Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 891: Gatekeeper

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"The juniors used Thunder's power to train their bodies and absorbed some of the Thunder's power." Fang Chen said.

Hearing the words, Dali Taoist widened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen said: "Boy, exercise together, I am best at it. You can't do exercise like this."

The other seven people nodded one after another.

Among the eight extreme strong men, the one who is the best at physical training is the strong Daoist.

Moreover, Dali Daoists have reached the extreme in their body training.

No one can match this if the flesh has reached the holy level.

Dali has observed Fang Chen's body, and he has a little bit of thought in his heart.

Therefore, he only said: "Boy, are you interested in learning body training with me, I promise to let your physical body practice to the level of nine-star Taoism."

Upon hearing this, Fang Chen shook his head slightly.

"What? Your kid looks down on me?" Dali Dao was a little displeased, Shen Sheng said.

At this moment, Fang Chen urged the sword body, the true meaning of the sword surged, and the vast breath filled the whole body.

Upon seeing this, a bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of Dali Dao Ren.

"Nine Star Dao? This ..."

The Daoist people were shocked in their hearts. Fang Chen was not over thirty years old, and his flesh reached the level of the nine-star Taoist body.

"It is worthy of being the strongest genius in Jian Jianzhou. Not only the swordsmanship, but also the flesh is very invincible." Dark Sword said.

"Yes, young age, Jiuxing Dao, this potential, envious." Tianhong real man said with a lip.

Several other people also praised Fang Chen.

Dali Taoist was a little embarrassed, immediately lifted his sleeves, snorted and turned away.

Fang Chen also smiled and said: "Dali's predecessor's intention is under the lead, but the juniors concentrate on martial arts."

The eight extreme strongmen took Fang Chen to find the entrance of the seventh floor, and then entered it.


When Fang Chen and others entered the seventh floor, the earth-shattering event also happened in the funeral Jianzhou.

Of course, this kind of thing, except for the few people who buried the sword fairy palace, ordinary martial arts, no one knows.

Bury the edge of Jianzhou, in the endless ocean.

There is a vortex, and within the vortex, there is the burial **** sword prison.

Except for the Xiangong Palace Master and more than a dozen Xuanwang Realm commanders, no one knows that under the burial of God Sword Prison, a horrible existence is suppressed.

Even the Xiangong Palace Master cannot completely eliminate this horrible existence.

If it were not for the existence of the Burial God Sword Prison, no one could suppress this horrible existence.

At this time, before the vortex, dozens of leaders dragged the torn body and stood quietly.

In front of them is the palace owner who is standing in the sword fairy palace.

"Palace, let's come."

Shen Sheng said, the ancestor of the sword fighting field in Jinjian City.

Suddenly, the leaders of other Xuanwang realms also released a terrifying breath.

The owner of the sword celestial palace was filled with a helpless expression on his face, and then focused on his head.

"To bury Jianzhou, kill."

A dozen commanders roared loudly before rushing into the vortex.

Within a few minutes, the entire endless ocean was shaking.

The palace master who buried the sword fairy palace, suspended above the endless ocean, was filled with grief in his heart.

He wanted to shoot, but he couldn't.

In order to bury Jianzhou, he could not shoot.


After a few minutes, the endless ocean returned to calm.

A sound of vibration resounded through the sky.

During this time, there was a roaring sound, which was the horrifying existence roaring.

"Someday, I will destroy the entire funeral sword state."

The master of the sword celestial palace, protruding with his big hand, directly pressed down, immediately pressing on the vortex of the endless ocean.

The endless ocean returned to calm, but the dozen or so commanders completely disappeared.

The main burial of the sword immortal palace is suspended above the endless ocean, and my heart is shaking, and I can't calm for a long time.

"Your death, buried Jianzhou will remember."

After talking, the figure of the palace master disappeared.

Within the entire funeral sword prefecture, many martial artists are extremely comfortable.

However, the palace owner who buried the sword fairy palace knew.

Just today, more than a dozen Xuanwang Realm commanders, with their own lives, once again sealed the horrible existence in the vortex.


