Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1324: Thousand years of past events

Huang Yun, Mo Ran, and Leng Xin successively lost, and Xiao Chen, who came with a strong killing order, only had to face the last opponent, Sima Lingxuan.

Can Chen Chen's current state, the use of several killings in a row, the non-stop round of the battle, facing the peers are also the leader.

The power of the law is almost exhausted, and there are countless scars on the body, especially the cold-blooded million male ice. Although Xiao Chen relies on his own strength, he has forced the retreat of this million soldiers, and it is indeed not light.

Bloody wounds, misty, with the resistance of the ice sword, so that Xiao Chen's injury is difficult to recover.

If you want to recover quickly, you have to stop and concentrate on removing the ice sword. After that, you can heal with only a few breath wounds in the body of Xiao Chen.

According to the rules of the challenge, Xiao Chen had no time to stop. He had to drag the same body to face his last opponent.

But this is the case that is beneficial to Sima Lingxuan. He unexpectedly said one sentence: "I admit defeat!"

You can see his complex complex eyes, his eyes filled with painful emotions, the right hand of the sword, shivering, no one knows why he would have such a situation.

Speaking of such a sentence, in the case of taking advantage of the situation, suddenly chose to admit defeat.

It’s really awkward, so many people can’t expect it.

The old man in the city’s main house was obviously stunned for a long time. After a long time, he said: “Sima Lingxuan, you can think about it, really want to admit defeat.”

"In this case, even if it is defeated, what is the meaning, what is the meaning! In the past ten years, I am still not as good as him, my efforts, what is it!"

Sima Lingxuan seems to be in a state of madness, his eyes are red, and he is desperate, full of pain.


Suddenly, he took out his long sword and he slammed his hand. The sword that accompanied him for ten years was broken. The sword was broken into several pieces, and his palms and wounded blood were drenched.

Such a scene, shocked everyone, completely do not know what Sima Lingxuan suffered.

Sima Lingxuan, who was empty, looked at Xiao Chen with a complex look. He ran away from the venue and ran towards the distance without looking back.

No one knows what happened except Xiao Chen.

Looking at the back of Sima Lingxuan, Xiao Chen was slightly saddened. He is very aware of Sima Lingxuan's helplessness, despair and anger and pain.

In the middle of the Cangjie world, he first came out of Mohe City, and in the hands of Chu Chaoyun, he lost half a stroke, which is also a helpless despair.

Xiao Chen was lucky. In the final battle of the Five Kingdoms, he defeated Chu Chaoyun and broke his own demons, thus embarking on a more brilliant front.

But Sima Lingxuan, who worked hard for ten years, made a big name in the dark city. You can see yourself still invincible, and it will inevitably collapse in your heart and be completely desperate.

This great world is so cruel.

Sima Lingxuan is waiting for despair, and waiting for himself will be desperate?

If after ten years, I will see the completely invincible Chu Chaoyun, will it also collapse with the Sima Lingxuan today.

one way or another.

The Tianjiao Summit ended here. Xiao Chen became the first leader to use the killing order since the 10,000-year-old.

He won all the rewards of the top four, a total of five thousand fine stone, and three Chinese-style martial arts, and he was all alone.

This Tianjiao Summit can be described as a climax, unexpected accidents, various variables, dazzling.

The slashing of the white knives, the three defeats, plus the previous drunken squad, the slashing of the test of the iron man's deeds, will make the name of Xiao Chen, the name of the Quartet.

In particular, the final battle with Leng Xin is even more eye-opening and amazing. The brilliant picture of that scene, I am afraid that the warriors present will not forget forever, and will be imprinted in my mind forever.

Together with Ba Yan and Batu, they rushed back to Yanshi Castle. Xiao Chen handed over two of the three Chinese-style martial arts to two.

Only leave one of the knife's middle-class martial arts, and the five thousand fine stone.

The importance of the Chinese-style martial arts is not to be discussed. It is only 5,000 pieces of fine stone, which makes Xiao Chen harvest a lot.

With so many fine stone, he quickly cultivated to the peak of Dacheng Zhundi, without any problems.

