Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1320: Group dragon dance

"Sure enough, it was a strong killing order. Grandpa actually gave this opportunity to him." Ba Yan looked dignified, and some could not believe it: "If Xiao Chen fails, the old man's face will be lost."

The host city of the Tianjiao Summit was said to be the thirteen thieves behind the scenes. The prizes were all made by the 13 thieves.

Therefore, every thief will have some privileges, and a strong killing order is one of them.

As the name implies, the killing order is forcibly entered into the Tianjiao Conference, and for those who have missed the time because of some reasons, they missed the time.

Originally, according to the regulations, once abandoned, it is absolutely impossible to participate in the competition.

There is a strong kill order, it can be inserted in the middle, but the use of the killing order also comes at a price.

After the use of the killing order, you can only compete for the first. If you don't get the first, you will fail.

And to take turns to challenge, how many people on the field, how many people you will win, one by one, after defeating all, you can counterattack success and win first.

Not only can you get the first honor, but how many rewards you will get if you defeated many people.

For example, there are now four people in the field. If all of Xiao Chen wins, they will all receive the rewards of the top four.

Once you lose to any one person, the rewards of the other four will be doubled, and there will be a thief who gives him a strong kill.

For the thief, the prize is not enough to be hurt, but the face will be lost.

In history, no one has ever used a strong killing order, and the impact has been successful, and all have failed.

Up to now, no one has been seen for hundreds of years, and I have seen strong killing orders.

After Xiao Chen handed over the killing order, he learned the role of the killing order from the audience’s arguments.

There are also some rules, such as when the number of people is less than four, the use of a strong killing order will face the siege of others.

If the final champion has been decided, you can't use the killing order.

The timing of his appearance is just right. There are still many people on the field. There are still four restrictions. There are still restrictions. There are no rounds of challenges. There is no rest time.

Looking around the scene, four people, first Huang Yun, this blood knife, a look of arrogant young leader, squatting under the body, are full of arrogance, looked at Xiao Chen will not pay attention.

Looking at the cold, this indifferent swordsman in the ice sea, from beginning to end, is a frosty face, can not reveal the true expression.

The Momo sea's Mo Zhen, it is more active, glimpse of Xiao Chen's gaze, grin, full of killing.

In the end, his eyes fell on Sima Lingxuan, who looked cold. For him, Xiao Chen’s mood was slightly complicated.

The hatred of the beginning has long been forgotten. The higher the station, the farther it is, and the eyes and mind of Xiao Chen have undergone great changes.

What he is pursuing now is only the avenue.

Sima Lingxuan’s line of sight, looking at Xiao Chen, in addition to hatred, is more of a flaming war, like a flame burning in the eyes.

But when I saw Xiao Chen, I looked like a light face, and let him feel that this fire, like burning in a quiet lake, could not really burn.

"The killing order is correct, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, are you sure you want to use a strong killing order?"

The old man in the city's main house, after checking the death order, asked on the rostrum.

Xiao Chen looked up in the direction of the podium, without hesitation, calmly said: "I am sure."

As the moon ice cloud said, life is a rare drunk, you can wake up after you get drunk, or face it.

One sentence I am sure that the scene will immediately boil, and everyone likes to have unexpected things happen. Just like the big game, looking forward to the emergence of dark horses, Xiao Chen, now with a strong killing order, is an exciting accident.

"Well, you can choose your opponent freely, let's get started!"

Huang Yun, four people, did not cringe at all, looked at Xiao Chen, their respective passions, not afraid that he chose to be his first opponent.

Outsiders are also judging who will choose who will be their first opponent.

"It should be the Momo Sea, and his strength among the four should be the weakest."

"It's hard to say that Moran's defense is the strongest. If he is chosen, he will consume a lot of laws in the first game, and he will lose more."

"That is Sima Lingxuan, or it is cold, just these two are swordsmen, swordsmen vs. swordsmen, there is such a slight advantage."

There are different opinions, and everyone has their own judgments. But no one thinks that Xiao Chen will choose Huang Yun. After all, Huang Yun’s strength is obvious to all.

"I chose him."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen chose Huang Yun and locked his eyes on this person.

According to the regulations, the other three people retired from the ring.

For such a result, everyone felt a little unexpected. The first battle chose the strongest yellow cloud. Is it a bit too risky?

Or, this white knives is a strong confidence in one's own strength, and it doesn't matter who chooses who to choose.

