Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1332: Eight Star Dragon Tomb

The giant elephant family is known for its powerlessness. The natural strong man, with a slight push, is a few million pounds of strength.

As we all know, the speed of turning the power is much faster than the force of the law and the real yuan. Almost every thought is made, and the strength is made.

Many people saw this black-faced man suddenly started, and they all expected the next scene. Xiao Chen will definitely be pushed out by the students, and he will hit the wall of the Mige.

To their surprise, when the black-faced man started, Xiao Chen with flowing gloves, with a faster shot speed, followed by a black-faced man.

Then, with a bang, I saw a black-faced man, whose body was like a cannonball, and was quickly pushed out, and then caught off guard and fell directly to the ground.

The appearance is a bit funny.

Everyone who saw this scene, with a bright eye and once again bowed to Xiao Chen, showed a cautious attitude.

Especially the arrogance, it seems quite unexpected, did not think that Xiao Chen in addition to the fancy action, there is such a great strength.

It is possible to push the giants of the giant elephants, although there are reasons for Xiao Chen’s fast hands, but his strength must not be underestimated.

"Enough, the person I chose, I still can't use you to test."

Half-step Wu Di Yang Tian in the field, knocked on the table, and screamed the black-faced man who climbed up and wanted to continue to dry.

"The strength of the independent and arrogant people have no opinions. Now the strength of this little brother, I think everyone has no opinion." Yang said faintly.

"Oh, let the giants of the giant elephants eat such a big loss in strength, how can we have opinions." The fat man said with a smile, causing the giant-faced black-faced man, extremely unhappy.

However, due to the open face, it is not good to get angry, but can only resist the grievances.

A group of military people said that they had no opinions. Yang Tian introduced himself and then said to Xiao Chen: "Since the younger brother has come, I must have guessed some of my thoughts. Then I will make a long story short. The old man is in this dragon grave. I found an eight-star dragon grave that I have never visited before. If the little brother is interested, I can join in."

"If you are not interested, it doesn't matter. I am stunned and you sleep for a few days, so as not to leak our news."

The eight-star dragon soul is still the eight-star dragon soul that has not been visited.

Xiao Chen’s heart and mind, some understand why this is so open, so mysterious, and cautiously invite so many people.

Form a luxury team with a huge luxury.

Dragon tombs are known everywhere in the Dragon Tombs, and, without exception, they have been visited by people, and they have been scraped over and over again. Also go to join in the excitement, even if there is a harvest, it is not much better.

In such an environment, the value of a dragon grave that has not been discovered can be imagined.

The reason why there are so many people, for no reason, the Eight Star Dragon Tomb, has been second only to the extinct land of the ancient Long Tomb.

The value is high and the risk is also high. Even if you take the half-step Wudi's strength, you can't eat it alone.

As for what to say, stunned Xiao Chen to sleep for a few days, it is estimated that it will lie to the children, if Xiao Chen does not agree, it will definitely be uplifted by the crowd here, killing people.

If you are concerned about your interests, how can you have a bit of compassion?

Xiao Chen thought for a moment, and finally chose to promise, eight-star dragon grave, he also wanted to see what kind of treasure would be.

"Well, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, really understands the righteousness. Then I will say well first, I will take up 20% of the treasures of Long Tomb, and the rest of you will be divided equally by the skill. Of course, some scattered treasures on the way, who first discovered, first won Whose, this does not have to be divided."

Yang said a relatively fair method of distributing treasures, and then continued: "Since all are in a team, they are all on the same boat. No matter what kind of grievances you have before, as long as the team is not dissolved, it will never allow fratricidalism. ""

"Especially, in order to kill each other, my ugly words are in front of me. Whoever starts first, who will be abolished? The danger of the Eight Star Dragon Tomb is bigger than you think. Don't break this because of this. The entire team."

With the strength of the half-step Wudi, it is still very deterrent to say this. Of course, what will happen specifically, it is not clear, which one is not an unruly existence.

Whoever has no self-protection strength, dare to cooperate with the half-step Wudi.

Everyone said that they would not make such things. Yang Tiandao said: "Well, if you have nothing to prepare, let's set off immediately."

A few people have nothing to prepare, and they will each leave separately after discussion, and then meet at the bottom of the sea outside Baolong Island.

After all, the team of ten people is a bit too eye-catching and easy to leak news.

"Xiao Chen is careful. Although the funerary objects of the Eight Star Dragon Tomb are rich, the danger should be equally great. I don't know what weird things will come across."

At the time of preparation for the departure, Jia Jiao’s words reminded that every adventure of Xiao Chen would make her worry for a while.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "I know that I still have the golden feathers left by the little yellow hair, which is not enough to get out."

"It is best not to use it."

In the heart of the singer, he said quietly, opening the treasure of Lei Di, my strength should also be improved, and I can help Xiao Chen at that time.

I only hope that before this, Xiao Chen will be fine.

After half an hour, under the agreed sea water, all the people arrived, and they opened the door without saying a word.

With the footsteps of Yang Tian, ​​everyone is falling in the bottom of the sea.

Ten thousand meters, 20,000 meters, fell more than 100,000 meters before falling to the bottom of the sea.

It is completely in the deep sea, in the darkness, from time to time you can see some glowing fish, colorful corals, and various mines.

The world under the sea is not boring, the deep sea giant trees, the sea mountains that are winding, the powerful sea creatures and beasts, and so on.

Yang said that he was very familiar with this area and had explored it many times.

The light-sports road is crowded with people, stopping in a series of seamounts that are constantly rising.


Hold up a huge energy cover, separate the sea water, wrap the people inside, and open the way and point to one direction: "There is the entrance to the dragon cave, but there is a seal of the law, which needs to be forcibly broken."

Looking in the direction of his fingers, outside the 10,000 meters, two ancient mottled stone gates locked a huge cave house.

"I come!"

The black-faced man of the Colossus, stepping forward, stepped out of the energy hood and ran wildly in the sea. The huge energy caused the sea to rise and fall.

Yang Kai did not stop, the stone gate of this hole he had explored, the age is long, the power of the array is greatly reduced, it is not difficult to break open.

A punch hit, hitting the stone gate, the whole mountain began to shake.

Above the stone gate, I don’t know how many stone chips fall, but there are no obvious cracks.

Booming and banging, dozens of punches continue to fall, Shimen is crumbling, there is a tendency to collapse at any time, that is, not to fall, toughness.

With a slight frown, the toughness of this stone door is somewhat unexpected. It is so long and can withstand such torture.

Looking up at the middle-aged couple, Yang said: "Help him."

The middle-aged couple each smashed a sword, and the long sword behind it slammed out like a two-sea dragon. It crossed over 10,000 meters and hit the stone gate.

With a bang, the stone door was completely smashed, and then the two swords were echoed.

Very beautiful hand, attracted a lot of gaze, the most depressing is the black-faced man, laboriously bombarded a dozen punches, was directly blown by two swords.

"Go, don't separate after you go in."

When Yang Tian said one thing, he took the lead and walked, and the group followed.

Walking in the last Xiao Chen, I always felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, licking my fingers and using the dragon to find the feng shui of this place.

The result was some unexpected discovery that this place is not a reverse dragon.

The so-called "following life, against the death, only the dragon vein where the dragon is located is the best place to bury the dead.

Continue to speculate that Xiao Chen was surprised to find that this place is not the dragon vein where Shunlong is located, but is at a node where the reverse is reversed.

There was a flash in my mind, and I just wanted to continue thinking about it, but I found that my eyes had already been seen.

Xiao Chen stopped scrutinizing and followed.

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