I am afraid that I will arrive at the Devil Sea. If I am repaired, I will be able to reach the peak of Dacheng Zhundi. When I go to Leidi Dongfu to find the death fruit, the time is just right.

When I arrived at Yanshi Castle, Xiao Chen immediately went to his yard. Now, how can he not know, the old man of the Mai is the famous top of the Black Sea, Yanshi Wang!

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I was surprised to find that the old man on the dragon platform and the old man in the Mai, was busy with the heat, and carried out earth-shaking renovations for the already repaired dragon platform.

What is this going to do?

No, how does Jiaojia mix with this old man?

Xiao Chen feels that his brain is not enough. After sleeping for half a month, there are too many things he doesn't know.

Xiao Huangmao first discovered Xiao Chen, a sharp scream, and immediately flew and flew over and fell onto Xiao Chen’s shoulder.

Xiao Chen threw it a star nucleus, happy little guy, joyfully, flying around Xiao Chenfei.

The old man in Ma Yi looked up and smiled: "Hey, big sister, look, who is your family back?"


He said that his face was black, and raising his hand was a punch. He slammed the past and flew the old man in the linen.

Xiao Chen was shocked and went forward: "Gengjiao, this is a predecessor, don't mess."

Who knows that Jiao Jiao grinned: "Predecessors? You look at him, dare to face me, called the predecessors."

"Hey, don't worry about this bad old man, how is the Tianjiao summit, failure or success. This bad old man, after I took it away, I wouldn't fight if I didn't talk, I lost you, but I was worried."

Jiao Jiao replaced a smile, a cheeky face, revealing a fascinating smile, asked with concern.

Xiao Chen’s heart, it seems that the two are really old-fashioned, let go of their hearts, and simply talk about the things at the Tianjiao Summit.

"Oh, I am right, let you not worry, but do not believe." Ma Yi old man laughed and walked over, no posture, can not see the temper of the king of the king.

Geng Jiao black face, still ignore him.

Half an hour later, Xiao Chen finally figured out that the relationship between Jiao Jiao and Ma Yi, who is Yanshi Wang.

Thousands of years ago, it was the peak of Lei Di Mulberry. At that time, the mulberry wood was already a famous emperor, and was called the first person under the king's emperor.

Even the great kings of the king did not dare to fight against Mulberry, fearing that they would lose their reputation after losing.

When Yan Jiao accompanied Lei Di to the Dark Sea, the King of Yanshi, who was only a 13-year-old child, just emerged. Lei Di’s eyes were clear, and at a glance he saw the talent of Yanshi Wang. When he was staying in the Black Sea, he taught him for a while.

Although there is no teacher or apprenticeship, it is also a half apprentice and a leader.

Later, when Yan Shiwang hit Wudi, it was still that Lei Di personally protected the law, so that he was free from the interference of the enemy and successfully survived the fire.

The Yanshi Wangtou Taobao Li, when Lei Di hit the king of the emperor, also exiled his life to help the Mulberry King.

The two are regarded as teachers and friends. For Lei Di Sangmu, in the heart of Yanshi Wang, they will always be a predecessor and a good friend. More is grateful and admirable.

"Amount, say the predecessor, why has it always been called Jiao Jiao's big sister?" After listening to it, Xiao Chen understood the matter and asked him.

Yan Shiwang laughed after listening, and a sad tone said: "I have a long story. I was also very miserable. I was forced to call my eldest sister under someone’s fist. If I don’t call it, it’s one. The lesson, it is bitter to think of it."

"Now it's good, just call it, or a beggar."

Yan Shiwang looked like a grievance, so that Xiao Chen couldn't help but know how it happened. When she was sleeping for a thousand years, she still looked like a little girl. The Yanshi Wang really became a bad old man. Being called a big sister by such a person would definitely be angry.

However, angry and angry, I can see that the two people’s actions are also mostly played, and they are very reminiscing about the situation of the year.

After the playfulness, Yan Shiwang showed a serious expression and looked at Xiao Chen: "I heard the older sister say, do you want to inherit the legacy of Lei Di?"

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