Everyone can see that among the choices that must be carefully decided, Xiao Chen almost did not think about it, and chose Huang Yun.

If this is the case, it is a bit too arrogant.

"You have the courage, and soon you will regret your choice!"

For Xiao Chen, he chose himself in the first game. Huang Yun looked very angry and suppressed the fire. He said awkwardly.

Xiao Chen was in white, and he was indifferent. His expression was not half-fluctuating. He said: "In the next morning, please enlighten me."

"Then remember my name, Huang Yun, will make your reputation fall in the dark city of the knife!"


Angrily screamed, Huang Yun took the lead, and his body shape flashed. The **** long knife behind him pulled out, and the knife was out, and suddenly he was half-stained.

The scene is extremely violent, tyrannical murderous, rushing out from Huang Yun, with a knife that has been dyed red for half a day, this knife can be described as powerful and unmatched.

"The shot is the martial arts of the Olympic level. This Huang Yun is a quick fix."

"Blood stains the world, this is the trick of the blood shark king before the king became the king, this Huang Yun has a little bit of the style of the blood shark king."

"The white knives are in trouble. You shouldn't pick Huang Yun. I am afraid that it will not be a real one."

The power of terror, so that everyone is moving, it is known that Huang Yun has always had reservations.

Even Ba Yan, who lost to Huang Yun in the previous move, was slightly stunned. It is clear that the other side is better than himself. It is not simply relying on a mixed treasure.

A little step, Xiao Chen showed the Lelong step, quickly retreating toward the back, like a dragon, flashing electric light.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps...

Soon it was forced to retreat, and the **** clouds in the sky almost completely occupied the entire sky.

Huang Yun’s horrible knife is like a beast that eats people. Zhang has a big mouth and wants to swallow the whole of Xiao Chen.

Go back!

Has been retired for 11 steps, and Xiao Chen, who has retreated to the edge of Fujian and Taiwan, has taken a step back. His body is already volley. If he is shot down on the ground and completely withdraws from the ring, he will automatically admit defeat.

Such a thrilling scene, everyone watching is raised.

No one thought that the true strength of Huang Yun would be so fierce. When the killing was made, the white knives would be forced to retreat 12 steps and fly out of the ring.

"Hahaha, you are just like this, let me go down completely!"

Huang Yun laughed and screamed, and he would have to vacate and smash down.

"Sorry, it’s you who is going down."

With 12 steps back, Dacheng's Leilong step has been reached to the limit. If you want to go one step further and step out of the 18 steps, you will have to practice the Leolong step to the great perfection.

Twelve steps, the accumulated power, with the power of Thunder Dragons, will be unknown, because he has to go out seven steps at most.

But he clearly knows that even the 12-step Thunder Dragon, want to beat this blood to the world, absolutely can get.


Xiao Chen, who retired, resolutely took a step forward when Huang Yun was about to vacate.

With this step out, the Moonshadow knife was squirted in an instant, and Thunder Dragon, who accumulated a huge amount of power, took advantage of it.

In the sky, thunder clouds, like an ancient Thunder Dragon wake up, screaming in the sky, lowering the thunder and thunder, will let go of the blood cloud, and force to withdraw.

Huang Yun’s face showed a strange color, which could not allow him to think. Under the heavy lightning, the white figure had already been brought to the knife.


Knife Mang collided, Huang Yun was smashed by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen, who had retired twelve steps, when he was not retreating, he would repel Huang Yun in one step.

But this is not over yet, the position where Xiao Chen’s footsteps fell, just the position that was previously off the ground, and the moment when the footsteps re-stained the ground, there was a thunderbolt that took off from the foot of Xiao Chen.

Lightning burst, like a mad dragon!

Xiao Chen step by step and walked forward. His speed of advancement was 10% faster than the speed of the previous retreat. Every step of the way, there will be a thunder dragon to take off at the foot, roaring in the sky, leading to the sky thunder constantly falling.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps...

Even after walking 12 steps, each time you take off the Thunder Dragon, you will double it. When you finish the 12 steps, Xiao Chen has no idea how many Thunder Dragons dance.

Thunder and lightning in the sky, it is even more terrifying and terrifying, the blood cloud of the red sky will be torn apart, and it will be terrible.

Xiao Chen received the knife and returned to the sheath, and the group of dragons landed, and did not dare to have any arrogance.

Huang Yun, who was screaming out of Xiao Chen, was stunned and stunned. On the ground, he slammed down the platform.

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