Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1321: man of Steel

Looking at the falling yellow cloud, it was so defeated in the hands of Xiao Chen, who did not expect.

The thunder and lightning ended, the group of dragons looked far away, and Xiao Chen held the knife and stood up. His eyes swept away and he fell on the demon sea Mo Ran. The second battler had a choice.

I don't know why, I was so eager to find the first selected Sima Lingxuan, and saw Xiao Chen's gaze moved from his sacredness.

Inexplicably relieved, and when he reacted, he felt shocked and immediately annihilated the idea and rekindled the fire.

The selected ones laughed and fell to the top of the ring.

Undoubtedly full of wild eyes, I looked to Xiao Chen and said: "I thought you would pick me the last one. I didn't expect the second one to come to me. You probably don't know how terrible my physical defense is."

Xiao Chen heard the words, could not help but reveal a look of interest, said: "How terrible, strong defense, but also block the endless attacks."

"Yes? Then let's try it!"

The sneer, the shiny skin of the metal, began to change rapidly. After a while, the presence of flesh and blood was no longer felt on the skin, and all were converted into hard metal.

The whole person becomes a body of steel, completely out of the existence of flesh and blood, and looks very strange.

There are always some strange things in the body of the devil and the blood, which makes people feel extremely surprised.

Undoubtedly, he stepped on it. There were countless cracks on the ground immediately, and he violently swayed. Under his movement, it was like a mountain peak that was raging and shaking.

After one step, I looked at Xiao Chen with a sly look. I was not afraid.

Xiao Chen’s eyes were condensed, and the skin on the other side was completely metalized, and a special kind of sculpt work was cultivated to make the body of the steel harder.

If it is the flesh, this person's already completely incomparable, Xiao Chen's Qinglong warfare is poor. If it is a single defense, it is even more likely to be a little better. This is the natural advantage brought by the blood.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps...

Xiao Chen walked seven steps in a row, accompanied by a thunderstorm, and a thundering dragon, the vastness of the past.

Uncertainly knowing the power of this move, there is no plan to harden the connection, hand prints, display a defensive martial arts, and fully defend.


Lei Longzhen broke open the defensive hood, the power weakened a lot, slashed on Mo Ran's body, making a whispering sound, the skin surface does not move.

The power of the seven steps is not enough. Xiao Chen’s brows are picking up. He walks out of the 12 steps and re-cuts the trick of rushing Huang Yun down the ring.

But this move, I have already seen it, I know the power contained in it. I have never thought about cracking, or I have to fight hard to come up with all the potential, just for simple defense.


The hood was once again broken, and the knife was cut on Mo Ran, and he was cut back step by step, leaving a flash of electric flowers on his body.

But still did not reinvent the other side, not to the point of injury.

Uncertainly smiled and waved, and then opened the body of Xiao Chen. When the backhand wanted to grab the blade, Xiao Chen quickly pulled out.

Without grasping the blade, he was not in a hurry. He smiled and said: "It’s useless, unless you can perfectly display the Chinese martial arts, or my defense, you can't break it!"

"I don't think of it, it is him who hides the deepest, and the defense is so abnormal."

"It is indeed perverted. If Xiao Chen does not appear, continue to fight. It is very likely that the champion is him. This defense is a bit too strong."

"Even Xiao Chen defeated Huang Yun's martial arts, and he couldn't hurt him. He really couldn't think of how to break his defense."

Its slightly perverted defense, everyone has already seen it. Previously, Jiang Feng had already displayed the Chinese martial arts, and he did not succeed in breaking his defense.

It’s just that now, even the thundering dragon of Xiao Chen can’t break his physical defense, which makes people feel amazed.

"This body is really a bit tricky. Is it necessary to use the moment to be brilliant?"

The figure fluttered off the ground and looked at the silence of the electric flower. Xiao Chen thought about it. Since the other person's body is so strong, he still stands to let himself do what he does.

Xiao Chen’s heart has been very calm, and he has not lost the ability to think independently because of the other’s ridicule.

Because he is very clear, sometimes in the game, deliberate teasing is part of the strategy.

Mo Ran began to ridicule, his defense itself can not be broken, will it be part of the strategy?

Just want him, keep attacking, and then completely tired, then come back to fight.

If it is true, his body should have weaknesses. If not, such a strong body, not afraid of their own martial arts, even if they are chasing themselves to fight.

This guy has absolutely weakness!

"It seems that the white robe knife, but the waves are so famous, are you doing this?"

Mo Yan mouth slightly tilted, sarcasm said, step by step, step by step.

Only his ridicule is completely immune to Xiao Chen, and he is even more convinced that the other's body must have weaknesses.


In the morning of Xiao Chen’s mind, he blinked and stared at Mo Ran’s footsteps. The guy’s footsteps did not completely leave the ground from the beginning.

There will always be one foot left on the ground, and looking closely, his feet and the ground seem to follow a certain law, sitting in the cycle of harmony between man and nature.

This must be the case, his strongest defense state, only let his feet stick to the ground.

Otherwise, he has some kind of treasure on his body, just like his own sea crown, only standing on the water to display the water.

After he left the ground, the strongest defense state could never be displayed.

"Why, are you ready to admit defeat? Now let me lose, I can let you decently withdraw, otherwise, how do you let Huang Yun get out, I will let you get out!"

The murderousness of Mo Ran’s body suddenly converges and oppresses the past toward Xiao Chen’s.

The skin that is exposed to the outside has a dazzling luster and a strong visual impact. This is the body of steel that makes the average person feel desperate.

"I want to admit defeat?"

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and said calmly: "You can't hold it anymore! How does Huang Yun go down, you give me the same, roll it down!"


The moonshadow knife reversed in the hands of Xiao Chen, and then slammed into the ground, and suddenly won the scene, his face suddenly changed.

But everything is too late, and the blade is inserted into the ground for a moment, and the power of Xiao Chen’s law is madly coming in.

In an instant, the ground cracked, a force burst from the ground, the cracked ground, turned into countless rocks, was rushed into the air by this force.

First and foremost, with the stones under the feet, the whole person was vacated.


In the thousandth of a second that he bounced, there was a bright moon in the moon, and he couldn’t avoid it when he didn’t rise at speed.

With the slashing of the knife, there is the soul of the sixty percent of the soul of Xiao Chen.

This trick is full of moons, although the speed is fast, but with the accompaniment of the 60% Thunder knife soul, the power is not low.

If the sharpness is more than the previous Thunder Dragon, it is even worse.

Rubbing, this knife went down, accompanied by a scream of screaming, pulling out a long **** mouth, almost falling off his half body.

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