Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1312: Good warfare

Batu's big brother Ba Yan, Xiao Chen heard that this person is strong, and among the many celestial arrogances in the Dark City, he is among the top spears.

Even Liu Yun, who had suffered a big loss in his hands.

I have been in this rock castle for so long, whether it is out of courtesy or my curiosity, Xiao Chen would like to know this person.

Stopping the work in his hands, Xiao Chen and Moon Bingyun walked along with Batu and saw the Ba Yan, who was on the stage and at home in the battlefield.

On the stage of the martial arts, a strong man with a similarity to Batu, full of enthusiasm, every punch will hear the sound of rocks and flames.

One stroke and one style, the violent extreme, the road is the route to open and close.

Can be a simple move, but there is no charm, Xiao Chen looked at it for a long time before discovering the mystery.

Ba Yan cultivated two kinds of will, a kind of flame will, a kind of rock will, and both kinds of will were cultivated into the realm of Dacheng.

And ingeniously, they are merged together to form the unique will of the Yanshi Wang.

Both the blasting force of the flame, the boundlessness, and the rigidity and toughness of the rock.

The old man with his opponent is a great perfection in the rock castle, watching the situation on the field. Although it is not a battle of life and death, it can still be fiercely beaten. Although the old man has done all the means, it is still difficult to hide.

Batu looked in his eyes and showed a hint of worship: "This is my big brother. He has cultivated Yanshiyu to the tenth weight this time. It is the most talented in our family history. When my grandfather was so young, They only cultivated Yanshiyu to the ninth weight."

Yue Bingyun smiled and said: "You are now practicing the first few weights."

Batu’s smile said: “Is this confidentiality ok, I am embarrassed to say it.”

Although he did not say it, but Xiao Chen used his own eyesight to see that Batu’s Yanshiyi should only be cultivated to the sixth peak, and even the seventh heavy has not broken.

Compared with his older brother, it is a far cry.

But this is not because Batu is too inferior, but Batu's talent is not bad, but his big brother Ba Yan is too strong, too dazzling and makes him look dwarfed.


The combination of the stone and the flame, with the punch of the ten groups of Ba Yan Sheng Wei, the old man once again forced back ten steps. The battle of the battlefield is here, and it is not until the end.

"Oh, the young masters will go out at this time. At the Tianjiao Summit, they will surely shine. The descendants of other thieves will never think of the young master. You will cultivate Yan Shizhen to the tenth level."

The old man who sparred, said with a smile, looked forward to it.

Ba Yan looks as big as Batu, and looks a bit so good, but it is more cautious and restrained.

In the eyes of the war, there is endless confidence, but the words are not very full: "The slate of our family, the skill of the syllabus belongs to the top-level exercises, and it can indeed be cultivated to the tenth. There is a big advantage. It can be a small look at other people, and some are not appropriate. After the thief, there is no ordinary person."

After he finished speaking, he let the old man retreat, with a smile on his face, and some excited steps quickly came toward Xiao Chen.

"You are my younger brother, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen. You are very powerful in my brother's mouth. Even the test iron man of the ancestral hall has been cut down by you. We have a few tricks!"

The meaning of obedient words is provocative!

Batu quickly said: "Xiao Chen, don't mind my brother is this temper, once I saw the master, I couldn't help but tickle, closed for so long, and did not improve."

"Nothing, I also want to see the martial arts of the following Ba Yan brother." Xiao Chen does not hate such a person in his heart, even he himself is a bit similar, seeing a master who is bright and can't help but fight against it. .

See what you can learn from, improve yourself, or purely to find an opponent. A warrior, if he always builds a car behind closed doors, and does not have a battle, he will definitely regress.

Ba Yan smiled and said: "It seems that we are all the same people, let's take three strokes, and point it up."

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "I am right!"


In the eyes of Batu and the moon ice cloud, the two people who just met the other side immediately came to the stage to prepare for the battle.

