The two tricks of being very motivated and letting the two have a clearer understanding of each other's strength.

In the competition, although Ba Yan is a little inferior, the style is still the same. The first move of the horror broke out, as desired, Xiao Chen's operation of Lei Long step went after seven steps, only to win the other side with Lei Long.

The second move is to make a Jiangshan, surrender to the Wanli Mountain River, and it is even more overbearing. Xiao Chen’s descending dragon is still the first time he was almost smashed.

For the third move, Xiao Chen is still looking forward to it. He guessed it right. The third move should be to combine the flames and the rock's dual will, and then run the ten-strong stone sarcophagus together to form a horrible killing trick.

Xiao Chen estimates that if it is played out perfectly, it will be enough to match the Chinese martial arts.

But unfortunately, at the crucial moment, Ba Yan suddenly stopped.

"Yes, haha, it seems that Batu is not wrong at all, you are stronger than he described."

Ba Yan laughed and walked over, and did not have a slight smile because of the slightest ignorance of the morning, and his heart was full of emotions.

It seems that this Ba Yan, really a fighting madman, is the kind of warrior who really indulges in fighting, not just calculating the outcome.

"Big brother, how, the strength of Xiao Chen can accompany you to the party?" Batu and Yue Bingyun came over and asked with a smile.

Ba Yan nodded: "Nature is ok, but the Xiaochen brothers are willing to do it."

Xiao Chen has some confused words: "What gathering?"

Ba Yan took out an invitation and smiled: "I don't know who initiated it. A small party of the thirteen thieves' successors received it when they just left the customs. Hey, someone should want to try my fist power. Still no!"

"I don't seem to be after the thief." Xiao Chen frowned, feeling that this party had nothing to do with him.

Ba Yan smiled and said: "How can you think of it? I know this big old man. This gathering is definitely a strength test before the Tianjiao Summit. Do you have any connection with you?"

Tianjiao Summit!

It is also the Tianjiao Summit. Xiao Chen has heard these four words several times, but he has been busy repairing and rebuilding it. He simply does not know what the Tianjiao Summit is.

"You shouldn't, come to the Dark City for so long, I don't know what happened to the Tianjiao Summit?"

Seeing Xiao Chen still, some stunned look, Ba Yan and Batu are a look of surprise.

Xiao Chenxiao smiled and said: "This day arrogance summit, I really don't know, I came to the dark city is just another thing. After three days, I am ready to leave."

"Batu, you talk to him, I thought he was coming to the Tianjiao Summit."

After a moment of indulgence, Batu organized a language saying: "Tianjiao Peak will have 13 thieves' forces jointly held, and the purpose is to promote competition between the major Tianjiao. Once every five years, it is equivalent to an examination. Tianjiao can register, and the competition is fierce and cruel."

“The top ten have rewards. The top three people have the highest prize value, and they can get a number of fine Yuanshi. The first one is able to get a Chinese martial art, and they can enter the dark blood pool once and strengthen. The flesh."

Jing Yuanshi? Zhongpin yiwu martial arts!

A flash of light flashed through Xiao Chen’s eyes, and these two things have a fatal appeal to any prospective emperor.

It is no wonder that this Tianjiao Summit is so attractive. This explains why, at the time of the Zongwutang, I saw so many foreign warriors who came to handle the Tianjiao.

"How, now I still feel that this little party has nothing to do with you?" Ba Yan said with a smile: "It is difficult to get in a lot of relationships, like Batu wants to follow, I don't take him." ”

"This time, it must have been the strongest of the thieves. They have no strength and are humiliated."

Xiao Chen made a decision very quickly and solemnly said: "Thank you for Ba Yan brother, when will you leave?"

"Okay, let's go now, retreat for more than half a year, my bones are all crisp, and I will have those old friends." The battle was burning, and Ba Yan took up the invitation and left with Xiao Chenchao. .

Before leaving, there were some finishing work for the repair of Xiaolongtai. Xiaochen could only ask for the moon ice cloud.

Fortunately, the moon ice cloud, no deduction, readily accepted.

It is to make Xiao Chen a bit strange. With the strength of the moon ice cloud, it should also be able to compete for the Tianjiao summit, but did not see her interest.

Ba Yan took the road, and the two flew in the city with impunity, holding the celestial arrogance, completely ignoring the rules for prohibiting flying in the dark city.

Along the way, Ba Yan is very talkative. Maybe it is the relationship of blood. The descendants of Yanshiwang’s pulse are a bit embarrassed. There is nothing to worry about when talking.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, what is the relationship between this holy woman and you? Thank you for your blessing, our Yanshi Fort is the first time, there is a moon palace saint to come to be a guest." Ba Yan is almost no different from Batu in this respect. They all look very gossip.

Xiao Chen was helpless and had to explain it seriously. Ba Yan still didn't believe much.

"Oh, let's not say this, we are here!"

After a long journey, the two came to a restaurant in the inner city. The whole building exudes a quirky charm, and the frame structure gives people a feeling of firmness.

"This is the famous war-torn restaurant in the dark city. The whole restaurant is made of water, and there is a ban on it. Even if it is overturned in the sky, there will be no damage to the restaurant. It is the favorite place for the Black Sea military."

For the war-torn restaurant, Ba Yan has come many times and is familiar with the road.

Ba Yan strode in, and in the original noisy hall, there was a moment of silence, and almost all eyes noticed him.

"Rely, this battle madness is out!"

"Hurry and flash, I have been squatting for more than half a year. I don't know who will take it out."

There was a moment of panic in the hall, and the messy table of wine opened a way for Ba Yan in an instant.

Xiao Chen laughed dumbly: "You are in the place, it seems that the name is not small."

Ba Yan grinned: "I don't mean it, I still miss the first time I came, and the fight is a good one. Now the black sea warriors are getting more and more daring."

The location of the party, on the second floor of the war-torn restaurant, has been completely packaged, and no invitation can be entered.

After passing the invitation, the two went smoothly.

Compared with the lobby where the voice is full, the second floor has to be cleaned up. It is not too early for the two to come. The seats that have been cleared out have already taken some young warriors.

As soon as I stepped onto the floor, Xiao Chen immediately felt that some sharp eyes were like a knife and looked at him.

There are a lot of acquaintances, Liu Yun and Xia Yang are here, it seems that there is not a short time.

To his surprise, Jiang Feng, who had seen him in Blackwater Island, appeared here. After a period of absence, the strength of the other party has improved rapidly, and there is a dangerous atmosphere on the body.

Zhao Feng apparently also noticed Xiao Chen, which was also very unexpected. He could flash a murderousness in his random eyes, his mouth slightly tilted up, revealing a cruel smile.

Many people who saw Xiao Chen had whispered their arguments. Xiao Chen broke the iron head with a knife. Recently, it was aroused, causing great controversy.

Above the seat, a blue knife knife suddenly took a shot at the table, the glass flew up and swung quickly.

"Hey, white robe knife, recently you are not too small, please drink a glass of wine!" The blue knife sneer sneered, gently tapping, the wine glass suddenly at a speed that the naked eye can not capture, toward the passing of Xiao Chen.

Sure enough, as Ba Yan said, the comers are unruly people, and their strength can only be humiliated.

Just upstairs, I was immediately taken to a horse.

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