Burial God Sword Prison, within the seventh floor.

Everyone suspended in the sky, looking around.

The seventh floor is extremely calm, without any dangerous breath.

But the more this is, the more abnormal it is.

"Looking for the entrance." Tianhong said in person.

The eight nodded and began to look for the entrance on the eighth floor.

Three days later, the crowd gathered at the entrance.

However, their faces are extremely dignified.

At the entrance of the eighth floor, there was a figure. He sat quietly on the ground cross-legged, smiling at everyone.

"Come here earlier than I thought." The figure grinned.

His smile gave a gloomy feeling.

Fang Chen carefully observed this figure. He was not tall, with purple hair, and was wearing a commoner.

"Who are you?" Niu nose asked in a deep voice.

"I am the gatekeeper." The figure smiled.

"Guardian?" Yin Feng asked.

"You haven't found that there is no danger on the way here?" The gatekeeper asked.

Everyone's face changed slightly, staring at the gatekeeper with vigilance.

"That's because, all the resentments in this seventh layer are swallowed by me, and those creatures are all beheaded by me." The gatekeeper said calmly.

However, listening to everyone's ears was a palpitation.

"What?" The Dark Sword cried aloud.

Several others were shocked on their faces.

In the seventh layer, all the complaints are absorbed by the gatekeeper, and the creatures are all killed by him.

What exactly is this gatekeeper?

"It has been a long time since there was no human warrior, so I came here." The gatekeeper smiled.

Everyone looked dignified and stared at the gatekeeper.

"So, I will play with you well and won't kill you easily." The gatekeeper said darkly.

The eyes of the eight extreme strong men flash.

"What should I do?" Fang Chen asked in a low voice.

He had just discovered his soul and couldn't get close to the gatekeeper.

The strength of this gatekeeper is too strong.

"Don't be impulsive." Folded sword karate.

At this moment, the gatekeeper's eyes turned to Fang Chen.

"Among the nine people, you are the weakest. Let's start with you first." The gatekeeper laughed.

Suddenly, Fang Chen felt that the golden heart was beating rapidly, and his body seemed to be imprisoned.

"Void meaning."

Fang Chen moved his mind and displayed the true meaning of the void, his figure disappeared instantly.

Upon seeing this, the gatekeeper's eyes flashed.


The gatekeeper discovered Fang Chen's empty meaning, and a sly smile appeared on his face.


The gatekeeper's voice just fell, his wrist shook immediately, and a terrifying fist suddenly blasted out.


Fang Chen, hiding in the void, was instantly hit by this terrifying fist, and with a bang, his body fell on the ground.

"So strong."

This gatekeeper is too strong to resist.

Even if you enter the void, you cannot escape the attack of the gatekeeper.

Fang Chen stood up quickly, urged by the body of the sword, holding the Xingyin sword in his hand, ready to attack.

"too weak."

The gatekeeper shook his head slightly and then punched again.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's body was blasted again.

The mouse rattled, blocking Fang Chen's face.

"Hugh wants to hurt my boss."

The little mouse growled angrily, his eyes scarlet, and the purple luster around him surging.


Talented and magical, the horrible attraction spread instantly.

Upon seeing this, the gatekeeper's complexion finally changed.

"This breath, so familiar ..."

The gatekeeper looked at the huge purple mouse phantom behind the little mouse and muttered to himself, as if he had known each other.


The natural supernatural power urged to the extreme, the horrible attraction directly enveloped the gatekeeper.

After a brief shock, the gatekeeper's face recovered, and then a terrifying light erupted from his body, shooting directly at the mouse.

Thump ...

This ray of light bombarded the purple mouse phantom with a flash of lightning.


The purple mouse's ghost collapsed, and the little mouse's natural talent was broken for the first time. Its body flew directly backwards, and blood spattered the sky.

"Shoot together."

Tianhong live-action roared loudly, and the eight extreme strongmen all shot together, urging the strongest killing tricks and encircling the gatekeepers.

"You are too weak," the gatekeeper said coldly.

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