In the eyes of the moon, there was a faint color in the eyes, saying: "What do you want to do for your eldest brother, not to practice alone?"

Batu scratched his head and said: "I don't know. It seems that Big Brother received an invitation letter and is going to take Xiao Chen together. Now it should be his strength."

The hard work of the two men, Xiao Chen and Ba Yan, was a quick battle.

Compared with other warriors, Ba Yan appears very simple and rude, without any momentum, raising his hand is a punch, blasting.

The fire burned the clouds!

This inspiration for the fire, in the moment of Ba Yan's footsteps, a raging fire, spread out in an instant.

"Amazing explosive power!"

The explosive power of the other side made Xiao Chen slightly surprised, and he did not need to gain momentum at all, and he could control himself freely.

I dare not have the slightest intention. Xiao Chen’s figure is flashing, and the Dalong step of Dacheng is displayed. It is like a dragon, and he walks seven steps.

Every step, Xiao Chen’s feet will shoot out one or two smashing brontosaurus, and they will scream and scream.

After seven steps, Xiao Chen's body flew out of the twelve wild Thunder Dragons. At this moment, the Moon Shadow Knife instantly came out of the sheath and greeted the opponent's breathtaking punch.

The momentum of the two sides, the opposite of the front, is completely hard-hitting, the knife and the fist hit, making a loud noise, and the dust is rolling.

But the dust was exhausted, Xiao Chen retired five steps, but Ba Yan was a full ten steps.

"What is your knife trick, and in such a fast speed, it can burst out of this power." Ba Yan looked a little surprised.

Xiao Chen raised his knife and said: "Thunder Dragon, after the slashing of the robbery knife method that I had previously realized, the knife tricks that I formed were also recently realized, and it looks like a good power."

Based on the Thunder Dragon Steps, in conjunction with the previous Thunderbolt Law, this is a new trick that Xiao Chen has come up with in the Cave House of the Blood Sword King.

Without the advancement of the Thunder Dragon Step, there would be no such move. Now, it seems that the power is indeed good.

"Oh, interesting, pick me up again, punch the country!"

This punch is the fierce explosion of the will of the rock, without the will of the flame. In the boxing method, the momentum revealed is even more kingly. If you want a punch, you will set a thousand miles of mountains and rivers.

Ba Yan, who came out of the air, had a vision of the Wanli Mountain River at his feet. Under this boxing, Dashan Dachuan, all surrendered.

This move is not as ferocious as before, and the surface momentum is inferior. It can come slowly, and the overbearing spread out of the show has caused even greater pressure on Xiao Chen.


This move completely aroused Xiao Chen's heart, and laughed loudly. One foot slammed on the ground, and suddenly a blue dragon shadow flew out from Xiao Chen's body.

Ten thousand heavenly rules in the body have all turned into dragon shadows, and in a flash, Wanlong soared and roared in unison.

As Xiao Chen slashed down, he derived the descendants of the dragon, forming a blue knife light that reached the heavens.

Batu Zhang said with a big mouth: "Rely, this is to dismantle the table!"

Moon Ice Cloud also feels a little surprised, but it is much calmer than Batu. The faint road: "Reassuring, just a simple trick, both of them will grasp the scale, and will not really display the strength of 10%."

Carrying a punch that surrendered to the Wanli Mountain River, slamming on the blue knives.

With a bang, Ba Yan’s fist surface showed a trace of silk, and countless dust flew out of it. It was the rocky instinct of his body, which was broken by Xiao Chen.

But the power of this punch is also amazing. When the boxing strikes, there is a clear crack in the knife light.

"Don't fight, don't fight."

Ba Yan saw that his body was broken, and he was shocked and hurryed back. Looking at Xiao Chen again, I didn’t dare to have a little bit of heart, and he made this move.

For the first time in my peers, I met people who could break the defense.

The first move has already lost, the second move of the body rock is broken, if you hit the third move, you will get a killer, and Ba Yan did not take the killer so early.

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