse and turned to leave.

The following time, Fang Chen continued to look for opportunities.

Finally, on a certain day, he found a wonderful place.

Here, filled with countless thunder breath, occasionally there is the power of thunder, bombarded down, Fang Chen believes that this is a place of cultivation.

Immediately, Fang Chen came directly here, and the whole body was instantly filled with thunder breath.

Rumble ...

I don't know what the reason is. The power of the thunder hitting more and more, all bombarded Fang Chen.

"I go."

Fang Chen couldn't help cursing, he had just arrived, and the power of Thunder seemed to repel him?

However, this is just right, the sword body urges, the whole body of the sword is full of meaning, he is refining the physical strength.

A few days later, Fang Chen left here.

Because, the power of the Thunder here is all inhaled into his body.

Strange to say, it seems that because of the twelve heavy robbery, I am not afraid of the power of thunder.

All the power of thunder in this strange land was absorbed by Fang Chen.

Now, Fang Chen's whole body, scattered countless thunder powers, at first glance, very scary.

However, Fang Chen is also very happy.

Because the power of these thunders is stored in the body and released at a critical moment, the power is extremely amazing.

According to the agreement, Fang Chen returned to the place where the demon king was killed, and the eight extreme strongmen came one after another.

They were surprised when they saw Fang Chen's first reaction.

"Fang Xiaoyou, in your body, the power of the thunder is scattered, what's going on?"

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