Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1323: One person retired

In the eyes of this cold, the accomplishments in swordsmanship are unique and quite powerful.

If it is not the soul of the knife to restrain the other side slightly, the physical body is really strong, and the other side is too strong. Just now, Xiao Chen can never achieve such a big advantage.

The same is a trick, Xiao Chen's knife, piercing the other's left chest, and the cold swordsman, only opened a hole in his right shoulder, the bones are not broken.

Its cold ice swords, constantly eroding the wound, makes Xiao Chen very uncomfortable, but Xiao Chen is much better than the cold wounds.

On the single sword, Xiao Chen asks, the other party is not worse than himself, even because the other party spends time on the sword.

If it is better than skill, even better than Xiao Chen himself, Xiao Chen is mainly creating a unique knife that is his own, and has an advantage.

However, Xiao Chen not only has a single knife repair, but his technique of refining is also standing out from the crowd.

Unless the opponent's swordsmanship is a whole lot higher than himself, if it is just a match, it is impossible to win.

Hearing the other party, he still had to compare himself with a sword. Xiao Chen’s interest was immediately picked up.

What kind of sword can make the other side feel that under such a disadvantage, it can also turn over.

Xiao Chen Shen Sheng said: "Well, I will give you the opportunity to show your sword, not to fight with you."

If you delay, you only need to fight again and do not give the other party the opportunity to send the sword. With the physical training, this battle, Xiao Chen steady victory.

Now, to give the other side a sword, the outcome is a bit suspenseful.

However, Xiao Chen didn't care. He didn't think about attending this day's arrogance summit.

It was just an accident, and the Yanshi Wang was thrown into this whirlpool, and it was safe to come.

If you want to fight, then you will have a good time.

For the outcome, Xiao Chen has already seen very light and weak, and his mood has exceeded that of his peers.

In the eyes of Leng Xin, there was a slight accident. I didn’t expect Xiao Chen’s promise to be so happy. For the real victory and defeat, it seems to be a little lighter than he himself.

"Thank you."

Silence was half-smooth, cold and slightly bent, said sincerely.

In such a scene, all the warriors present at the scene felt a little bit moving, and the white-knife knives were so brave that people had to admire them.

Occupy a great advantage, but also calmly concede, just to see the other side of the mouth that may be defeated by a sword.

Everyone’s mind has four words, that is: the king’s demeanor!

The bottom of my heart is the deepest, and the natural non-Sima Lingxuan is none other than.

I always feel that I am not at a level between Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen. Although the repair is not much different, the martial arts exercises are weaker than the other.

But he is born with a kind of idea that can never catch up with it, and there is an inexplicable despair and pain in his mind.

Holding the right hand of the sword, shivering, fists in the left hand, nails embedded in the flesh, scarlet blood infiltrated.

"Polite, you and I are all in temperament, don't need to be so cautious, please!"

Xiao Chen reached out and made a gesture of asking, and then put on the posture, holding his breath, facing the unknown sword, did not dare to have any care.

Leng Xin quickly reached out to his wound, grabbed a few acupuncture points, stopped the further expansion of the injury, and then took a deep breath and began to mobilize all the laws of the body.

"This sword, named Million Xiongbing, is a sword I created. It is still not perfect. The power is even beyond my control. I also want Xiaoxi to be careful."

"Millions of male ice? Very domineering names, all of you say that you understand the will of the ice, unique, then I will wait and see!"


The expression of Leng Xin was solemn, and the long sword in his hand trembled quickly. This tremor was different from the general sword.

In this tremor, people heard it. The pride of Jin Ge Tie Ma, in all directions, resounded the sound of tens of thousands of horses, and the heroic blood and murderousness continued to spread from the cold.

This murderous violent meaning is hard to believe, it is from a seemingly bloodless cold.

Cold Xin spit out a blood, sprinkled over the blade, and the trembling long sword stopped.

All the momentum on the body suddenly condensed, that is, a sword stabbed out in front of it.

The subsequent cold, standing in the ground, quickly danced the sword. A piece of sword light, swaying the human eye, between the breath, they waved hundreds of different swords.

A sword out, a million male ice, across the sea!

The cold light flickers, the shadows flutter, the moisture in the air, all frozen under this sword.

Turned into a virtual and solid figure, each figure, holding a sword, long hair fluttering. The sword light that is swayed in the cold, the only thing that shines on these figures, makes these figures more difficult to distinguish.

Moreover, the waving swords of each figure are different, as if the sword light that danced in the cold is printed on this countless figure.

On the stage, there is no end to the sword.

Millions of male ice, although exaggerated, can be so powerful, endless momentum, and truly feel the tens of thousands of horses rushing, vertical and horizontal arrogance.

Xiao Chen’s eyes are condensed, and this infinite sword shadow has rushed to the surface. There is a huge arrogance that sweeps the world, giving people an extremely small feeling.

It is no wonder that this coldness will put hope on this sword, and it is indeed a sword of horror.

His mind was caught in an unprecedented tension, stepping a little, and moving backwards and backwards.

Every turn, there is a vision that swings out of the body of Xiao Chen.

On the first lap, flying a **** moon, the red moonlight, reveals a bleakness straight into the bottom of my heart.

On the second lap, a white **** flower with a **** color flew out of the body, and the residual flower was like blood, all over the grief.

On the third lap, there was a vast expanse of snow at the foot of Xiao Chen, and I couldn’t see it.

On the fourth lap, a piece of blue dragon shadow was flying out. Among the dragon shadows, there was a white knives, and the sound of the dragons screamed, demonstrating the peerless domineering of the swordsman.

On the fifth lap, Xiao Chen stopped his footsteps and turned back to be a knife. He chopped out.

Before coming, he realized that the vision needed for the glory of the moment is not a blind quantity, but a combination of precision and precision.

Move with the heart, combine into different brilliant pictures, face a variety of different martial arts, this is the real moment of glory that he realized after he entered the threshold.

Blood Moon, residual flowers, snow, dragon shadow, swordsman, and the million-year-old ice that has been chasing after the world.

As Xiao Chen finally broke out, everything was instantly condensed to form a brilliant picture.

Presented in the eyes of everyone, it is such a picture, the blood of the sky is high, the ground is snowy, the flowers are floating in the air, a peerless swordsman, dancing in the dragon, facing the million soldiers alone!

Such arrogant martial arts, once brought out, on the spot will give all the warriors who watched the war deeply shocked.

Gorgeous, brilliant, domineering, mysterious, this knife is the moment of glory!

With this knife, a million male ice, can you help me!

This sword of Leng Xin has already opened his eyes. I did not expect that the ice will be used as such. However, this knife of Xiao Chen completely subverts the concept of all people. The knife can also be used like this.

"Space conception? Not right, just a little bit of it, it's still a long way off, I still have a chance."

Stop the cold of the sword, a little horrified, a hint of perseverance in his eyes. The left hand and the **** close together, sticking to the blade, slamming up and drawing a string of scarlet blood beads.

The brilliant picture suddenly stained with a piece of blood, and the desolation of the picture seemed even more bleak.

The million male ice that has been suppressed, in its waves, is covered in blood and seems to want to break free.

"Don't give up? Then I will kill you this million male ice!"

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, there is a trace of the king's domineering, the left hand is a finger, the picture is shattered, and countless roads are holding the sword. At the moment when the picture was broken, it was ruined by the force of a space.

Can have a cold blood blessing, these swords, after all, have not been broken into pieces. These powerful soldiers, who are still greatly reduced, are still looming and have died in the morning.

In the heart of Xiao Chen, there was a passion, a hand-held knife, roots in the footsteps, and one step back, so he chopped down.


Sixty percent of the Thunder knife soul, unreserved use, Xiao Chen condensed the Qinglong battle armor, so the knife and the knife cut down.

A thunder is not extinguished, and Wan Leiqi Ming, the million-male ice that has been greatly reduced in power, has been relegated back.

A person with a knife, a million soldiers!

Countless swords that have come back, so that Leng Xin can no longer hold on, spit out a blood, and the sword in his hand should fall to the ground.

"I lost!"

Defeated orally, cold and bitter laughter, bent down rude, admit defeat, picked up a long sword, silently retreat.

If you don't enter the glorious threshold of the moment, you can combine the scrolls with your heart. In the past, the brilliance of the moment, absolutely can not stop this sword, even now, Xiao Chen won't be easy.

The power of the law is almost exhausted, and the body is even scarred.


Tens of thousands of spectators at the scene, collectively got up, cheered for Xiao Chen, cheering for the coldness of the exit. There is no reason for this. This last sword-and-sword competition is really wonderful. It makes people feel excited and can’t wait to experience it for themselves.

It’s just that Xiao Chen’s current state, but also the final battle, it really makes people have to worry.

Unexpectedly, after the cheers, Xiao Chen’s last opponent, Sima Lingxuan, made a decision that surprised everyone.

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